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The Biggest Enemy of SUCCESS!


Now, the biggest enemy of success, I would say there are three enemies of success. The first
big enemy is the COMFORT ZONE. The comfort zone is where people become comfortable
doing what they’re doing, and they don’t like to change. So, there’s a tremendous resistance
to change in our society. Eighty percent (80%) of our population finds reasons not to change
even if the change can be positive or beneficial. The second thing that holds people back is
what we called LEARNED HELPLESSNESS. This is where people feel “I can’t do it”. And the
third enemy is what we call the PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE, which is always looking for an
easy way to achieve a result. But nothing worthwhile can be achieved easily.

FOUR THINGS to stop right now!


ONE, trying to please everybody. You are no under obligation to set yourself on fire to keep
other people warm.

TWO, living in the past. Every moment that you spend in the past is a moment that you waste
in the present.

THREE, overthinking. Worrying never accomplished anything. So don’t stress over what you
can’t control.

FOUR, putting yourself down. You talk to yourself more than anybody. So be kind.

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