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Assignment: Buy Product Use case (Normal and Alternative Flow)

A) Normal Flow
1. Customer Searches for product
2. System displays list of relevant product- product I want is not available
3. Customer select product
4. System shows product details, price, ratings , availability etc
5. Customer add product to basket
6. System display option to check out or continue shopping
7. Customer select checkout
8. System prompt customer to sign in
9. Customer sign in to account- forgotten password, new account
10. System authenticate sign in
11. Customer select delivery address- new delivery address
12. Customer select delivery options with corresponding cost
13. Customer select delivery option
14. System displays total amount and payment methods
15. Customer select payment method
16. System request card details or other payment option details
17. Customer enters payment details- Incorrect card details
18. System process payment- insufficient funds
19. System display and send order confirmation email to customer
20. Customer go back to home page
21. Use case end
Alternative Flow (I identified few alternative flow but I will go with step 2)
2a- refers to step 2 of the normal flow, if the searched product is not available
1. System displays alternative products
2. Use case resumes in step 3 and end in 21
2b- refers to step 2 of the normal flow, if the searched product is not available
1. System displays alternative products
2. Customer discontinue the process
3. Use case resumes in step 21 i.e Use Case end

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