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In the first instance we will apply the data collection test which will help us to select the

functional judges and later to classify the affective judges from the analytical ones with the
following link:

then a series of tests will be applied to improve the classification of the more experienced
judges or those with more skills that will need to be trained to improve the data they can give
us.For the judges’ selection test, it will be necessary to perform some tests to measure the
following skills

The judges will be submitted to a discriminative test in which they will have to identify if the
tests are different or equal to a reference, in the following test the judges will be asked to
perform gradient tests or directly threshold tests to know which are the limits of their

In our case, we will use sweeteners which we will try to make the judge identify, and then try
to perceive and classify them.

Later a visual test will be done for the perception of the changes of tones of the coloration in
the sweeteners.

To measure their knowledge of the technical language for the description of flavors and
aromas, they will be given tests to look for them to describe the flavors and aromas.

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