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Title no.


Dynamic Properties of Mass Concrete Obtained from Dam

by David W. Harris, Caroline E. Mohorovic, and Timothy f? Dolen

This paper summarizes the results of a US. Rureau of Reclamation Reclamation’s concrete dams are mass concrete structures that
research projext designed to provide a broad database of material typically have a nominal maximum size aggregate of about 6 in.
properties for mass concrete tested at strain rates that correspond to (150 mm). Reclamation is particularly concerned \vith the per-
seismic (dynamic) and static loadings. Laboratory tests were per- formance of these structures when subjected to earthquake
formed on cores drilledfrom dams and tested at strain rates that sim- loads. For approximately 1.5 years, its laboratory core test pro-
ulated dynamx and static loading conditions. Ratios of dynamic and grams have typically included dynamic tests performed at
static compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, compressive failure strain rates corresponding to seismic loads.
strain, Poisson’s ratio, and splitting tensile strength are summarized. This paper summarizes the results of a Reclamation
The effects of core size and sample saturation are also considered. research project designed to pro8de a broad database c!f the
Results of this study indicate that dynamic-static strength ratios behavior of mass concrete from existing dams under dynamic
aregreater than onefor both the compressive and tensile strength tests. loading conditions that simulate earthquake loadings.
The dynamic-static ratios of modulus of elasticity andfailure strain Laboratory tests performed on cores at both tiaditional, static
for the compressive strength tests, however, are generally less than or loading conditions (strain rates of IO‘” t o 10~’ in./in.
equal to one. [mm/mm] per s) and dynamic loading conditions (strain rates
of 10.~ in./in. [mm/mm] per s) are compared. Dynamic and
Keywords: axe tests; dynamic modulus; dynamic strength; earthquake static measurements of compressive strength, modulus of elas-
propertIes; mass concrete. ticity, compressive critical strain (strain at ultimate compres-
sive strength), Poisson’s ratio, and splitting tensile strength are
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE summarized. In some cases, the core size or moisture condition
This paper provides a large database of test results for mass among similar samples was varied to determine if either of
concrete represented by drilled core tested at both static and these parameters affect test results.
dynamic (seismic) loading rates. Dynamic and static strength Data from previous and current test programs conducted at
and elastic property results from several large-scale test pro- the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Materials Engineering and
grams with a total of over 470 test specimens are summarized Research Laboratory, Denver, Colo. are provided. Results from
and compared to uncover trends in the data. Reclamation’s past test programs that include dynamic and
static compression, splitting tension data obtained in a similar
INTRODUCTION manner, or both, are summarized. An additional 103 cores from
The dynamic properties of mass concrete are an important
two dams were tested under dynamic and static compression
consideration in the analysis and review of the safety of struc- and splitting tension loading conditions.
tures such as concrete dams. Concrete tests can be designed to
predict the behavior of a structure under various static and TEST PROGRAM
dynamic loading conditions. In laboratory tests, different ‘Sample description
dynamic conditions are modeled by varying the strain rate at The dams that provided test cores for this study are sum-
which the test is performed. Thus, the strain rate of the tests is marized in Table 1. All but two are currently owned by
key to the interpretation of results. Reclamation. Pine Flat and Englebright Dams are currently
The dynamic properties of concrete have been studied for a owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), and
wide range loading rates. Much of the work has been summa- Folsom Dam, though now owned by Reclamation, was owned
rized as a state-of-the-art paper by Bischoff and Perry (199 I). by COE at the time of testing.
Strain rates and their conceptual equivalent situation are tabu- T h e 1998 current test data consist of data from N’arm
lated as follows (Bischoff and Perry 1991) Springs Dam and Roosevelt Dam. Results were obtained from
Strain rate, inventoried core and were specifically tested for this study from
Condition May to September 1998 at Reclamation’s Denver laboratory.
trim/mm (in/in.) per s
-6 The remaining data, hereby referred to as the historical data,
Creep 1o-x to 10
were extracted from previous test programs that were con-
Static 1o-6 to 10 ducted at Reclamation’s Denver laboratory All tests included
-9 in the historical data and tested at Reclamation were performed
Earthquake Lo-J to 10 according to laboratory standards similar to those used for the
current tests and with contemporary and similar testing appa-
Hard Impact 10” t o 10’
ratus. This constitutes data obtained from cylindrical cores
Blast 10% to lo8
ACI ‘TmPds Journal v 97. No. 5. May-June Yooo.
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) defines mass con- MS No. ~-08l received April e;, ,999. and rewewed under Institute pubhcatton
crete as a volume of concrete large enough that measures must pohcies. Copyright 0 WOO, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved. mclud-
mg the making of copies unless permIssion IS obtamed from the copyright proprietors.
be taken to address the heat of hydration of the cement and the Pertment dlscussion wll be publnhed m the March-April 9001 ACIMatprzaLi JoumJ
volume change of the material. The U.S. Bureau of if recewed by December I, 4000

290 ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000

obtain a specimen with a length-diameter ratio of 4.0 whenev-
er possible.
The static compression and static splitting tension test
results for Folsom, Pine Flat, and Englebright Dams were sup
plied by the COE when the dynamic tests were performed at
and b y Reclamation, for the purpose of comparison with
Reclamation’s dynamic test results.

Historical data
After drilling, cores are sealed in plastic to best maintain
drilled from dams that were tested according to present-day their in-place moisture content. At the Denver laboratory,
laboratory standards, and at the strain rates defined for seismic cores are maintained either wrapped in moist cloth and covered
(dynamic) and static compression and splitting tension tests. with plastic, or in a constant climate-controlled humidity room
These data were obtained from files of the U.S. Bureau of maintained at a relative humidity not less than 95%
Reclamation Laboratory and from papers published by Gaeto (ASTM C 511) prior to testing. The drilling and testing pro-
(l&3+) and Peabody and Travers (1986 a,b). grams are usually completed within a few months.
The test data reflect the great variability among mass con- All core samples from the historical data had a diameter of
crete mixture proportions. The structures were placed using 6 in., except the core from Monticello Dam, which had a diam-
mass concrete construction techniques that include nominal eter of 10 in.
maximum aggregate sizes of 3 . 0 i n . ( 7 5 mm) or larger.
Concrete mixtures reflect the state-of-the-art concrete technol- Current data
ogy at the time of construction, and were partly controlled by The test program for this study was designed not only to
local conditions. Aggregates were obtained locally, and reflect provide the specified comparisons of dynamic and static
the geological history of the area. Such characteristics make material properties, but also to study the effects of the surface
mass concrete dependent on both the time period and location moisture condition of the core and the core size on these
at which the concrete was made. results. The cores from the Roosevelt and Warm Springs Dams
used in this study had been stored and air-dried from 2 to 5
Sample preparation years.
All specimens considered in this study, with the exception of To study the effects of surface moisture condition, the 1998
the static compression and static splitting tensile test results samples from Roosevelt and Warm Springs Dams were tested
for Folsom, Pine Flat, and Englebright Dams, were prepared at an air-dried and in a surface-saturated, surface-dry (saturat-
and tested at the Bureau of Reclamation’s Materials ed) moisture condition. Since the core had been exposed for
Engineering and Research Laboratory, Denver, Colo. Cores several years, air-dried samples were tested in the moisture
were typically obtained by Reclamation’s regional drill crews, condition at which they were found. Saturated specimens were
packed on site, and shipped to the Denver facility. Test speci- tested after having been submerged in lime water for at least
mens were cut to length using a diamond-impregnated saw to 4 0 h, as suggested in the ASTM Procedure C 43-94. T h e

Table l-Concrete dams used for core sources

Llonticello Dam, Calif. Thick arch 6 in. Vertical

\Varm Springs Dam, Oreg. Thin arch 1919 106 ft 6 in. Vertical
Hoover Dam, Kev./Ariz. Thick arch 1936 726 ft 9 in.

Stewart Mtn. Dam,‘Ariz. Thin arch 1930 ( 207 ft - Vertical

I I 1 1 I

Folsom Dam’, Calif. Gravity 1956 340 ft Vertical

Roosevelt Dam, Ariz. 4 in. Vertical/

Mod. - buttress Mod. - 1995 280 ft
(modification) (mod.) horizontal

Englebright Dam+, Calif. Variable arch 1941 280 ft -


Pine Flat Dam+, Calif. Gravity 1954 440 ft - -

/ I I

‘M’arm Springs, Folsom. and Stewart Mountain Dams were not constructed by Reclamatmn
+Englebnght and Pme Flat Dams are owned by U. S. Army Corps of Engmeers.

ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000 291

density of each sample was measured before and after satura- of providing failures within a strain rate of lo-’ and a time
tion to determine the absorption of the concretes. frame of 0.05 to O. 1 s was used. The equipment uses a hydraulic
To study the effects of core diameter size, both 6 and 12 in. ram mobilized by an oil pump.
(152 and 305 mm) diameter cores from Roosevelt Dam were For all tests, strain gages directly provided strain measure-
tested. All Warm Springs Dam cores measured 6 in. (152 mm) ments, while load was measured and converted to units of
in diameter. stress.
The density of the 6 in. (152 mm) concrete samples was
Sample populations determined from the specific gravity of the specimens. Specific
Several test populations were developed from the 103 test gravity was computed from the mass of the specimen in air,
specimens to isolate the moisture conditions and the core size divided by the specimen mass in air, minus the apparent speci-
parameters. The 6 in. (152 mm) diameter Warm Springs core men mass submerged in water. During submergence, samples
was evenly divided to test at both the saturated (Group A) and were suspended in water by the scale apparatus. Density was
the air-dried (Group B) moisture state. Eight 12 in. (so5km) then calculated by multiplying the specific gravity of the con-
diameter samples were available from the Roosevelt core. Eight crete by the density of water, which is dependent on the water
6 in. (152 mm) diameter saturated cores (Group l(a)) and eight temperature.
6 in. (152 mm) diameter air-dried cores (Group l(b)) were test- The density for both the saturated and the air-dried 6 in.
ed and compared with the eight 12 in. (305 mm) diameter cores (152 mm) samples were calculated in this manner. This test
that were also tested air-dried (Group 2). All 24 specimens method requires the sample to be submerged in water for only
were extracted from a similar location in the dam. Each test a few seconds, and the air-dried samples were allowed to dry
group included dynamic and static compression and dynamic for several days prior to testing. Therefore, the submergence
and static splitting tension tests. procedure of the density test shotld not have affected thf sur-
To further isolate the effect of saturation on the remaining face condition of the samples.
6 in. (152 mm) diameter Roosevelt Dam core, the population The mass of the 10 in. (254 mm) core samples exceeded the
was evenly divided to perform additional dynamic and static capacity of the laboratory equipment used to suspend the sam-
compression tests (Groups 3 and 4) and splitting tension tests ples in water. Thus, density was calculated as ‘the mass of the
(Groups 5 and 6) at both the in-place, air-dried and saturated sample in air divided by the sample volume, which was deter-
conditions. mined from surface dimensions.
In summary, the 1998 test specimens were grouped as follows:
Nature of test results
Table 2 to 7 and Fig. 1 to 5 summarize the average test
results of the historical and current data according to the
arrangement of the 16 test populations. The tables provide the
average and standard deviation of the data, as well as the ratio
found between the average dynamic and average static materi-
al properties. Averages are derived from the average results of
each population, and are provided to summarize trends of the
data. The number of tests performed for each test program
varies. The data from the Warm Springs and Roosevelt core
were divided into several test groups to isolate particular
parameters, and each group is reported separately in the aver-
age. Thus, the current data comprised of test specimens from
Warm Springs and Roosevelt Dams represent nine of the 16
test populations included in the average.
The averages should not be interpreted as indicative of mass
concrete in general. The averages should simply be considered
as a guide that describes the trend of the test populations pro-
vided in Table 2 to 7.

Ultimate compressive strength

Tests performed Data for compression tests are summarized in Table ‘L and
Static compressive strength was determined according to Fig. 1. The average dynamic compressive strengths of the, 16
the ASTM C 39, Standard Test Methodfor Compressive Strength test populations are generally slightly higher than the average
of Cylindrical Specimens. For the 6 in. (152 mm) diameter core, static compressive strengths. The average dynamic-static com-
the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio were determined pressive strength ratio of these results is 1.07 with a coefficient
u s i n g 4 i n . ( 1 0 2 mm) epoxied electrical strain gages, two of variation (COV) of 20%. The ratio ranges from 0.73 to 1.45.
secured laterally and two secured axially, as stated in ASTM C Due to the significant variation within the test population, the
469, Standard Test Methodfor Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s dynamic to static compressive strength ratio for mass concrete
Ratio in Compression. The 12 in. (305 mm) diameter core should be determined on a case-by-case basis.
required twelve 4 in. (102 mm) gages, bridged in four groups of A s i n d i c a t e d i n F i g . 1 , the dynamic-static compressive
three gages according to procedures previously described. strength ratios tend to decrease as the static compressive
Ultimate strain was measured from the axial gages, and strain strengths increase. The data are too dispersed, however, to
is reported in units of millionths. Static splitting tensile draw any statistical conclusions. No significant statistical cor-
strength was determined according to ASTM C 496, Splitting relation was found among compressive strength and dynamic-
Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. static compressive strength ratio.
Dynamic tests were performed according to the ASTM pro-
cedures for the static tests, with the exception of loading rate. Modulus of elasticity
In the Denver laboratories, a uniaxial testing machine capable For the 16 mass concrete test populations summarized in

292 ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000


. l
40 ~Ccompnrdvennneth~
vh2(cacdc9th0.98m - 1.28m)
. . . .
. l * .
. - 30
. l

f 20
vh2(c0nde9ih0.67m-0.98 m)


Fig l--Average static compressive strength versus average dynamic

to static compressive strength ratio for 16 test populations in Table 2, Fig. +--Typical stress and strain curves for static and dynamic com-
L$tamic Properties Study, 1998. pressive strength test, Roosevelt Dam test cores, Dynamic Properties
Study, I 998.

10 7.0 30 40 50

*+mge staticuoduhuof- (ON)

Fig .+-Average static modulus of elasticity versus dynamic to static i 1 IS 2 2.5 3 1.5 4 4.5
modulus of elasticity ratiofor 15 testpopulations in Table S, Dynamic Avenge St& spliaillg Tauik stmgth @Pa)
Properties Study, 1998.
Fig. &-Average splitting tensile strength versus dynamic to static
splitting tensile strength ratio for 15 test populations in Table 6,
Dynamic Properties Study, 1998.

pressive strength test and a dynamic compressive strength test

are provided in Fig. 4. The test pair was extracted within one
concrete construction lift from Roosevelt Dam. The ultimate
dynamic compressive strength is slightly higher than the ulti-
mate static compressive strength.
The curves in Fig. 4 are essentially linear and similar in
slope from the origin to a stress, corresponding to approxi-
mately l/2 of the ultimate static compressive strength. After
0.0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 this stress is reached, the curves diverge. The slope of the stat-
ic compressive strength curve becomes nonlinear, decreasing
Avenge Dynmidstaic Ratio - Modulus of EMicily
asymptotically to the failure stress. Concrete typically yields
Fig. *Average dynamic to static properties ratios, compressive before it fails in this manner at static loading rates.
strength versus modulus of elasticity, for 15 testpopulationsprovided At dynamic loading rates, yielding is not observed in the
in Tables 2 and 8. stress and strain data. The stress-strain response for the
dynamic test in Fig. 4 is predominately linear from initial load-
Table S, the dynamic moduli of elasticity tend to be slightly in#to failure of the specimen. This linear response is represen-
lower than the static moduli of elasticity Although the average tative of the dynamic test results. Under compressive loads, the
dynamic-static compressive strength ratio is slightly greater yielding phenomena were typically eliminated from the test
than 1, the average dynamic-static modulus of elasticity ratio is data when the test strain rate was increased from the static load
0.89, with a COV of 17%. rate to the dynamic load rate.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the ratio of dynamic modulus of The modulus of elasticity is typically calculated as either a
elasticity ranges from approximately 0.7 to 1.1 for all moduli secant or a chord modulus. A secant modulus is calculated from
values. Results indicate that the modulus of elasticity is similar the origin to a defined point on the curve, usually within SO to
at strain rates corresponding to static and seismic loading con- 60% of the sample’s ultimate strength. The chord modulus,
ditions. Therefore, dynamic moduli did not tend to increase as typically used in all Reclamation test programs and most
the dynamic strength increased relative to the static compres- recent data, is measured according to ASTM C 469 between
sion test. Figure s compares strength and modulus ratios. The the stress and strain pairs at 50 millionths strain and at 441% of
variation of the data in Fig. s do not indicate a clear correlation the ultimate compressive strength. Because the dynamic and
among the strength and modulus ratios. static stress-strain curves considered in this study were gener-
A typical example of stress and strain data for a static com- ally linear within the boundary conditions defined for these

ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000 293

Table 2-Compressive strength test data ticity ratio of 2.15, which significantly deviated from all other
data. The value for static modulus of elasticity was provided by
Cmnpressive strength, Mpa
the COE in the mid-1980s. Details of the data were not avail-
stanc (St) Dynamic (Dyn) Average able to analyze the difference.
Average Standard Average Standard Dyn/St
w dewatvm w dewation rano
Critical strain
Critical strain data are provided in Table 4. For this study,
critical strain is defined as the strain measured at the ultimate
compressive strength of the sample. The average dynamic-stat-
ic critical strain ratio is slightly less than 1 for most test popu-
lations. The average ratio of dynamic-static critical strain of
eight ratios reported in Table 4 is 0.93, with a COV of 12%.
The average excludes the ratio of 1.58 from the Roosevelt
Group ~(a) test population, which deviates drastically from the
rest of the test population, and is considered an outlier.
The average ratio implies that concrete tends to be more
brittle under dynamic loading conditions. Critical strain is fur-
ther considered in the discussion of the effects of saturation.

Poisson’s ratio
Data for Poisson’s ratio are summarized in Table 5. The
average dynamic-static ratio of P&son’s ratio for the 1.5 popu-
lations summarized in Table 5 is 1.05 with a COV of 27%. The
1996 data for Warm Springs Dam, which provides a dynamic
Poisson’s ratio of 0.44, is excluded. The value is considered an
outlier because it significantly deviates from the rest of the test
For most test populations, the average static Poisson’s ratio
*Number in parentheses indicates number of test specimens included m average.
and the average dynamic Poisson’s ratio are slightly higher
N/A = not available; number of data unknown or too small to prowde standard than 0.80. Increases or decreases of Poisson’s ratio do not cor-
dewation. relate with changes in average compressive strength. The aver-
age Poisson’s ratio ranges from 0.14 to 0.29 for the static com-
pression test population, and from 0.18 to 0.28 for the dynam-
Table 3-Modulus of elasticity test data ic compression test population.
Modulus of Eladtic~ty. GPa
I Splitting tensile strength
stanc (St) Dynamic (Dyn) Average Data for splitting tensile strength tests are shown in
Average Standard AWage Standard
deviation dewatmn
r a t i o
Table 6. For 15 mass concrete test populations, the average
(W’ w
ratio of dynamic to static splitting tensile strength is I.++, with
a COV of 15%.
Figure 5 indicates that the dynamic-static splitting tensile
strength ratio tended to slightly decrease as the static com-
pressive strength increased. The dispersion of results at high-
er strengths in Fig. 5, however, makes it diicult to correlate a
relationship between dynamic-static splitting tensile strength
ratio and increasing splitting tensile strength. The variation in
data suggest that site-specific data should t+e used to evaluate
critical structures.
Ratios of splitting tensile strength to compressive strength
for both the static and dynamic test populations are provided in
Table 7. The average ratio of static splitting tensile strength
to static compressive strength is 0.10, with a standard devia-
tion of 0.03. The ratio of dynamic splitting tensile strength to
dynamic compressive strength ia 0.13, with a standard devia-
tion 0.04.

Parameters studied
Group 3 Moisture condition ofcort-pairs of similar Warm Springs
Hoosevelt 1998 core populations and Roosevelt c&e populations (Groups
Group 4
l(a) and l(b); Groups s and % and Gkoups 6 and 6) that were
‘Number in parentheses indicates number of test specimens included in average. tested at an air-dried and a saturated cohdition are represented
N/A = not available; number of data unknown or too small to prowde standard
deviatmn. in summary Table 2 through 7.
In general, the T-day saturation of specimens tended to
decrease the static and dynamic compressive strengths, and
moduli, measurements of secant and chord moduli would be increase the static and dynamic splitting tensile strengths.
similar. Almost all dynamic-static critical &rain ratios were greater
Results for Folsom Dam were excluded from the moduli for the saturated cores than for& air-dried cores. Too few
study. The results provided a dynamic-static modulus of elas- data providing critical strain kt different surface moisture

294 ACI MateWM ay-June 2000

Table 4-Compressive strength critical strain test Table 6-Splitting tensile strength test data


Roose\elt Group J 1360(H) 160 l550 (6) 500 i 0.99

.~~- -+p---mm~
Rwse\ elt Group 4 1150(R) Y10 NG N/A N/A

‘Sumber m parentheses mdicates number of test specimens included m average.

S’.i = not wallable, number of data unknown or too small to provide standard
de\ ,at,on.
SC = good test data not obtamed.

Table 5-Poisson’s ratio test data

‘Number m parentheses mdlcates number of test specimens Included in average.
N/A = not available; number of data unknown or too small to provide standard
Ponson’s Ratio

Table 7-Ratio of splitting tensile and compres-

sive strength results
Static strengths. MPa Dynan,~ rtrcngths. .\IPa
and ratio and ratlo
Spllttlng Com- Sphttmg Cm-
tenSlIe PreSSWe Ratio tensile pressi~r IMl”
Deaduood s 14 se.1 “.OW $76 40.9 0 116

E’ephanr !2 L4 L7.h 0 155 5.45 1152 O.IS6

Monacello e.3 1 3O.R 0.07” %4X $3 (I 0.104

‘Sumber m parentheses mdlcates number of test specmxzns mcluded m average.

+Outber not mcluded in average of dynamicistatic ratms.
S A = \alue not awlable.

contents, however, are available to draw conclusions from these submergence did not change the density. The average density
results. of 68 samples from Roosevelt Dam was 147.0 lb./in.s (2354
For these variations in material properties, the correspon- kg/ms) and the density of the 26 saturated samples increases
ding effect of the submergence process on the density of the about 1% after soaking.
samples was extremely small. The average density of all SO Although the effects of submergence on core samples tend-
specimens from Warm Springs Dam prior to soaking was ed to vary among test populations, the saturation process does
1 2 8 . 8 lb/ins (206’ k g / m ” ) . F o r t h e 1 6 saturated samples, seem to affect the elastic properties of the test specimens.

ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000 295

These changes were observed even though increases in the increase in strength compared with static splitting tensile
density due to soaking were extremely small. To most strength values. The average dynamic-static splitting tensile
accurately predict the material properties of a structure, mass strength ratio for 1.5 test populations was 1.44, with a COV of
concrete samples should be maintained and tested as close as 16%. This ratio does not depend upon the magnitude of the
possible to an in-place moisture state. dynamic and static compressive strengths. The variability of
Core size-Core from Roosevelt Dam was tested and com- the results indicate that splitting tensile strength measure-
pared for diameters of 6 in. (152 mm) (Group I(b)) and 12 in. ments should be determined on a case-by-case basis;
(SOS mm) (Group 2). The larger core generally indicated lower S. The dynamic compression tests indicate a decrease in
strengths and strains for both static and dynamic compression moduli of elasticity compared with the static moduli of elastic-
and splitting tensile loading, but higher moduli of elasticity. ity. The average ratio of dynamic to static modulus of elastici-
ASTM C 42 specifies that core diameters must be at least twice ty (using the ASTM standard for calculation) was 0.89, with a
the nominal maximum aggregate size, and preferably, three COV of 17%. Consequently, the average dynamic moduli did
times that size. Because the maximum aggregate s&e at not tend to increase as the dynamic strengths increased;
Roosevelt Dam is approximately 4 in. ( 127 mm), the 12 in. (SO5 4. The concrete tends to yield before failing under static, but
mm) diameter core test results are considered more represen- not dynamic, load rates. Dynamic tests provide stress-strain
tative. curves that are generally linear in nature from the origin to
failure. The stress-strain curves of the static compression tend
Comparison of results to other published values to begin as linear, and then decrease in slope and flatten as they
The results of this study are compared with data provided approach failure;
by Bischoff and Perry (1991) and Raphael (1978 and 1984). 5. For air-dried test specimens, critical strains are generally
These works discuss several test programs that used cylindri- lower for dynamic tests, indicating that the materials are more
cal concrete specimens tested at similar static and dynamic brittle under dynamic loading co&Jitions; *
(seismic) loading rates. The increases in compressive and ten- 6 . Saturation tended to decrease the static and dynamic
sile strength that resulted from increased loading rate indicat- compression strengths and increase the static and dynamic
ed in this paper are consistent with the other published find- splitting tensile strengths, and did not significantly change the
ings. Raphael (1984) reports an average dynamic-static split- density of the sample; and
ting tensile strength ratio of 1.45, and a dynamic-static com- 7. Larger-diameter core generally yielded lower strength
pressive strength ratio of 1.3 1 for the same loading rate ranges. and strain values and higher moduli values.
Bischoff and Perry (1991) report that compressive strengths
typically increase from o to SO% at loading rates that simulate CONVERSIONS
seismic loads, when compared with static loads. These results Calculations reported in this paper were originally calculated in
agree with the average dynamic-static ratios of 1.07 for the English units and converted to SI (metric) using the following:
1 in. = 45.4 mm
compression tests, and 1.44 for the splitting tension tests in O.oo6894 p s i = 1 MPa
this study. 6.894 psi = 1 GPa
Bischoff and Perry (1991) also report that increased com- 16.018 Ib/fts = kg/m3
pressive loading rates tend to provide stress-strain curves that
remain linear up to higher compressive stress values, which ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
they attribute to a decrease in internal microcracking for a We would like to thank the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Dam Safety
given level of stress at higher strain rates. In this study, stress- Office, Denver, Colo. for funding this study. Special thanks to David
Kellstadt for contributing his time and resources to complete this study
strain curves produced from dynamic compression tests were
Thanks to all employees of the Materials Engineering and Research
also more linear up to the point of failure than those produced Laboratory concrete group for contributions to and support of this project.
from static compression tests.
The mass concrete data reported by Raphael (1978) indicate REFERENCES
that, in general, the modulus of elasticity tends to increase with Bischoff, I? H., and Perry, S. H., 1991, “Compressive Behavior of
increasing loading rate. Bischoff and Perry (199 1) note that Concrete at High Strain Rates,” Matmiczls andShuhms, V ~4, pp. 4~5-450.
there is some discrepancy in this conclusion when the tangent Gaeto, T. A., 198% “Stewart Mountain Dam Concrete Analysi--l%%,“
method is used to calculate modulus of elasticity. Several REC-ERC-84-5, Division of Research and Laboratory Services,
Engineering and Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver.
results reported in this work predict no change in modulus for
Cola., pp. 1-4.
dynamic loading. The results of this study, which is based on Peabody, M., and Travers, E, (undated but approximately 1986a).
aged mass concrete cores at the dynamic loading rate specified “Testing of Englebright Dam Cores under Rapid Loading Conditions.”
to model seismic loading conditions, generally resulted in Memo reporting test results, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Cola..
lower moduli values than the static tests. pp. l-9.
Peabody, M., and Travers, E, (undated but approximately 1986b).
“Testing of Cores from Folsom and Pine Flat Dams under Rapid Loading
CONCLUSIONS Conditions,” Memo reporting test results, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
1. Dynamic compression tests indicated higher values for Denver, Colo., pp. l-16.
strength compared with the static compressive strength. For Raphael, . I . M., 1978, “The Nature of Mass Concrete in Dams,” Douglas
the 16 test populations, the average dynamic-static compressive McHmy Internattonal Symposium on Ccnm-& and Gmcretc Shwhms, SP-55.
strength ratio is 1.07, with a COV of 20%. This ratio does not B. Bresler, ed., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp.
depend upon the magnitude of the dynamic and static com- ISS-159.
Raphael, J. M., 1984. “Tensile Strength of Concrete,” AC1 JOUR?Z.4L,.
pressive strengths. The variability of the results indicate that
Proceedings V. 8 I , No. 2, Mar.-Apr. pp. 158-66.
compressive strength measurements should be determined on Annual Rook of ASTM Stan&r&, 1998, V. 4.04, Concrete and
a case-by-case basis; Aggregates, American Society for Testing and Materials, West
2. Dynamic splitting tension tests indicate a significant Conshohocken, Pa., 1998.

296 ACI Materials Journal/May-June 2000

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