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NAMA : Agus Rizal Heru Cahya

NPM : 2221010473


MATA KULIAH : General English

I have chosen the topic: "Pollution due to Urbanization"

Urbanization is a process of social, economic and demographic change, characterized
by the growth of cities and the concentration of the population in urban areas. It is a
result of the increasing migration of people from rural areas to cities in search of
better job opportunities, higher standards of living, and access to better education
and healthcare. However, urbanization has brought with it many challenges, one of
which is pollution.
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.
It is a major problem in urban areas due to the high concentration of industries,
vehicles, and people. The increased use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, for energy
production and transportation has led to an increase in air pollution, causing health
problems such as respiratory diseases and heart disease. In addition, the disposal of
waste from households and industries has led to an increase in water and soil
pollution, which affects the health of both humans and animals.
Urbanization has also led to the destruction of green spaces and forests, which play a
crucial role in absorbing and reducing the levels of air pollution. As a result, urban
residents are exposed to higher levels of air pollution than those living in rural areas.
It is imperative that governments and individuals take steps to reduce pollution and
its impact on the environment and human health. Governments can implement
policies that encourage the use of clean energy, such as wind and solar power, and
restrict the use of fossil fuels. They can also provide incentives for industries to adopt
environmentally friendly practices and invest in clean technology.
Individuals can also play a role in reducing pollution by using public transportation,
reducing the use of single-use plastics, and properly disposing of waste. Planting
trees and preserving green spaces can also help reduce air pollution and improve the
quality of life in urban areas.
In conclusion, pollution due to urbanization is a major challenge facing cities today. It
poses a threat to the health of individuals and the environment. Governments and
individuals must work together to reduce pollution and its impact, by adopting
environmentally friendly practices and investing in clean technology. Only through
collective action can we create a cleaner and healthier future for all.

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