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BSc degrees and Diplomas for Graduates in Economics, Management, Finance and the
Social Sciences, the Diplomas in Economics and Social Sciences and Access Route for
External Students

World History since 1917

Friday, 3 June 2011 : 10.00am to 1.00pm

Candidates should answer FOUR of the following TWENTY questions. All questions carry
equal marks.

© University of London 2011

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1. To what extent had Roosevelt succeeded in influencing international economic and political
affairs by 1936?

2. To what extent was the Balfour Declaration a significant cause of tensions between Jews and
Arabs in Palestine during the 1920s?

3. Why were the Japanese willing to confront the US by 1941?

4. To what extent was the failure to meet Soviet security needs in Eastern Europe by 1946 the main
cause of the Cold War?

5. To what extent was ‘containment’ implemented by the US between 1947 and 1950?

6. Why did the Chinese communists succeed in defeating the Kuomintang after 1945?

7. What were the differences between the Cold War policies of Eisenhower and Truman towards
the Soviet Union during the 1950s?

8. Account for the Japanese economic miracle between 1946 and 1960.

9. ‘Kennedy was determined to preserve international peace but Khrushchev after 1958 was
determined to undermine it.’ Discuss.

10. To what extent was the Cuban revolution made more radical by US reactions to it?

11. ‘The Suez crisis was the catalyst for the start of the Cold War in the Middle East’. Discuss.

12. Was the Sino-Soviet split primarily produced by competition between China and the Soviet
Union for regional influence in East Asia?

13. Why was the secession of Katanga unsuccessful?

14. Why and with what consequences did Israel attack Egypt in 1967?

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15. To what extent was the Vietnam conflict an internal struggle made into an international conflict
by US involvement after 1954?

16. What role did the US play in the termination of Allende’s rule in Chile?

17. ‘Détente did not produce a thaw in the Cold War but froze Soviet-America relations before
increasing the Cold War conflict.’ Discuss.

18. Did Sadat get rid of Soviet advisers in order to attack Israel in 1973?

19. To what extent did economic hardship produce the Iranian Revolution and the rise of political

20. Did Gorbachev contribute more to the collapse of the Soviet Union than to the end of the Cold


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