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Kelsey Tinker

Dr. Gleasman
EDSP 204
Unit 5 Mastery Project
Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Organisms need WHAT to survive?

Students will be able to determine what plants need to live and grow (including water and light).
Students will be able to create observations of what animals need to survive and grow (including
air, water, nutrients, and shelter).
Students will be able to communicate information about the needs of organisms to explain why
they live in particular areas.

State Standards: Standard K.L.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of

organisms found in the environment and how these organisms depend on the environment to
meet those needs.

Context: This lesson is a kindergarten life science lesson that is based on exploring
organisms and the environment they inhabit. Within this lesson, I will teach students that
plants and animals both need certain resources in order to survive. Students will gain an
understanding of why organisms choose to live in certain environments and not others. My
previous lesson consisted of teaching students how to identify and differentiate organisms
such as plants and animals. Students are able to identify plants from animals. Students have
the prior knowledge of knowing what an environment is and the many different kinds of
environments on earth. All of this prior information is needed for the students to grasp my
current lesson. The next lesson will focus on objective K.L.2A.3, which requires students to
create a model of how animals use their body parts to (1) obtain food and other resources, (2)
protect themselves, and (3) move from place to place. Students will need the information of
the kinds of resources plants and animals need from their environment to survive before they
can create a model of how a plant or animal physically obtains them.

Data: I will group the students in teams of 3’s, 4’s, or 5’s depending on the number of
students present in the class. The students will be grouped based on a worksheet that
they completed and turned in last class. The worksheet asked students to circle examples
of an environment as well as cross out any non-examples of an environment. I will base
my groups on the correctness and demonstrated level of understanding on the subject of
what an environment is. In this lesson, student data will be gathered from their
explanation of the resources in their created environment from the teacher direction
portion of the lesson, online quiz from the independent digital portion of the lesson, and
the Kahoot game that will take place at the end of the lesson.


Part of lesson Materials used Link

Introduction ● Smartboard ●

● Notecards with group om/watch?v=gIRR-V
number (1-3) dIP1M

Teacher Directed ● iPad ● https://mrnussbaum.c

● Link to stimulation om/habitat-maker-onli

Collaborative ● 2 Worksheets
● Ipad
● Link to game
● https://leara-elearni

Independent Digital ● Links to virtual quiz, ●

song, and word search min/quiz/58f8be8a8c8
● iPad a75100093a9c1/anima
● Online Word search l-basic-needs

● https://thewordsearch.

Closure ● iPad ● https://embed.kahoot.i

● Code to Kahoot game t/a5d8ed70-0173-456

Introduction (20 minutes): I will start the lesson by asking students to share with me their
favorite environment to do homework in and why. This opening question will remind students of
the material we learned in the previous lesson by making them think of different environments
that are ideal for studying and working in. I will follow this question by explaining to the
students that the kind of environment they choose allows them to work to the best of their ability
and may even provide them with materials that could help them do their homework more
efficiently. I will next ask another question to get the students thinking about the material they
will be learning about by asking what three things they would choose to have if they were
deserted on an island. This will get the students thinking of what resources humans may need for
survival. I will explain to the students that plants and animals need certain resources to survive
just like humans and even animals choose their environments wisely to ensure they have access
to those resources! After the students respond to my desert island question I will explain that
humans don’t need electronics, entertainment, or any other answer that students may have
produced that are unnecessary to survive and explain to them that humans really only need a few
things to survive on a desert island even though students may feel as though they would die
without their bed, computers, etc. I will conclude the conversation by telling the students that
they will be learning about what plants and animals need from their environments in order to
survive. I will use the smartboard to play two videos one on plants and one on animals to
introduce and share what those needed survival resources are. After the two videos, I will
explain and give the students directions on each of the stations and split the students into groups.
I will group students in groups of four. I will give each group a random number, this number will
tell the groups which station they will start with. The groups that receive a number one will go to
teacher instruction, groups who receive a number two will do collaborative work, and the group
with the number three will work in the independent work station. In addition to telling them
where to go, I will give brief explanations on how to use each of the tools or materials that the
students will be using.

Teacher-Directed (15 minutes): In this part of the lesson, we will start by talking about how
animals’ environments supply them with the needed resources for survival which they learned
from watching the videos in the introduction portion of the lesson. I will ask the students what an
animal needs from its environment to survive. Next, I will give each student an iPad from the
iPad cart. I will then instruct students to visit the online simulator that is linked in the lesson
materials where the students will create their own animal, its environment, and the resources it
needs to survive. After students have finished their animal and environment stimulation they will
need to verbally share with me the name of their animal, the environment they created for their
animal, and how the environment provides the needed resources for survival. I will be checking
to make sure students include air, food, water, and shelter in their virtual simulation

Collaborative (15 minutes): In this section, the group of students will be expected to complete
two worksheets as a group. The first worksheet will have students identify what a plant needs to
survive and the second worksheet will have the students focus on the similarities and differences
between what animals and plants need to survive in their environments. The students will be
expected to play an online game that will be linked in their Google Classroom, where they need
to provide the correct amount of resources to a plant. This game will show students the
consequences if a plant gets too much or too little of the needed resources to survive. Students
will then take a screenshot of their score to look back on at the end of the lesson.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): During this portion of the lesson, students will
independently listen to the song that is linked to the Google Classroom page. Students will then
independently complete the online quiz that will also be linked to the Google Classroom page.
Lastly, students will work independently to complete the Plants and Animal Survival word
search. The word search will give students a chance to practice their spelling while reviewing all
of the vocabulary words within the lesson.

Closure ( 20 minutes): At the end of the lesson, all the students will play a Kahoot game that
asks questions about all the information they have learned in the lesson. Students will use their
iPads to play the game that is linked to Google Classroom. The winner, who got the highest
score in the game, will take home a sunflower that I got from the store. Since the Kahoot will be
played at the end of the lesson, it will act as a review to be able to tell me whether or not the
students understood the concept and if I need to plan further lessons on the subject. I will end the
lesson by asking students if they will like to share with the class their created animal from the
teacher-directed portion of the lesson.


What Plants and Animals need to survive Youtube Videos:

These two youtube videos support student learning by providing the students with the basic
information of what a plant needs to survive as well as what an animal needs to survive. These
videos provide students with the purpose and core context of the lesson. While these videos
serve as useful and purposeful media in the lesson, according to the LORI criteria the videos
serve as a basic application of skills and concepts. Overall, the LORI criteria rating for these two
Youtube videos provide only the basic understanding of animal and plant survival. The videos
are both very age appropriate but only visual and are not interactive or hands on. This
technology is useful as the Youtube videos offer closed captioning

Habitat Maker Online Game:

This multimedia was selected because it is visual, hands on, and allows students to be creative
while scaffolding their knowledge of what an animal needs to survive. Students may not even
realize this game serves an educational purpose because of how enjoyable it will be for them.
According to the LORI criteria, this multimedia would be scored much highly as it is easy to
navigate, organized, goal oriented, engaging, and interactive for the students. This game is
accessible for all students as it is not timed, competitive, or scored and allows players to work at
their own pace. The game controls are all in large capital print which allows all students to
clearly see how to navigate and play the game.

Nutrient Survival Soak Game:

This multimedia was selected because it allows students to be hands on with learning what a
plant needs to survive and what can happen if they are not getting enough or are getting too
much of their needed resources. This game allows for students to showcase their ability on
what a plant needs from their environment without needing to read, listen, or write which
will be helpful for students who struggle with their verbal processing. This multimedia
scores fairly well on the LORI criteria as it is hands on and manipulative however, the game
moves at a fast pace and is not adjustable.

Needs of an Animal Song:

This video is a lighthearted song about the needs of an animal, such as food, air, water, and
shelter. The gentle tone and bright colors are appealing to students in this age range. The video
has good animation for a YouTube song, and the repetition will help students remember key
facts from the lesson, specifically the things needed for an animal to survive. This is especially
helpful because it is the same station as the quiz. This multimedia is helpful to all learners
because the repetition can help students with processing issues, and YouTube offers closed
captioning for students who might need it. According to the LORI criteria, this media is useful as
it provides students to learn in a musical manner and is age appropriate.

Online Animals/Plants Survival Quiz:

This online quiz is more of a formal assessment and will prepare students for the final
Kahoot, which will consist of all of the information they learned throughout the lesson.
Students struggling with their motor skill will find this online quiz more accessible than the
other activities that required motor skills such as the Nutrient plant soak game. According to
the LORI criteria, this multimedia would be rated average as it will be easily accessible for
students to complete, customizable, and easy to navigate.
This multimedia tool is a fun game that quizzes students in an engaging way. Kahoot serves
as an assessment tool as it is competitive and provides students with a score. This media is
very customizable as educators can create their own questions, amount of questions, how
long students have to answer the questions, and the appearance of the questions (images,
pictures, ect). I purposely ended my lesson with a Kahoot as it will give me feedback on
what the students understand and what I may need to review. According to the LORI
criteria, Kahoot receives an average score as it is very customizable, accessible, and
engaging however, it is fast paced and competitive.

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