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National Bible Sunday

January 26, 2020

When the people are assembled and everything is prepared, the assembly sings an appropriate hymn while
the Altar Servers, with ciriales, the presider and a Lector walk in procession from the entrance of the church
toward the sanctuary. Then the presider places the Bible on the table, (preferably near the AMBO) and
leaves it open. He then greets the people in these or similar words.


Presider: My dear brothers and sisters. We are gathered here to begin the celebration of the
National Bible Sunday in our Diocese. Today also is the Sunday of the Word of God, as
declared by His Holiness Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Letter, “APERUIT ILLIS”.

Hence it is very fitting that we start with the celebration of the word of God - the
Enthronement of the Bible in our sanctuary. Through this liturgical ceremony may we
express our awareness that first we have to LISTEN to the word of God and
TREASURE it in our hearts before we can SHARE its riches with one another. That is
why the Bible will remain enthroned and open before our eyes in this church
throughout the day to remind us that God is present in his word and that he wants to
speak to us. And so we begin…

Presider: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.
Presider: The Lord be with you

All: And with your spirit.

Presider: Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, you call each generation to listen to your Word. As we gather today to
begin this time of prayer and meditation, we ask you to send your Spirit upon us to
cultivate the seed of your Word in our hearts, to discover your message, and guide our
actions according to your will. With gratitude we adore your majesty and honor you
with our desire to proclaim your divine Word through our lives. Strengthen us with your
grace and make us instruments of your love for all. We make this prayer through Christ
our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

Presider: Reading: John 8:12

A Reading from the Gospel of John:

Jesus spoke to them again, saying,” I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me
will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(option: John 1:1-5)

In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came to be through him,
and without him nothing came to be.
What came to be through him was life,
and this life was the light of the human race;
the light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.

Reflection: The presider may give a short personal reflection on the Gospel


Presider: Let us lift up to God our desires and ask for His bountiful blessing.

Lector: May the Word of God penetrate our whole being so that we may live by it and that our
lives become a source of evangelization for our brothers and sisters.

All: Lord, hear us

Lector: May the Word of God be the guiding light in every decision we make.

All: Lord, hear us.

Lector: May the Word of God nourish us with steadfastness, strength, and courage to face life’s

All: Lord, hear us.

Presider: Gathering our praises into one, let us now pray in the way Jesus taught us.

All: Our Father who art in heaven….


Presider: Let us pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God from the beginning, with thankful hearts we praise and
glorify you for entrusting to us your Word in the Holy Scriptures. Let your light shine
through our lives and fill our hearts with courage to proclaim your message throughout
all the earth. Make us instruments of your grace and allow us to continue building up
your kingdom in this world. You who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
All: Amen.

The presider faces the people and blesses them:

Presider: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Presider: Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing.

“May the word of Christ in all its riches dwell in your hearts so that you may be able to
instruct and admonish each other in all wisdom and joyfully sing praises of God.”

All: Amen

Presider: May the almighty and merciful God bless all of you, the Father,  and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen

Presider: Our celebration is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

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