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Soft Skills Checklist

Put a check mark to the column that matches your opinion and observation regarding the
attributes that you consistently demonstrate. Be honest in your self-assessment!

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
I am dependable and reliable. People can count on me.
I do every job well, regardless of my personal feelings.
I take responsibility for my behavior and actions.
I have the ability to solve problems.
I am proactive, willing to take reasonable risks to show
I am trustworthy and am a person of good character.
I have the ability to admit mistakes and seek solutions. I
do not blame others.
I understand the value of being loyal and truthful
I understand the importance of confidentiality
Work Ethic
I complete and turn in assignments on time.
I do what it takes to get the job done.
I have planning and time management skills.
I have the ability to work independently.
I ask thoughtful questions when I do not understand an
I do more than is expected of me, not waiting to be told
what to do.
I volunteer to help without being asked.
Communication Skills
I have effective presentation and public speaking skills.
I listen to others and do not interrupt them.
I understand proper email and cell phone usage.
"On the Job" Approach to Work Assignments
I show enthusiasm for projects I am given.
I am friendly and treat people with respect.
I am self-confident and sensitive to cultural diversity.
I am a team player, working well with others.
I am interested in learning new information and skills.
I know how to follow and take directions well and can be
flexible as needed

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