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Task 8 - Open Discussion

Angie Lorena Guevara Trillos

Rosa Angélica Ortiz Quintero

Daniela Esther Bandera

María Fernanda Solano

Course: English V

Code: 518010 Group: 34


María Alejandra Mideros

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación (ECEDU)

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Ingles

May 23th, 2021

- Individual activity one page per participant.

 Angie Lorena Guevara Trillos

1. Step 2: Once you have watched the video and read the article, post your perception
about the topic and answer the following questions.
- What do you think about the use of social media in children?

In my opinion, I believe that social networks have changed the lives of children; therefore, it
is an issue that must be treated with great responsibility. Today, social networks have allowed
information to reach everyone faster, and they are a very effective means of communication at a
distance. However, social networks are not a safe place for children, so it is required that parents
are responsible for the use and time they spend on the Internet. Unfortunately, there are
dangerous algorithms, which can lead to suicide for many children as shown in the video.
Furthermore, the use of the internet affects everyone both physically and emotionally. As
mentioned in the article Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns. By BBC
"In 2014, researchers in Austria found that participants reported having a lower mood after using
Facebook for 20 minutes compared to those who just browsed the internet. The study suggested
that people felt this way because they saw it as a waste of time." As we can see, the use of social
networks can generate stress, depression and even low self-esteem in people who spend time on

Finally, I can say that social networks affect people differently, and that children are the most
vulnerable to the large amount of perverse content that is on the Internet, then each person
depending on the conditions they have, personality traits, moods is affected differently.

- From your teacher's role, how would you show the advantages and disadvantages of
the use of social media in your students and their parents?

From my role as a teacher, I acquire a responsibility in the use of social networks with my
students. In my case, I would educate in a transversal way in the responsible use of the internet,
that children are exposed to the world of new technologies, but that they are not given free rein
to use the internet, because it is impossible for children not to have access to it. To show the
advantages and disadvantages I would work with children where I would identify good and bad
practices, for that I would make an awareness and awareness through talks, I would also take
time to talk to them about the danger they run, through videos or images, I would show examples
of real life cases. Finally, it is important that children become aware and learn themselves to be
responsible and careful with what they find on the internet, if you see that this case is out of
hand, I would sensitize parents so that they also become aware of the benefits and dangers of the

2. Step 3: Create an outline of the discussion

"Use of social media in Teenagers" in the opening of the discussion.

Social media allow us to communicate and be informed. In recent years social media
have gone from being a tool to improve communication to cause a negative impact on some
users, being young people the most vulnerable, because they are going through a period of many
changes, where they do not really know what their identity is, so social media are a medium that
gives them freedom, allows them to express their ideas, feelings and above all meet people from
different places.

Social media have a positive and negative impact on the lives of thousands of teenagers
because they are the ways in which most middle and high school students live, where most of
their time, whether free or not, is spent in front of a computer or cell phone.

Use of social media in teenagers

Today we live in the digital age, so it is expected that adolescents acquire high digital
competence, this is not a problem, in fact I like that they acquire good skills, but you have to be
very attentive to the use they make of these technologies because they are not without dangers.

1. Advantages or benefits of social media

The controlled and supervised use of social media benefits adolescents by helping them to
learn new things. It also encourages the development of technological skills, generates greater
communication between them and helps them to be well informed.

2. Disadvantages of social media

The use of social networks has shown an association of young people with depression,
insomnia, poor academic performance, failures in the learning process and psychosocial

In addition, the internet and social media can stimulate inappropriate behaviors such as
aggressiveness and deception due to the existence of anonymity and identity falsification.

3. Dangers of social media

Adolescents can be exposed to:

Grooming: teenagers can be victims of cheating and sexual abuse, some older people pretend to
be other young people to manipulate and blackmail them, bringing them repercussions of
depression, low self-esteem and poor academic performance.

Sexting: adolescents can be victims when sharing images of sexual content, running the risk that
these images are published and their privacy is exposed.

Addictive behavior to the Internet: this is a danger in which many adolescents have fallen; some
lose control over the use of the Internet, which causes some to isolate themselves, neglect social
and academic relationships.

4. Some supervision and control strategies

It is important that parents or a responsible adult fulfill the functions of supervision in

adolescents, for example:

- Lower the use of social media

- Define spaces free of electronic devices as a family
- Create a list of house rules
- Locate computers in visible places.
- Educate regarding the risks associated with the use of social media
- Be consistent with the consequences of its misuse.
- Be alert to any significant variation in the adolescent's physical, cognitive, emotional and
social behavior.
3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to the topic – Angie
Lorena Guevara.

Hello dear Rosa Angelica

I have been reviewing your contributions and the development of the points for the debate. I
agree with you in talking about the use of social networks in adolescents, presenting their
advantages and disadvantages. I think that social networks are beneficial but should be used
very carefully because they have negative consequences. I like that in the debate you talk
about how social networks interfere in the lives of adolescents and the consequences they
bring if they are used excessively. I also like the idea of giving some recommendations to
young people who are immersed in this era of technology.

Thank you very much for your work,

Angie Guevara

 Rosa Angelica Ortiz Quintero

1. Step 2: Once you have watched the video and read the article, post your perception
about the topic and answer the following questions.

- What do you think about the use of social media in children?

Well, I think that the use of social networks in children is something very delicate, I say this
for the following reason, they are exposed to be exchanging messages, images or videos with
strangers or even with friends from their school and by doing this may be letting that person be
in their privacy, and in many cases we have seen how people threaten children that if they do not
do what they want they will publish their photos on social networks, We also see cases where
their photos have hateful comments, judging their physical appearance and this makes them lose
their self-confidence and that is when some resort to taking their own lives because they feel that
no one understands them, they feel alone and sometimes they are induced by other people to end
their lives.
That is why I think that a child can make use of social networks but as parents we must be
aware of everything that happens with them.

- From your teacher's role, how would you show the advantages and disadvantages of
the use of social media in your students and their parents?

From my role as a teacher, I would conduct a talk via online due to the circumstances of
the pandemic in which both the parent and the student participate; first I would start by talking
about the topic and thanking them for attending the call, second I would talk to them about the
advantages, which would be the following:

We can talk to the people we want even when they are not physically near.

- Communication is much faster, for example when we send a text message or an audio
- We can be informed through social networks about what is happening in the world.
- We can get information about a particular topic, among others.

When talking about the disadvantages, I share my screen and show them an animated image of a
person, and I would ask those present to say what they don't like about that image, what they see
in that person that they consider to be old-fashioned, horrible, or unfashionable. When everyone
gives their point of view about the image I would tell them how would you feel if that person
was you?

I would tell them that this is not the only disadvantage we have with social networks, we are
exposed to many others such as sexting and cyberbullying and not all of us are able to deal with
things in the same way, the mere fact of sending a compromising photo to a person we consider
is our trust, we are exposed to that photo can get into the hands of malicious people.

2. Step 3: Create an outline of the discussion

- "Use of social media in Teenagers".
The use of social media helps us in a great way, we can do many things that we could not do
before and all this is thanks to social media, but as well as having great advantages it also has its

1. Advantages of social media:

- They help us to have a much faster communication with loved ones.
- It helps us to boost sales of a company, making use of advertising through this medium.
- We can contact people from different countries.
- We can use social networks to sell our product.

2. Disadvantages of social networks:

- You lose some of your privacy.
- You are exposed to offensive comments.
- They can affect our mental health.

3. How do social networks interfere in the lives of teenagers?

I think that social networks have a great impact on the lives of young people, if we look
around us most young people have access to a cell phone. This has generated that they want to be
in fashion, what they see on social networks, they want to have a slim body because they do not
feel comfortable with their body, some have even been so affected by the use of social networks,
that through games or comments of some kind lead them to the point of taking their own lives,
because they feel trapped in a dead end. Others disconnect from the people around them and
prefer to be talking to their friends or strangers. If they do not have social networks, they feel that
they are less than others, which is not true.

4. Excessive use of social networks:

Excessive use of social networks can cause codependency, for example if a person does not
look at their cell phone to be aware of their messages or new publications, they feel desperate or
if the cell phone is discharged, they want to find a charger because they feel they cannot live
without being aware of their social networks. They can also cause health problems and traffic
5. Recommendations for the use of social networks:

One of the recommendations I give, are the following:

- That we should be very careful with whom our children talk to on social networks.
- Be prudent with what we share on our social networks.
- Organize a schedule so that we do not overuse social networks.
- Avoid making offensive comments to other people.

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to the topic – Rosa
Angelica Ortiz Quintero.

Hi Daniela Bandera.

I highlight what you mention in the answer to the first question "I believe that there must
be an age for children to handle social networks, since it is understood that they are usually very
vulnerable when handling strong situations and in social networks" not everyone has the same
ability to deal with situations that arise from the use of social networks. From the role of parents
we must be aware of both education, friendships and everything with which our children have
interaction, provide them from home confidence so they can talk without feeling frightened, they
can go to their parents when they present moments of difficulty.

Thank you.

Angelica Ortiz.

 Daniela Esther Bandera

1. Step 2: Once you have watched the video and read the article, post your perception
about the topic and answer the following questions.

- What do you think about the use of social networks in children?

After having carried out an analysis, I believe that there must be an age for children to
handle social networks, since it is understood that they are usually very vulnerable when
handling strong situations and in social networks, you can find all kinds of topics and images, the
cases seen in the video and the article shows us how weak the human being is, and children are
much more so, to this we must add that parents are letting a society teach children what is right
or wrong when we must be the ones who must set rules and show them with love what the world
is like and what they are going to face later so that they do not lose heart with the first obstacle
that comes their way.

- From the role of your teacher, how would you show the advantages and
disadvantages of the use of social networks in their students and their fathers?

Well, as a teacher, I would make them see the reality of the world, and what the human being
does with technological tools that are to benefit, starting by starting conversations with people
but knowing how to identify them, which can be a short time and take the opportunity to perform
analysis in each situation seen in the networks, being able to identify when one of their
colleagues or relatives is going through difficult times, we must teach them to see beyond the
physical, that they can observe each behavior of each individual and thus generate stronger
people mentally, the networks Social is another thing in the world that you must learn to use, it is
like sweets if you eat a lot you get sick with sugar and overweight, in the same way it happens
with social networks, you have to learn to use everything in this world, self-evaluating ourselves,
in the same way way to conduct talks with parents so that they are attentive to their children
because at this time the parents themselves join the networks and neglect the children, generating
a lack of affection and opening more the hole of the perdition. The main ones responsible for this
problem are the parents.

2. Step 3: Create an outline of the discussion

"Use of social networks in adolescents".

Communicating in real-time with anyone in the world from a screen sounds like a revolution.
But the inappropriate use of these means can bring risks, both for the privacy of users and for
their image. Anyway, these platforms are already integrated into our social configuration that is
why it is very important to understand what they are and how to take advantage of them.

1. Advantages of social networks.

Social networks have been a tool that has transformed our social life, and today we will talk
about the advantages that social networks bring us.

 Generates greater communication and interaction among young people.

 They are better informed.
 Overcome shyness through social networks.
 Facilitates the relationship between people without cultural and physical barriers.

Instant communication without borders:

Social media has broken down physical barriers. If you have a profile, you can contact people
from any country in real-time.

The messaging resource of the platforms allows you to form new friends, meet others who are
interested in the same activities, and exchange opinions.

Social complaints with exponential scope:

In our daily lives, there are many injustices or situations that can go unnoticed by the media.

Thanks to social networks, many situations have come to light and networks have become an
important search tool for scripts and topics for the news.

With its exponential reach, that type of social complaint goes viral very quickly, helping to solve
problems more efficiently or raise funds to help a cause.

Greater professional visibility:

Another advantage of the networks is the possibility of promoting yourself as a professional. In

groups, you can connect with people who work in your sector.

2. Disadvantages of social networks.

It is important to raise some points that require care.

By the way, navigating unknown seas is dangerous. So the secret to enjoying this ocean of
information is to prepare for your armadillos.

 They lose interaction with their social environment and family.

 They can become victims of cyberbullying and identity theft.
 They expose themselves to people they often do not know, publishing personal
 They become victims of viruses and corrupted software.
 Cyberbullying and imposter syndrome.

- Less face-to-face contact

Screens are very attractive to the eyes, and that's where the danger lies.

When you get too distracted by social media, you risk losing face-to-face contact, which is part
of our human condition.

Sure, it's great to have so much entertainment on hand, but you can't give up the direct
connection with other people.

- Safety hazards

It is very easy to add your geolocation to a publication or even enter all your steps in applications
designed for exactly that, such as Foursquare.

It is not advisable to notify us from social networks when we go on vacation or will be away
from our home since it is proven that thieves can monitor us from social media to obtain this type
of information.

Therefore, to guarantee your safety, avoid overly indicating your position in the mobile
geolocation options.

- Negative reviews and trolls:

When you create an account on a social network, you are entering an open field of possibilities.
In your own way, you can use the features each one offers to share what you do and think with
the world.

3. How do social networks interfere in the lives of adolescents?

We know that our preschoolers are acquiring new cognitive and social skills at an impressive
rate, and we don't want hours glued to an iPad to stop them. But adolescence is an equally
important and rapidly developing period, yet very few of us are paying attention to how our
teens' use of technology (which is much more intense and intimate than a 3-year-old's use of
technology) playing with daddy's iPhone) is getting to them. In fact, experts worry that social
media and texting, which have become so essential to teenage life, are promoting anxiety and
lowering self-esteem.

In a survey carried out by the Royal Society of Public Health, young people between 14 and
24 years of age in Great Britain were asked how social media platforms had an impact on their
health and well-being. The survey results found that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
increased feelings of depression, anxiety, poor body image, and loneliness.

4. Excessive use of social networks.

Social networks are part of our life. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have
revolutionized the way we connect with each other and are used by one in four people around the

One in six young people will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their life, and
rates of anxiety and depression in young people have increased by 70%. The study has shown
that four out of five young people say that the use of social networks causes their feelings of
anxiety to worsen. Seeing friends constantly on vacation or enjoying the evenings can make
young people feel like they are missing things while others are enjoying life. These feelings can
promote a "compare" and a "despair" effect.

Numerous studies have shown that the increasing use of social networks has a significant
association with poor sleep quality in young people. Using social media via phones, laptops, and
tablets at night before bed is also linked to poor quality sleep.

5. Recommendations for the use of social networks.

Due to the need that people have to grow on these platforms, it is important to put them to
good use, so these tips will be of great help when it comes to maintaining a connection in the

 Know the use of social networks to guide the participation of the youngest.
 Establish criteria to create accounts.
 Establish criteria to create relationships in each social network.
 Create a familiar password file.
 Create recovery email with parental control.
 Be discreet: do not give personal data.
 Not believing everything you read.
 Think twice before writing.
 Make a responsible and/or "professional" use.
 Always be alert to possible strange behavior.
 Check the privacy settings in each and every one of our networks and apps.
 Take precautions against the use of unsafe public and open Wi-Fi networks.

A key tool for the safety of young people is that parents can monitor their children's activity on
social networks to supervise their use of these platforms and control the online reputation of
minors. It should be noted that surfing on social networks and interacting with your friends is not
bad, but we must exploit the multiple options that the Internet offers us

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to the topic –

Daniela Bandera.

Cordial greetings, dear colleague, according to your comment, in these times many
parents let their children spend so much time with the cell phone or tablet so that they do not
bother them and they do not realize that they themselves are throwing them into a world that the
child does not know and does not know how to drive, in these generations so many diseases have
appeared due to the lack of love, lack of family, and all that is creating damage, whether
emotional or psychological, and many find a distraction in the networks when they really are
getting worse every day. as parents we have a great responsibility in a damaged world. Excellent
contribution companion.
 Maria Fernanda Solano

1. Step 2: Once you have watched the video and read the article, post your perception
about the topic and answer the following questions.

- What do you think about the use of social networks in children?

In my personal opinion I think that social networks in children have been harmful since they
are in the 5 years and older and children want to have a mobile device and this has brought many
consequences such as addiction to phones, laptops or tablets and most of the day they focus on
using these devices throughout the day and all this so that parents can do their housework and
have children entertained, no matter what they are harming their children, that's why It would be
very important for parents to control children when using these electronic devices, only use them
for a few hours and make them do productive activities so that they do not become so addictive
to this.

- From the role of your teacher, how would you show the advantages and
Disadvantages of the use of social networks in your students and their parents?

From my point of view as a teacher, I think that through conferences with professionals on
the subject of the use of social networks, what are the pros and cons and the advantages and
disadvantages they have on the excessive use of these networks and the Dangers that can be had
if parents do not control the use of these electronic devices and give tips and advice to parents so
that their children use social networks for something useful and responsibly and with restrictions.

2. Step 3: Create an outline of the discussion

- "Use of social networks in adolescents"

The Smartphone is the device par excellence for the use of social networks in adolescents
since many of the functionalities of these platforms are intended for the mobile device. The
portability of such devices has favored the increase in the frequency of browsing on social
networks among the smallest, also due to their needs for social acceptance.

1. How social networks influence adolescents

Referring to social relationships, the concept of friendship in online social networks takes
on another meaning. Online social media platforms would certainly play an important role if
their goal were to strengthen friendships that already exist. However, the way in which, for
example, networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, among others, are designed to
assess the immediacy and quantity of contacts in, rather than the quality of deepening the
relationships already established with friends, family.

2. How could youth be made aware of the proper use of social media?

Of course. The family is the first and one of the main agents of socialization of adolescents, the
first of all is to find out about the operation of the Internet and social networks. Know the options
that exist, content trends, jargon, influencers, etc.

Talk to the adolescent about using the internet, alert him to the risks but in the form of
advice, showing that you trust him. You can also help them create their profiles (privacy) and
first content (hashtags, phrases, tags, locations) and thus you can comment on the issues that

3. How does the use of social networks affect adolescents?

The truth is that, according to the opinion, the use of social networks including instant
messaging applications can generate serious addictions with their consequent consequences:
anxiety, depression, irritability, isolation, withdrawal from real life and family relationships, loss
of control, etc.

4. How to prevent addiction to social networks in young people and adolescents?

In this sense, some simple practices are very effective to prevent excessive use of

Social networks from ending up triggering dependency. Among the most effective are the

5. Establish a minimum time of 15 minutes between connection and connection.

6. Dispense with the mobile at key moments of the day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner).
7. Disable automatic notifications.
8. Put the mobile in silence and do not use it as a clock or as an alarm clock to avoid
9. Set a minimum time a day to do completely disconnected activities such as playing
sports, reading, or listening to music
10. Reduce the number of friends on social networks.
11. Delete applications and leave expendable WhatsApp groups.

3. Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to the topic –

Maria Fernanda Solano.

Hello, good morning everyone, I share a very important point from colleague Angie

Lorena Guevara about some supervision and control strategies.

 I agree that parents should supervise how adolescents use the networks and if they use

Them properly, but it is also important that parents have control over their children to use

Social networks with a few hours that are due and this makes them not become addictive

And take more responsibility with the rest of their activities.


- Link with the recording of the open discussion.
Bibliographic References

 BBC News. (2019). Molly Russell: Did her death change social media? - BBC News.
[Video file]. Retrieved from:
 BBC News. (2018). is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns.
Retrieved from:
 (2018, enero 5). Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns – BBC
Recovered from:
 (2016, diciembre 2). Entrevista: prevención de riesgos en Internet y Redes. Recovered
 (2020, febrero 3). ¿Cómo influyen las redes sociales en los niños? - Eres Mamá.
Recovered from:
 (n.d.). La importancia de un buen uso de redes sociales en la adolescencia. Recovered
 (2017, abril 27). Datos sobre el uso de las redes sociales en los niños y adolescentes.
Recovered from:
 (n.d.). Cómo afectan las Redes Sociales a los jóvenes - Iberdrola. Recovered from:

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