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Name: Rosemarie Sabroso 12 - Analytic

Test I
2000’s 1. Facebook was launched.
1980’s 2. TCP/IP was adopted as a standard for ARPANET
2000’s 3. Netflix started offering video streaming services.
2010’s 4. WannaCry ransomware crippled large enterprises worldwide
2000’s 5. YouTube was launched.
2000’s 6. Google released the Chrome web browser
1980’s 7. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
2000’s 8. Wikipedia was launched.
1970’s 9. The first spam event happened.
1990’s 10. Google was founded.

Test II

Shortcut Key What it does

Ctrl+Shift+T Reopens previously closed tab
Tab Moves cursor to the next navigable element
F5 Reloads the page
Ctri+0 (zero) Returns to default zoom level
Ctrl+D Bookmarks the current tab

Test III
1. Singapore Airlines

2. Batalla

3. Bubalus Mindorensis
4. US size 37AA shoes (UK size 36 or approximately a European size 75), equivalent to 47cm
(18½ in) long.

5. Five (5) Goals


1. Most used or visited apps and websites

 Messenger - 3 hours
 Netflix- 3 hours
 Tiktok- 2 hours
 Facebook- 1 hour
 Instagram- 30 minutes
 Google- 30 minutes
 Pinterest- 30 minutes
 Twitter- 20 minutes

2. I think my daily internet usage is too much, my time on the internet is not well balanced because I
have discovered that I spend a lot of time using those apps that are not essential, which makes me
distracted from my schoolwork and also makes me lazy sometimes to do some household chores.
I would like to change this because it has a negative impact on me and hinders my productivity.
Additionally, I can spend more quality time with my friends and family. I would change this by
controlling and balancing my time properly and disciplining myself for my own good.

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