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Work Experience Training Plan

Program Name: Cybersecurity Specialist

Course Code: CYSPRC210

1. Use a variety of computer software and other technological tools appropriate to perform essential business tasks

2. Use fundamental system commands appropriate to operating systems

3. Apply a structured process to problem solving.

4. Collect, analyze and organize relevant information from a variety of sources

5. Install, configure and upgrade physical and logical elements on the network.

6. Interpret, produce and present work-related documents and information effectively and accurately

7. Use and administer a network client environment

8. Plan a network installation or upgrade.

9. Monitor, optimize and maintain a network.

10. Interact and communicate in various work situations.

11. Establish and apply security measures to various physical and logical network elements.

12. Troubleshoot problems related to local and wide area networks

13. Manage the use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project-related goals

14. Design the technical elements of a network infrastructure

15. Implement a server virtualization solution.

16. Assess, plan and implement a cybersecurity defense strategy.

17. Monitor, detect and respond to security vulnerabilities in information systems.

18. Plan and perform penetration-testing procedures.





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