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No: ie bate Blayee Karl Pauw BS ewmmiowwey 4) i Eva Me opi \ Ye, becavee — Execufve Judges. of fhe RUCs in Manta and Quezon | City, ond viee-_Execvtive Judges in thee abence » will have the jurisclichion fo decide en dhe _peftions yur _ceaech warrant viclatiens op the Cinpachencive Pangerous Dags Ach vy eed: Inthe case, the applicant, ty Palmacis is _requestin Starch warvant including _ involving q the diccoveny oy 10 kilograms of fe substance which is “chaby". The monch warrané search warran} hed mew est _srom ach an appkcahon may be imp fenren ed in__tagena in accordance with the most recent requlateng issued by the Suppeme Court No, because the arresting uyplceR _Is_nef _peremitted to freansporet the detained _cuspect fren Powy City fo Calvo City Tle arresting oggicees much _franspoat the suspech fo the closert police siotion ox jail 14 hey are delained witht wareant- 3- The MIG should rejecled doesn't wectieg what percen's name is on the _stanch warrant ar long isthe search ig canpted out in Hoe __loustion where the _seareh _yarrant will be igved, no_ specific person necl fo _be implicate! furtheamonc, decribing the shaéo “nan _arbittony quanty euygces. the geek te be ted upecigial mention specific substance and Un specigitd amovt of il. Date: 4: You, btewse the evidence __feund_in fA _ crime why ph acwsed _mey do the said crime « kee nb ted + - Se Yess because fe _hysdancers present oA Ae wong wheve the occuced “dot th _vietin which _leod_Totidhee deaths re outandee ort eeniderec “oc the wittees when the pretediegs are tn geieg ialider per hie eceued Pi il. ee ee scene jhe Reason sing mapiprcue.

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