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Alejandro Portugal Rocha

Podcast review 1

1) List the name of the podcast and episode.

Invest like the best with Patrick O’Shaughnessy ep. (298): How to price products

2) Provide a brief biography of the person interviewed in the episode (what is their
job/career, what are they known for, where are they from, and any other relevant detail).

Madhavan Ramanujam: Madhavan Ramanujam is a Board member and Partner at

Simon-Kucher & Partners, at the firm’s San Francisco/ Silicon Valley office. He has led
over 125 monetization projects for Internet, software and technology clients, helping
bring several new products to market. Madhavan has advised companies of all sizes,
from Fortune 500s to startups.

He holds an MBA from Stanford University and has pursued graduation from the Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras.

3) Describe three things you learned from this podcast.

- Be precise: When innovating or creating new products it is also important to have

the pricing of said products in mind, and not just save it for last.
- So many innovations fail because products created by developers didn't realize
just how much value their offerings provided to customers. They then grossly
underestimated how much customers would be willing to pay for them and
charged prices that were far below what they could have charged, leaving big
profits on the table.
- The most important element of your pricing strategy is that it needs to sustain
your business. Your selling price needs to be able to keep you in business.If
products are set at a high price and potential customers don’t buy, you’ll lose
market share. If you set your prices too low, you’ll be selling at a loss, or at an
unsustainable profit margin.

4) What additional question would you make to the interviewee if you had the chance?

- What is the rule of thumb for having an awareness on pricing?

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