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Report 2

The interviewee’s name is Geeta Mahar interviewed by Navya Mahar. They had a
family of 7, 4 brothers and 1 sister, however they lived with in a joint family with
their first cousins and their parents. They live their teenage years in
Myanmar(Burma). A historical fact being, India- Pakistan war of 1971, which forced
the residents to not use any electricity and stay in complete blackout. Noodles was
recently introduced during the 60’s, which turned out be most teenagers favourite,
other than that they consumed basic food because the demand for outside food
wasn’t that high during that era. They had no restrictions on their food choices. Food
was not eaten at a specific moment of the day, though it had timings such as
breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ingredients like green vegetables were grown at their
own home however supermarkets still played role for buying groceries. They played
various sports. The person I interviewed played baseball, volleyball and basketball.
Their school educated them about physical training on various levels. The topic of
mental health was discussed when they were younger but they were not as open
about their mental health if compared to today’s generation. Talking about mental
health has become more important now as there is more added pressure which
wasn’t there at their time, when they were teenagers. Every teenager should get a
chance to talk about their mental well-being.

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