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yhkthDear mother,

First of all, let me tell you that I am beyond luck, because I have you as a mother. I
have been blessed by God to grow up with the most wonderful person I have ever known.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my mother, for giving me
the chance to be your daughter. I owe you many things, every smile of mine is due to you.
Thanks to you, I learned to be a good child and to help others, you taught me to write, to read,
to grow, to love. Thank you for raising me beautifully, for all the love I felt coming from you
to me. An infinite love. Love you mom! And thank you for being by my side, for always
supporting me and believing in me. You always encouraged me to pursue my goals, but
especially my dreams, even when others doubted my abilities. There are so many things I
want to thank you for that it wouldn't last me a lifetime. Thank you for the laughter, the
smiles, the lessons and for the moments when you remind me that I will always have someone
to love me for who I am, even with flaws. Without you I would not be the person I am today!
There would be no unity or determination to achieve my goals and ambitions in my life.
Thank you for all this and for being my guiding light. I love you dear mother!

With love,
Your daughter

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