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1. If you had $1.500 USD, what innovation would you create for your profession? (give 3 different
options minimum, - 4 different options maximum)

 If we had $1500 USD we would create a robot to print copies on chemical paper.

 If we had $1500 USD we would create a system to cross-reference the information and
reach a reconciliation of accounts payable and receivable.

 If we had $1500 USD we would create an enterprise Resource Plan (ERP) that would allow
us to create suppliers linked to tax and cost accounts so that the supplier invoice and NIT
would graduate when the system generates the accrual.

 If we had $1500 USD, we would create a more optimal accounting system application for
the company, with the purpose of improving the monthly recording of costs, expenses and
other functions incurred by the company.

2. How could that innovation make your work easier?

 For me it would simplify my work and could allow me to streamline my daily work.

 For us it would facilitate the work of the area, optimize its processes. could save time and
provide necessary information for decision-making.

 Creating the application would make it easier for us to enter or record costs and other
functions since it would save the company a lot of time and money and we could invest it
in future renovations.

 For me the process carried out by the erp system is magnificent since it facilitates us to
keep a faster accounting clearer and more effective because the system helps us to
organize in a better way the information as it is the realization of accounting closures.

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