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Genesys Cloud TSE Guide

Version 1.0  Created November 2021

Genesys Cloud TSE Guide

Table of Contents
1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. How to access.................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. How to Become Available for Calls ................................................................................................................ 3
4. How to Handle Calls ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Incoming Calls ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Outgoing Calls........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Call Transfers ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
After Call Work ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Manage your Status .......................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Status and Their Uses............................................................................................................................... 9
6. End of Day .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
7. FAQs ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Can I have more that one tab of Genesys Cloud open? ................................................................................. 9
Can I refresh the Genesys Cloud tab? ............................................................................................................... 9
What browser should I use? ................................................................................................................................ 9
If a call drops, how can I find the phone number so I can call the customer back? .................................... 9

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Genesys Cloud TSE Guide

1. Overview
Sophos Technical Support is moving to a new phone system called Genesys Cloud. This is a web-based phone system
that will allow TSEs to handle incoming customer calls.

2. How to access
• Go to
• Click on Apps
• Click on Genesys Cloud

• This will generate an Oauth request
o If you need to authenticate through DUO – do it
• At the landing page – click Collaborate/Communicate

• You will now be in the main screen

3. How to Become Available for Calls

Genesys Cloud has a concept of ‘On Queue’ which is when a TSE is available to take incoming calls. This is controlled
by a toggle in the upper right:

• Click on the toggle to make yourself available:

Now you will be routed calls from any queue that your manager has assigned you. Be aware that TSEs can not alter
the queues they are members of.

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Genesys Cloud TSE Guide

4. How to Handle Calls

Incoming Calls
For incoming calls, there is nothing you need to do. You will automatically be presented with the call if you are On
Queue and IDLE in the correct Queue. You have 15 seconds to answer the call. Click on the answer button to accept
the call. If the call times out, the call will be returned to the Queue and you will be put in the NOT RESPONDING
status. You will need to manually move yourself out of this status.
During calls, they will appear in your Activity pane (leftmost).

When a call is over:

• When the customer disconnects you will be automatically placed in After Call Work
• If you disconnect the call (click the <insert image>) you will be [need clarity here – will they go to
ACW or back into the Queue]

Outgoing Calls
1. Click on Interactions option

2. Click on Start a new interaction
3. Type the Queue you will make a call on behalf of:
a. This will be the phone number the customer see on the incoming call
b. You can only search and select queues you are a member of

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4. Type the number to dial and hit ENTER to populate the details in the pane

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5. Click the dial icon

Call Transfers
You can transfer calls to other TSEs or to a Queue. In most instances, you will be transferring into a Queue and this
will be a cold transfer – this means you don’t need to stay on the phone with the customer.
To process a transfer to a Queue:
1. Click on the ARROW button in the call control panel:

2. You will be presented with a search screen where you can find the queue and complete the transfer.

To process a transfer to a specific TSE:

1. Click on the PERSON button in the call control panel:

2. You will be presented with a search screen where you can search for the TSE.
3. Select the correct name.
a. Click on the TSE’s head icon in the search
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b. Click on ENTER button on your keyboard

4. The CONSULT button should now be available. Click it.

5. This will conference you in with the TSE you are transferring to.
a. It is best to do warm transfers – introduce the customer to the TSE and give a brief summary
6. When you are ready to complete the transfer, and the receiving TSE has agreed to take the call, click on the
ARROW button in the transfer screen.
a. This will end your call and you will need to enter the proper wrap code.
i. Select the correct code.
ii. Click DONE.
b. The customer, however, will remain on the new call with the new TSE.

After Call Work

You will be automatically put into ACW when a call terminates. In this state you won’t receive any incoming calls.
ACW does not automatically expire. You need to be conscious of your status and move yourself to IDLE to receive
the next call.

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5. Manage your Status

The main status you need to
worry about is being “On
Queue”. To access other
statues, click on your user icon:
You can select any status
available here. Here is an
example of a user set to the
BUSY>Outbound Call status:
Note that the circle changes
color and that there is a timer
that tells you how long you
have been in the status.
Please be aware that you
manager can manually move
you out of a status.

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List of Status and Their Uses

Main Status Sub Status Used for
Available Available For when you are ready to enter a

Busy Outbound Call For making calls to customers

Busy Casework When you have been assigned time

by your manager to do case work

Break - When you are on break

Meal - When you are on your lunch break

Meeting - When you are in a meeting

Training - When you are completing assigned


6. End of Day
To end your shift, simply click on the On Queue icon and move yourself to Off Queue. Then close your browser.
That’s it!

7. FAQs
Can I have more that one tab of Genesys Cloud open?
Don’t do this. Although it works, it will cause problems with call delivery.

Can I refresh the Genesys Cloud tab?

No. If you do this during a call, the call will disconnect and the call will be marked as disconnected. If something like
this happens, find the customer’s phone number and call them back.

What browser should I use?

Sophos Support uses CHROME.

If a call drops, how can I find the phone number so I can call the
customer back?
In your CALLS tab there is a HISTORY pane. This will show you the information you need.

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