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Division of topics and subtopics

Phycological violence

Violence Domestic violence

Verbal violence
Sexual violence

Throughout the entire history of humanity there have

always been a riveting, yet, dreadful issue which have
never been concluded, it is known as violence that goes
from the battlefield of wars to even domestic violence in
homes. Besides, this controversial topic has proliferated
due to the justifications which are allow through
government in order to preserve their stability and protect
their own ego. For this reason , I strongly believe this
paramount issue must be studied and embodied over a

War has been fiancieted by goverments

For instance: The US financing Ucraine or even the United Nations.

´´War and persecution cause not only material harm but also produce
extreme psychological suffering for those who must both live and
survive under such circumstances´´Becker, D. (2004).
Tactica de lapices de colores
Surge en el siglo XX

Johann Sebastian Staedtler primer excursionista.

Forero Tejada, D. (2022)

Permite pintar tanto líneas como manchas de color

Permite aplicar otras capas una sobre otra.

En algunos casos se aplica acuarela o plumón para agregar calidad.

Forero Tejada, D. (2022). Portafolio de Carrera-Daniela Forero Tejada.

Escritura, H., 2022. ▷ Historia del Lápiz de Color - Historia de la Escritura. [online]

Sandoval Rodríguez, S. (2022). Portafolio de Carrera-Sofia Sandoval Rodríguez.

Becker, D. (2004). Dealing with the consequences of organised violence in trauma

work. In Transforming ethnopolitical conflict (pp. 403-420). VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.

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