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Dear Mama,

I am not the type who hugs and kisses you out of nowhere. I am not the perfect child. I know I have
been a cause of your headaches and tears . I am not very respectful as I have already talked back to you.
With all the bad things I did, I certainly know that I am not the ideal kid to you but you are the ideal
mama to me. Maybe I was too young to understand your words, but the moment I took those words
seriously I am so grateful to have you as my mama. When papa died, I have seen your struggles. You
have made what seemed to be impossible during those times as possible. You became our “inatay” as
what you call it, our mama and papa in one body and I couldn’t ask for more . I did not feel that I am
lacking because you’re always there by my side, and that is enough. Thank you mama for nurturing me,
for loving me, and for supporting my dreams. I felt sad to see you still struggling so much just to send me
and my siblings to school but I also know that you are proud of our achievements. I am also very proud
that I was able to make you ascend to the stage multiple times to help me wear my medal. I love to see
you wear that proud smile and I can’t wait to see it again sooner as I walk up the stage to receive my
diploma in college. I don’t say this most of the time but I hope I made you feel my overflowing love to
you just like how I can feel yours. Mama, I fear so many things but I am always calmed down just by the
thought that I have you. This is cliché but you are the best mama ever!



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