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introdction A lot of tings may be up in the air for you when the & of Wands aopeans(rou .

mtay be frustratedt tired of waiting) This card is an indicator to be petient a whie tonger You .

may have aleadly done alf you cari do, and decislions now must be made by other people.

Oeneal When thus card appears, nothing seems to be moving ahead/ Don't try to force thungs,

as that is lisely to bacsfre on you. Speaking metaphoricaly, sometimes our actions are all in the .

wnst, all you can do is put your best out there and se where it lands (you/ve put your best out .

here Now wit .

Wok: You are probably waitfing on decisions that have to be made by others,Chances are good

hat the outcome wil be positive, but don't try to puash people before they are reaty( Be6.

patient the logam will break sopn, but it isn't up to you to break it

Love in the contest of lave, when the B appears you probably are feling ready for a.

conmitment that doesn't seem to be fortheomin Again, you must not push someone before .

they are reaity. You can't ot your needs met by force. Distratt yourse I necesary, and your .

beloved may be back to you before you know it, offering the love you'd been hoping for, on a l

siver plater.

Einances. Things don't seem to be moving, financially This is not a good time to takei

speculatve investments, unless you are looking at the very long-term, Things ire in fiusx. Save.

money. Watch your spending habits(Again, patience is called for.)

CHealth: You may be anuiously waiting for test results or for information on what a particulat

health problem actually means. Take one moment at a time, think positively land know that it

may take a while to get to the bottom of what is really happening. Advocate for yoursel, ask.

questions, educate yourself as huch as you can. Your healers have a lot of patients to care for.i

You only have yourseif. Keep plugging ahead and things are likely to be fine.

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