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2/2/23, 10:55 AM DUI Cases Dismissed Because Police Lied | Pennsylvania DUI Blog


June 1, 2011 by Justin McShane

News from Sacramento where 79 DUI cases have been dismissed because a police officer falsified police reports:

SACRAMENTO, CA – Sacramento County District Attorney Jan Scully announced Friday that 79 cases, mostly for driving under the influence,
have been dismissed because of alleged misconduct by former Sacramento police officer Brandon Mullock.

The D.A.’s office and Sacramento Police Department began an investigation of Mullock in June after discovering discrepancies between the
officer’s arrest reports and video recordings on his patrol car’s in-car camera.

Scully said approximately 200 cases were reviewed where Mullock was the primary arresting officer or was subpoenaed to testify in cases
spanning from February 2007 through January 2009.

A summary of the Mullock investigation results included significant issues with the validity of DUI stops; how the preliminary alcohol
screening device was administered in the field; sobriety tests; and interviews of suspects. 1/1

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