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Writing high converting follow-up emails for your webinar

Over-arching structure:
5 follow-up emails to remind those who registered to attend your webinar.
Emails touch on the key benefits you elucidated from your preliminary list and uses increasing
scarcity and urgency to compel people to attend.

Email 1:
Subject: IMPORTANT Workshop Details
URL: [insert your webinar URL]
A quick greeting, making sure to use their name then introduce yourself!
A quick reminder on why it’s important to show up on time (e.g. there are limited spots and it's
first come first served)
A reminder of the benefits of attending the webinar (use your bullet point list from your webinar
registration page)
Include two additional links to join the webinar. One on top of the bullet list, and another at the
For an extra punch, include an additional small paragraph teasing once more about why they
should attend (e.g. there will be a special guest)
Finish off with another link to join the webinar then, sign off with your signature.
Add a postscript message with a new registration link for those who may be struggling with the
original links.

Email 2:

Subject: Your webinar replay

URL: [insert your webinar URL]
Talk about the awesome turnout you had at the webinar they missed out on. Remind them of the
big benefit they missed and how gaining it will help them.
Insert your bullet point list once again, and include links to webinar replay on top and bottom of
the bullet point list.
Give a warning that the replay video will be removed in a few days and remind them to not wait!
Finish off with your signature.
Include a postscript showing how and why your process is the best way to achieve the promised
result. (e.g. it's the fastest, cheapest, best, etc.)
Email 3:
Subject: (video) get [big benefit] in [short time frame]
URL: [insert your webinar URL]
Greet them by name and talk about the awesome turnout you had at the webinar that they
missed. Remind them of the big benefit you shared and how it will help them.
Add an impressive result you’ve been able to get for yourself or your client/customers using the
method(s) �you shared on the webinar.
Insert your bullet point list once again, and include links to webinar replay on top and bottom of
the bullet point list.
For added punch, include an additional small paragraph highlighting the power of the informa-
tion you shared such as how it's the cheapest, most premium, fastest, etc.
Before closing, include a warning (all caps) about how the replay video will be removed in just 2
days. After this, add one more link to invite them to watch the webinar.
Close off with a signature and a postscript highlighting the power of the information you shared.
(E.g. how difficult or long it was to acquire it, or the amazing results it’s been able to get you or

Email 4:

Subject: (replay) [big result] formula>>>

URL: [insert your webinar URL]
Greet them by name once again, then talk about the awesome turnout at the webinar they
missed. Share the big benefit/result you shared on the webinar and its power to improve their
Talk about the positive results it’s gotten you or others when they applied the system/pro-
cess/product you shared.
Amplify this by sharing a quick story that demonstrates how powerful, reliable, or fast, etc. your
process is (only use 1 or 2 lines max).
Insert your bullet point benefit list once again, and include links for them to watch the webinar
replay on either end of the list.
For added punch, include an additional small paragraph highlighting the power of the informa-
tion you shared on the webinar by emphasizing how it’s the cheapest, most premium, fastest,
Finish off with your signature and a postscript about how you’ve refined your service/product
over the years. Emphasis on how unique it is and how you’re the only one with this method or
Include an additional postscript warning them that the replay video will be removed tomorrow so
they shouldn’t wait any longer!
Email 5:

Subject: (first name) LAST Chance!>>

URL: [insert your webinar URL]
Immediately warn them that today will be their last chance to view this free training!
Talk about what you shared on the webinar once more and the big promise they missed out on.
Share the beneficial results you or others have gotten since using the system/product/service you
mentioned on the webinar.
Insert your bullet point list once again, and include links on either side of the list linking to the
webinar replay.
For added punch, include an additional small paragraph highlighting the power of the informa-
tion you shared on the webinar by emphasizing how it’s the cheapest, most premium, fastest,
Finish off with your signature and a postscript about how you've refined your service/product
over the years. Emphasize how unique it is and how you’re the only one with this unique method.
Include an additional postscript warning them that the replay video will be removed tonight at
midnight so they shouldn’t wait any longer!


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