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Wherewolf – Player Guide (1 page)

Wherewolf is a variant werewolf game. What makes Wherewolf different is that everyone has a role that
can advance the game and different roles interact with each other in interesting ways.

1. Start of the Game

At the beginning of the game you will get a Role, most roles have a Faction, winning condition and a power
(NB: these may change throughout the course of the game.) It is advised that you learn how your role
works and how it interacts with others. The moderator will say which roles are possibly in play, by listing
moon ratings, factions or individual roles, but this doesn't mean they are all assigned to players. The Alpha
Wolf and Clairvoyant must always be in play.

2. Night Time – ALL players close their eyes

The moderator will call certain players to wake up or raise their hand.

2.1 First Night

During the first night some roles identify other roles, whilst others receive information.
No one dies in the first night. Make sure you listen to the moderator for when to wake up.

2.2 Following Nights

From the second night Wolves can select someone to die and all Mystics can use their powers.
Also if in play other Shadows can act, as well as certain Criminals.

3. Day Time – ALL players open their eyes

Moderator will announce news from the night (normally deaths or other events). During the day players
discuss who to kill that night. There can only be one person talking at a time and no private conversations.
The day may be timed by the moderator. Next comes two rounds of voting

3.1 Accusations – the first round of voting

Everyone closes their eyes and the moderator calls out each player's name. When the name of the
player you wish to vote for is called, raise your hand. Everyone has one vote and you must vote.
The top two groups of people with the most votes go on the Ballot. Players then discuss who to
kill on the Ballot.

3.2 Ballot – the second round of voting

Same as the first round, except that people on the ballot cannot vote (Apart from City
Faction roles who can always vote, if they are in play.)
The player with the most votes in the second round of voting is killed. It there are two or more
people with the most votes, then no one is killed and the moderator will announce that the village
was undecided. After the ballot the village goes straight into the next night.

4. End of the Game

The game ends when there are no longer Shadow Creatures in play.
Wherewolf – Moderator Guide (1 page)

1. Creating a game
To keep game balance, it is advised that roughly 25% of the roles in the game be shadows. The shadows
often have additional knowledge about who is on their side, which must be balanced by being significantly

It is advised that the at least 25% of possible roles are not in play. So as a rule of thumb, if there are 10
players, choose 12-15 possible roles before randomly removing down to 10 to deal out. If the size of the
game gets too large, consider either splitting the game into two games, or adding in additional roles to
increase the game size.

Use 3-moon roles sparingly. Try picking a faction or two from 3-moon roles, but try to avoid throwing in
too many roles at once unless the players have all experienced the roles a lot. These roles can also be
touch for moderators!

The only rule of common sense is to play or not play the faction as a whole. For example: Vampire, Ghoul
and Vampire Hunter are a group, so are the Criminals. There should be all or none of them in the Village
Composition (NB: not on the cards dealt out, but in those that "may" be in play). Some group also group
together all the roles that affect votings (Merchant, Lawyer, Mayor and Preacher) and use all of them or
none of them, depending on preference.

2. Guiding Discussions
Discussion is often a lot of fun, but it is the moderator's job to make sure the game stays on track. Make
sure everyone has enough time to make their points, but if the conversation is not progressing, suggest
that the game goes to the next round of voting.

3. Time Limits
Having a countdown on days is a great way to add tension to the game or to make sure games don't run
too long. There are several options to use; use whichever ones appeal to you:
 Timed rounds: Each round of discussion has a limit, when the time runs out the village goes to the
next stage of voting.
 Timed days: The days have a time limit, when the time runs out the game goes to night. Whether
or not the village has a burning, of course this is only for experienced players as it is up to the
village to manage their time.
 Guided Days: There are timed rounds, but if the village has time left from a round, then it is added
onto the next round's time.

4. Fixing mistakes
Sometimes the moderator may make a wrong call and someone will live/die or be given false info.
 For a small mistake (such as telling the Clairvoyant a target was non-corrupt when they were
corrupt), it may be best to call up the player involved to privately talk to them.
 For larger errors which are announced to the whole village (E.g. a player was killed during the
night), it may be best to just continue on.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is not strict adherence to the rules, but for the players
to have fun.
Wherewolf Roles (16 pages!) – NB – Darkest Night are generally 3 moon (complex) roles!


1.1 Alpha Wolf - is the strongest member of the Wolf Pack faction, and has the final say on who to attack.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Alpha Wolf wakes up with all the other Wolf Pack members and they
identify each other. The Traitor does not wake up at this time, but will raise their hand to reveal themselves.
Like all other shadows, the Alpha Wolf also learns the identity of the Hag.

Additional Threats for all WOLF PACK FACTION - Apart from the village, the Wolf Pack's biggest enemy is
the Poacher who learns of their numbers and whether the Lone Wolf is in play. The Poacher can also block the
wolf attacks indefinitely if only one wolf is awake. The Lone Wolf is a Wolf, but is not a member of the Wolf
Pack. The Lone Wolf learns which players are members of the Wolf Pack, and wants to be the only Wolf alive
at the end of the game. The Outcast Wolf aim is to remove the Alpha Wolf and be the strongest wolf.

Winning Conditions - The Alpha Wolf wins with the Wolf Pack as long as the Outcast is not the strongest wolf
alive at the end of the game. The Wolf Pack wins if they are the only faction left in the game. They can also
bring a few others into their fold through attacks, including the Traitor and a variant of the Farmer.

1.2 Outcast Wolf - (Darkest Night) - is the second strongest member of the Wolf Pack faction and cannot win
while the Alpha Wolf is alive. If the Outcast Wolf is the strongest member of the Wolf Pack alive in the game,
then they have the final say on who to attack each night.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Outcast Wolf wakes up along with all the other Wolf Pack members
and they identify each other. The Traitor does not wake up at this time, but will raise their hand to reveal
themselves. Like all other shadows, the Outcast Wolf also learns the identity of the Hag.

Winning Conditions - The Outcast Wolf wins with the Wolf Pack as long as the Alpha Wolf is not alive at the
end of the game. Like the others from the Wolf Pack, they win if they are the only faction left in the game.
They can also bring a few others into their fold through attacks, including the Traitor and the Farmer.

1.3 Pack Wolf - is the third strongest member of the Wolf Pack faction, after Alpha Wolf and Outcast Wolf. If the
Pack Wolf is the strongest member of the Wolf Pack, they have the final say on who to attack each night.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Pack Wolf wakes up along with all the other Wolf Pack members and
they identify each other. The Traitor does not wake up at this time, but will raise their hand to reveal
themselves. Like all other shadows, the Pack Wolf also learns the identity of the Hag.

Winning Conditions - The Wolf Pack wins if they are the only faction left in the game. They can also bring a
few others into their fold through attacks, including the Traitor and the Farmer.

1.4 Wolf Pup - The Wolf Pup is the weakest member of the Wolf Pack faction. The Wolf Pup is not a biting wolf
and can never attack. If the Wolf Pup dies by being burnt at the stake, then the Wolf Pack get an extra attack the
following night.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Wolf Pup wakes up along with all the other Wolf Pack members and
they identify each other. The Traitor does not wake up at this time, but will raise their hand to reveal
themselves. Like all other shadows, the Wolf Pup also learns the identity of the Hag.
2. LONE WOLF FACTION (Darkest Night)

2.1 Lone Wolf (Darkest Night) - wants to kill everyone else, including the Wolf Pack.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Lone Wolf open their eyes and the Wolf Pack raises their hands. The
Traitor does not wake up at this time, but will raise their hand to reveal themselves. The Traitor can win with
the Lone Wolf as well as the Wolf Pack. Like all shadows, the Lone Wolf also learns the identity of the Hag.

Protection - The Lone Wolf is protected from being attacked by the Wolf Pack.

Additional Threats - Apart from the village, the Lone Wolf's biggest enemy is the Poacher who learns how
many Wolves are in the game and whether the Lone Wolf is among them. The Poacher also has the ability to
block the wolf attacks indefinitely if only one wolf is awake.

Winning Conditions - The Lone Wolf wins if they are the only faction left in the game.


3.1.1 Seer - is a psychic playing for the village, often seen as their biggest weapon against the shadows.

Night Actions - The Seer is the first to wake up each night from Night 1 onwards. They can use their power to
point at a player learn if the player is seen as corrupt or not. This information may change for a given player
over the course of the game, such as if the target becomes cursed or a Slave, or if the Seer
becomes cursed through checking the Hag.

News at the Inn - The Seer's information is conveyed to the village through the Bard (when the target was
not corrupt) or the Innkeeper (when the target was corrupt). If one of these roles is not in the game, dead, or
turned into a Slave, the Village will instead be told "There is no news from the Inn".

Protection - Being Mystic, the Seer is protected from being turned into a Slave of the Vampire or of
the Nosferatu. They may still be resurrected by Nosferatu but would not lose their powers or change factions.

Additional Dangers - Apart from the usual dangers of Wolves, the Seer is also vulnerable to being forced onto
the ballot by the Inquisitor and being killed by the Executioner for their Mysticism. They also may
become cursed if they use their power on the Hag, which would cause them to see all players as non-corrupt
for as long as the curse lasts.

Winning Conditions - The Seer wins with the Village once there are no more shadow roles left in play.
Additionally, if the Inquisition was in play then there must be either a surviving mystic, or no inquisition alive.

3.1.2 Medium - is a village psychic able to learn from the dead players in a game

Night Actions - The Medium is the second to wake up each night from Night 2 onwards. They can use their
power to point at a deceased player learn if the player is seen as corrupt or not. Also it is revealed to the
Medium which spirit role the deceased player has become, which are the Presence, Ghost or Spectre, or if the
player has been eliminated from the game as Rest In Peace. If the Medium uses their power on a spirit role
for a second time that player is exorcised and eliminated from the game.

Protection - Being Mystic the Medium is protected from being turned into a Slave of the Vampire or of
the Nosferatu. If chosen to be a Nosferatu Slave the Medium does not die and does not open their eyes during
the Nosferatu turn. The Medium is told if the Nosferatu tried to attack and was so saved from dying.

Additional Dangers - Apart from the usual dangers of being eaten by wolves, the Medium is also vulnerable
to being forced onto the ballot by the Inquisitor and being killed by the Executioner for their mysticism.

Winning Conditions - The Medium wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive. The Inquisition aim to remove all the Mystics, and the
Medium will lose if the Inquisition outlives the Mystics.

3.1.3 Wizard - is a village psychic able to learn if a player is mystic

Night Actions - The Wizard wakes up each night. On Night 1 only they learn if one or more players start as
inquisition. Each night they can use their power to point at a player and learn if the player is mystic or not.

Protection - Being Mystic the Wizard is protected from being turned into a Slave of the Vampire or of
the Nosferatu. If chosen to be a Nosferatu Slave the Wizard does not die and does not open their eyes during
the Nosferatu turn. The Wizard is told if the Nosferatu tried to attack and was so saved from dying.
Additional Dangers - Apart from the usual dangers of being eaten by wolves, the Wizard is also vulnerable to
being forced onto the ballot by the Inquisitor and being killed by the Executioner for their mysticism. They also
may become cursed if they use their power on the Hag, which would cause them to see all players as Non-
mystics while cursed.

Winning Conditions - The Wizard wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive. The Inquisition aim to remove all the Mystics, and the
Wizard will lose if the Inquisition outlives the Mystics.

3.1.4 Wise Woman - is a village psychic able to protect one player from Shadows each night

Night Actions - From the second night onwards they can use their power each night to point at a player and
for that night only that player is immune to being attacked by the Wolves, and cannot be turned into
a Slave of Nosferatu or the Vampire. The Wise Woman also learns if that player has been cursed.

Protection - Being Mystic the Wise Woman is protected from being turned into a Slave of the Vampire or of
the Nosferatu. If chosen to be a Nosferatu Slave the Wise Woman does not die and does not open their eyes
during Nosferatu turn. The Wise Woman is told if the Nosferatu tried to attack and was so saved from dying.

Additional Dangers - Apart from the usual dangers of being eaten by wolves, the Wise Woman is also
vulnerable to being forced onto the ballot by the Inquisitor and being killed by the Executioner for their
mysticism. They also may become cursed if they use their power on the Hag, which would cause the Wise
Woman's power to fail every time.

Winning Conditions - The Wise Woman wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive. The Inquisition aim to remove all the Mystics, and the
Wise Woman will lose if the Inquisition outlives the Mystics.

3.1.5 Healer - is a village psychic able to save a player from dying

Night Actions - The Healer wakes up each night from Night 1 onwards, every night the moderator reveals how
many infected there are in play to the Healer. At the end of every night the Healer sees the player or players
that are going to die that night. Once in the game the healer can choose one player to save from dying in the

Protection - The Healer is protected from becoming infected by the Pestilent. Being Mystic the Healer is
protected from being turned into a Slave of the Vampire or of the Nosferatu. If chosen to be a Nosferatu Slave
the Healer does not die and does not open their eyes during the Nosferatu turn. The Healer is told if the
Nosferatu tried to attack and was so saved from dying.

Additional Dangers - Apart from the usual dangers of being eaten by wolves, the Healer is also vulnerable to
being forced onto the ballot by the Inquisitor and being killed by the Executioner for their mysticism. They also
may become cursed if they use their power on the Hag, which would cause the Healer's power to fail.

Winning Conditions - The Healer wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive. The Inquisition aim to remove all the Mystics, and the
Healer will lose if the Inquisition outlives the Mystics.

3.2.1 Farmer - has no special role in the village. The moderator may optionally choose to make the farmer a
special type of farmer, but would not tell this to the player.

Hero Variant - If the Hero Farmer is killed by wolves, the strongest wolf is also killed.

Wolf Variant - If the Wolf Farmer is attacked by the Wolf Pack or the Lone Wolf, the Wolf Farmer wakes up to
become the weakest wolf and their faction becomes Wolf Pack or Lone Wolf, whichever they were attacked
by. When turned the Wolf Farmer becomes Corrupt and Shadow, and wins if the Wolf Pack/Lone Wolf is the
only faction left in the game, otherwise has the same winning condition as a normal Farmer.

Monster Variant - The Monster Farmer is cursed, so is seen as corrupt, also the Monster Farmer is protected
from the undead. If they are burned at the stake, the Monster Farmer will choose a player who voted against
them on the ballot and the chosen player is immediately eliminated from the game. By being cursed, they
receive one additional vote against their name in every round of Accusations and Ballots.

Winning Conditions - The Farmer wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive. If the Farmer is a Monster Farmer they must be killed in
order for Village to win, but they do not know this.

3.2.2 Bard - lets the village know if a non-corrupt player was found the previous night.

News at the Inn - If a non-corrupt player is found by the Seer, this information is conveyed to the village
through the moderator announcements. The village may be told "There is no news at the inn" if the Bard is
not in the game, turned into a Slave, or if either the Bard or Seer are dead. The Bard's sister role is
the Innkeeper, who lets the village know if a corrupt player was found the previous night.

Winning Conditions - The Bard wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.3 Innkeeper - lets the village know if a corrupt player was found the previous night.

News at the Inn - If a corrupt player is found by the Seer, this information is conveyed to the village through
the moderator announcements. The village may be told "There is no news at the inn" if the Innkeeper is not
in the game, turned into a Slave, or if either the Innkeeper or Seer are dead. The Innkeeper's sister role is
the Bard, who lets the village know if a non-corrupt player was found the previous night.

Winning Conditions - The Innkeeper wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.3 Hermit - is a villager who has protection from all shadows.

Protection - The Hermit is immune to being attacked by the Wolves, and cannot be turned into
a Slave of Nosferatu or the Vampire. He can only be killed through being burned at the stake during a Ballot.

Winning Conditions - The Hermit wins with any Village victory, once there are no more Shadows left alive and
there are either no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.
3.2.4 Monk - knows two or more roles that are not in play.

Night Actions - On the first night the Monk opens their eyes and the moderator shows them two or more
roles, which are possible in the current role set being played but have not been assigned to players.

Winning Conditions - The Monk wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.5 Priest - knows the identity of the Sinner and knows if the Seducer is in play.

Night Actions - In the first night the Priest learns who the Sinner is by the Priest opening their eyes and the
Sinner raising their hand. They are also told by the moderator if the Seducer is in the game.

Protection - If the Possessed chooses the Priest to become the new Possessed, Possessed is eliminated from

Winning Conditions - The Priest wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.6 Sinner - is a corrupt villager who is known by the Priest.

Confession - In first night Priest learns who the Sinner is by the Priest opening their eyes and Sinner raising
their hand.

Night Actions - During the first night, Sinner wakes up with the Possessed and they identify each other. Sinner
wakes up with the Possessed at night, If the Possessed is about to die they choose a player to become the new

Winning Conditions - Sinner wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and either no Criminals alive or
at least one Guard alive. Also Sinner can win if Possessed is only role alive; but to win with Possessed, the
Sinner must die.

3.2.7 Guard - There can be up to two Guards in play as well as a Corrupt Guard.

Night Actions - On the first night the Guards, including the Corrupt Guard wakes up and recognises each other
as Guards. Then they are told how many Criminals are in play.

Winning Conditions - Guards win when all shadow creatures eliminated and there are either no Criminals alive
or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.8 Vampire Hunter - is a defensive killing role for the Village.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Vampire Hunter will learn if the Vampire and Nosferatu are in play.
If either Nosferatu or the Vampire attempts to turn the Vampire Hunter, the Hunter will attempt to kill them.
If the Servant is still alive, the Servant will be killed instead.

Winning Conditions - The Vampire Hunter wins with the village, when no shadow creatures are left in the
game and there are either no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.
3.2.9 Pestilent (Darkest Night) - infects players that come too close.

The Plague - Pestilent and players sitting to the left and right of the Pestilent are Infected, unless the player
sitting next to them is the Healer, Vampire, Nosferatu or a Slave, as they can't be Infected.
If Pestilent is chosen by a player at night, that player becomes Infected (not Healer, Vampire or Nosferatu.)
If Strongest Wolf is Infected, then all Wolf attacks fail from the night after becoming infected.
If half village, rounded down, are infected in the morning all players are killed apart from Vampire, Nosferatu
& Slaves.

Winning Conditions - The Pestilent wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either no
Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

3.2.10 Undertaker (Darkest Night) - chooses the side of the living or of the Necromancer.

Night Actions - During the first night Undertaker learns if the Necromancer is in play. Then they make a choice,
whether to open their eyes in the Necromancer turn or not.
 Necromancer Faction - If Undertaker opens eyes they recognise each other and Undertaker becomes
Necromancer Faction. Then Undertaker closes eyes before Necromancer chooses two players to be
 Village Faction - If Undertaker chooses not to open eyes, Undertaker is part of Village Faction. While
Undertaker is alive, moderator will announce each morning if a Cursed player was killed since last

Winning Conditions - If Undertaker is part of the Necromancer Faction, they win if Necromancer is only

3.2.11 Poacher (Darkest Night) - knows how many Wolves are in play and if the Lone Wolf is in play.

Night Actions - In first night Poacher learns number of Wolves at the beginning of the game and if Lone Wolf
is among them. In any night after Poacher may Signal in Wolves turn, letting Wolves know who Poacher is. If
there is only one Wolf in play then the Wolves attack fails. If there is more than one Wolf then the Wolves can
still attack.

Winning Conditions - The Poacher wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated and there are either
no Criminals alive or there is at least one Guard alive.

4.1 Seducer - is a corrupt citizen who has total votes to kill them halved.

Confession - In the first night the moderator informs the Priest if the Seducer is in the game.

Voting Powers - The Seducer must vote in the ballot even when accused.
All votes for the Seducer received in the accusations and ballots are halved and rounded up.

Winning Conditions - The Seducer wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated.

4.2 Lawyer - is a citizen who can accuse other players.

Voting Powers - The Lawyer must vote in the ballot even when accused. Instead of voting during Accusations,
the Lawyer may Signal a player. If the player being signaled is in the City or Criminal faction, that player's votes
are zeroed. If the player being signaled is not in the City or Criminal faction, then that player is accused
regardless of votes.

Winning Conditions - The Lawyer wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated.

4.3 Mayor - is a citizen who has more votes on the ballot.

Voting Powers - The Mayor must vote in the ballot even when accused. Instead of voting during the Ballot,
the Mayor may Signal a player. That player receives one vote, plus one vote for every City Faction role alive.

Winning Conditions - The Mayor wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated.

4.4 Merchant - is a citizen who can vote for multiple players.

Voting Powers - The Merchant must vote in the ballot even when accused. The Merchant may vote for multiple
players during Accusations and the Ballot. The Merchant also receives one less vote for each City Faction role
alive, during Accusations and the Ballot.

Winning Conditions - The Merchant wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated.

4.5 Preacher - is a citizen who can stop players from being killed in the day.

Voting Powers - The Preacher must vote in the ballot even when accused. If not accused, instead of voting
during the Ballot, the Lawyer may Signal one or more players. Any players that where signaled by the Preacher
are immune from burning that night.
As long as the Preacher is in play, all other players who are City Faction are immune to burning.
If a player who is immune to being burnt, has the most votes on the ballot, then the burning in cancelled and
the moderator declares that "The village was undecided".

Winning Conditions - The Preacher wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated.

6.1 Corrupt Guard - is a Corrupt Criminal who wakes up with the Guards.

Night Actions - On the first night the Corrupt Guard opens their eyes, alongside the other Criminals and
recognises each other. Also on the first night the Corrupt Guard opens their eyes with the Guards and
recognises each other as Guards.

Winning Conditions - The Corrupt Guard wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated, also there must be
least one Criminal alive and there are no Guardsalive.

6.2 Assassin - is a Corrupt Criminal who can kill a player during a Mystic's turn.

Night Actions - On the first night the Assassin opens their eyes, alongside the other Criminals and recognises
each other. Once in the game, from the second night onwards the Assassin may open their eyes at night during
a Mystic's turn. If the Mystic is in play then the Assassin closes their eyes before the Mystic takes their night
action and that Mystic is killed. If the Mystic is not in play then the Assassin can choose any player to die.
When opening their eyes during a Mystic's turn, the Assassin must open their eyes as soon as the Mystic name
is called and quickly get the attention of the moderator.

Winning Conditions - The Assassin wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated, also there must be least
one Criminal alive and there are no Guards alive.

6.3 Guildmaster - is a Criminal who can see if a Mystic is in play and can recruit another Criminal.

Night Actions - On the first night the Thief opens their eyes, alongside the other Criminals and recognises each
Once in the game, from the second night onwards the Guildmaster may open their eyes at night during a
Mystic's turn. If the Mystic is in play then the Guildmaster closes their eyes before the Mystic takes their night
If the Mystic is not in play then the Guildmaster can choose a player. If the chosen player is a Guard or a Wolf,
then the Guildmaster dies. If the chosen player is Village, City or Inquisition Faction then that player becomes
Criminal Faction. If the Guildmaster chooses anyone else, nothing happens.
When opening their eyes during a Mystic's turn, the Guildmaster must open their eyes as soon as the Mystic
name is called and quickly get the attention of the moderator.

Winning Conditions - The Guildmaster wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated, also there must be
least one Criminal alive and there are no Guards alive.

6.4 Thief - is a Criminal who can see if a Mystic is in play and is protected from one Shadow attack.

Night Actions - On the first night the Thief opens their eyes, alongside the other Criminals and recognises each
other. Once in the game, from the second night onwards the Thief may open their eyes at night during a
Mystic's turn. The Thief then closes their eyes before the Mystic takes their night action, from that night
onwards the Thief is protected from the first Shadow attacks it receives.
When opening their eyes during a Mystic's turn, the Thief must open their eyes as soon as the Mystic name is
called and quickly get the attention of the moderator.

Winning Conditions - The Thief wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated, also there must be least one
Criminal alive and there are no Guards alive.
6.5 Spy - is a Criminal who can watch accusations by voting for themself.

Night Actions - On the first night the Spy opens their eyes, alongside the other Criminals and recognises each

Voting Powers - The Spy may open their eyes during Accusations, by doing so their vote must be for themself.

Winning Conditions - The Spy wins when all shadow creatures are eliminated, also there must be least one
Criminal alive and there are no Guards alive.


7.1 Vampire - is an undead role who aims to turn the whole village into his Slaves

Night Actions - During the first night, Vampire will identify the Servant and the Hag.
Each night, the Vampire may select a player to turn into his Slave. Mystics are immune to his powers, and
the Vampire Hunter and Wolves will both try to kill him if he attempts to turn them.
The Vampire also cannot turn Nosferatu or his Tralls into his own. In the case of Nosferatu, they will wake up
and acknowledge the Vampire.
If the Vampire picks a target which would kill him, the Servant may die in his place if still in the game.
The Servant will die in the place of both the Vampire and Nosferatu.

Winning Conditions - The Vampire wins if the Vampire Faction are the only remaining faction in the game.

7.2 Vampire Slave - Players do not start the game as a Slave, but become one by being turned by the Vampire.
After being turned, the player's powers are lost.

Becoming Undead - Mystic characters are immune to being turned into Slaves, and the Wolf Pack or Vampire
Hunter will kill the Vampire if it attempts to turn them. Nosferatu's Slaves cannot be turned into Vampire
Slaves, and a Vampire Slave cannot be turned into a Slave of Nosferatu.

Winning Conditions - Slaves are classed as shadow creatures and undead. The village will need to kill them in
order to end the game. Slaves win if the Vampire faction is the only remaining faction in play, but can also win
with any factionless roles. The Slaves themselves will know the identity of their master Vampire and
the Servant, but will not know the identities of any other Slaves in play.
8. NOSFERATU FACTION (Darkest Night)

8.1 Nosferatu (Darkest Night) - is an undead role who aims to resurrect the whole village into his Slaves.

Night Actions - During the first night, Nosferatu will identify the Servant and the Hag. Each night, Nosferatu
may select a dying player to turn into his Slave. Mystics are immune to his powers, and the Vampire
Hunter and Wolves will both try to kill him if he attempts to turn them.
Nosferatu also cannot turn the Vampire or his Tralls into his own. In the case of they Vampire, they will wake
up and acknowledge each other.
If Nosferatu picks a target which would kill him, the Servant may die in his place if still in the game.
The Servant will die in the place of both the Vampire and Nosferatu.

Winning Conditions - Nosferatu wins if the Nosferatu Faction are the only remaining faction in the game.

8.2 Nosferatu Slave (Darkest Night) - Players do not start the game as a Slave, but become one by being turned
by the Nosferatu. After being turned, the player's powers are lost.

Becoming Undead - The Nosferatu chooses to resurrect players that are about to die in the night. Mystic
characters are immune to being turned into Slaves but remains alive if resurrected. The Wolf Pack or Vampire
Hunter will kill a Nosferatu if it attempts to resurrect them.
Nosferatu's Slaves cannot be turned into Vampire Slaves, and a Vampire Slave cannot be turned into a Slave
of Nosferatu.

Winning Conditions - Slaves are classed as shadow creatures and undead. The village will need to kill them in
order to end the game. Slaves win if the Nosferatu faction is the only remaining faction in play, but can also
win with any factionless roles.
The Slaves themselves will know the identity of their master Nosferatu and the Servant, but will not know the
identities of any other Slaves in play.

9.1 Traitor - is on the side of the Wolves, but is seen as a normal villager by mystics.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Wolf Pack and the Lone Wolf wakes up separately. The Traitor does
not wake up, but will raise their hand to reveal themselves to both Wolf Factions. If attacked by a Wolf, the
Traitor will not be killed but will wake up and identify the other wolves. The Traitor does not have any
additional powers after being woken up, but will know who to side with during Accusations and Ballots. The
Traitor only wakes up during the night when he is attacked; he may not keep opening his eyes every night.

Winning Conditions - The Traitor wins if the only faction left in the game are Wolves. This may be either
the Wolf Pack or the Lone Wolf.

9.2 Jester - is a villager who wants to die by being burnt.

Winning Conditions - The Jester wins if they are burned at the stake by the village, the night after being burnt
the village will be undecided of who to burn. Also wins if all players are eliminated.

9.3 Madman - is a villager who wants to die by being attacked by wolves.

Winning Conditions - The Madman wins if they are eaten by the Wolves at night, the night after being eaten
the Wolves attack will fail. Also wins if all players are eliminated.

9.4 Minion – Igor – is a helper for both the Vampire and Nosferatu.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Servant wakes up with both Nosferatu and the Vampire and
identifies them. They also identify the Hag during this time.
From the second night onwards, the Servant will wake up in both the Vampire and Nosferatu turns, and will
be identified by any players turned into a Slave of either faction.
If the Vampire or Nosferatu attack a Vampire Hunter or the Wolf Pack, the undead master would normally die.
The Servant dies in their place instead, allowing their undead master to live on.

Winning Conditions - The servant can win with either the Vampire or Nosferatu factions.

9.5 Wanderer (Darkest Night) - is a survivor character who can win alongside any other Faction.

Dying Power - If at least half the players in the game have died, the Wanderer will die the following morning.

Winning Conditions - Wanderer wins if they are still alive at end of game, or if killed by their own power.

9.6 Hag (Darkest Night) - is a corrupt mystic who causes confusion by cursing other mystics

Night Actions - During the first night, the Hag is identified by all other shadow creatures, but does not find out
who the shadows are. If any mystic uses their power on the Hag, that mystic receives a normal result but is
then cursed from then on. An investigative mystic (Seer, Wizard, Wise Woman (curse check)) cursed by the
Hag will be told that all targets are non-corrupt, non-mystic and not cursed. Any protective roles (Wise
Woman, Healer) will have their power nullified. As with any curse, all cursed players will also receive an
additional vote against their name in each ballot. All Hag curses are removed when the Hag is killed, and will
be removed from a player who dies. For this reason, the Medium cannot be affected by the Hag's powers

Winning Conditions - The Hag can win with any shadow victory, so long as they are still alive at the end.

10.1 Inquisitor (Darkest Night) - is the head of the Inquisition, and must be placed into the game if
the Executioner or Templar are placed into the game.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Inquisitor is told how many Mystics are in play, and identifies
the Executioner and the Templar. During the nighttime, any Mystic who uses their power on the Inquisitor will
wake up the Inquisitor and they will both identify each other.

Ballot Actions - The Inquisitor may Signal instead of voting during the Accusation phase of the Ballot. If the
target is a Mystic then that player is placed onto the Ballot regardless of the number of votes received.

The Knights Templar - If the Inquisitor dies and the Templar is still in play, the moderator will begin a
countdown in the morning, starting at the number of Mysticsleft in play. The village then has this many days
and nights to kill all of the remaining Mystics, or end the game. Failure to do so will cause everybody to lose
except the Wanderer if they have already won, also the Jester and Madman who automatically wins. Killing
the Templar or turning them into a Slave at this point will not stop the countdown.

Winning Conditions - The Inquisitor wins if all Shadows and Mystics are eliminated. There does not need to
be any surviving Inquisitionmembers to count as a victory.

10.2 Executioner (Darkest Night) - can kill off Mystics and Shadows that are voted for on the ballot.
The Inquisitor must be in the game if the Executioner is in play.

Night Actions - During the first night the Inquisitor identifies the Executioner.

Ballot Actions - The Executioner may Signal instead of voting during the Ballot. If the target is
a Mystic or Shadow then all votes for other players are zeroed. So as long as the target has at least one vote
that player is burnt at the stake otherwise the ballot is hung.

Winning Conditions - The Inquisitor wins if all Shadows and Mystics are eliminated. There does not need to
be any surviving Inquisition members to count as a victory.

10.3 Templar - If the Templar is in the game, then there must be a Inquisitor

Night Actions - During the first night, the Inquisitor identifies the Templar.

If the Inquisitor dies and the Templar is still in play, the moderator will begin a countdown in the morning,
starting at the number of Mysticsleft in play. The village then has this many days and nights to kill all of the
remaining Mystics, or end the game. Failure to do so will cause everybody to lose except the Wanderer if they
have already won, also the Jester and Madman who automatically wins. Killing the Templar or turning them
into a Slave at this point will not stop the countdown.

Winning Conditions - The Templar wins if all Shadows and Mystics are eliminated. There does not need to be
any surviving Inquisition members to count as a victory.

11.1 Juliet - protects Romeo.

Star Crossed Lovers - On the the first night the Juliet chooses a player to be the Romeo, the Romeo wakes up
and sees the Juliet. If Juliet or Romeo are killed during the night, the other will die at the same time. If one is
burnt, the other will die at the end of the following night.

Romeo - When chosen by Juliet, Romeo becomes Lover faction and their winning condition changes to Juliet
being alive at the end of the game. Romeo still retains his previous role and powers. The Romeo is immune to
being attacked by Shadow creatures.

Winning Conditions - The Juliet wins if their Romeo is alive at the end of the game.

11.2 Guardian Angel – seeks to protect the object of their love.

Somebody to Love - On the the first night the Guardian Angel chooses a player to be Loved. The Loved knows
that they are loved but does not know who the Guardian Angel is. The Loved original role, faction and winning
conditions do not change. For the rest of the game when the loved is picked by the Wolves to be eaten the
Guardian Angel takes its place, unless the Wolves have already selected the Guardian Angel to die that night.
Also when the loved is about to go on the ballot the Guardian Angel takes its place, unless the Guardian Angel
is on the ballot as well. If the Loved is chosen to be burnt at the stake, the Guardian Angel can not save their

Winning Conditions - The Guardian Angel wins if their Loved is alive at the end of the game.


12.1 Necromancer - is a corrupt mystic who wants everyone to die.

Night Actions - During the first night the Necromancer chooses two players to be Cursed. Like all other
shadows, the Necromancer also learns the identity of the Hag. If two or more Cursed players are killed in the
game, then the village is informed that everyone apart from the Necromancer will die, unless the Necromancer
is killed before the next morning.

The Graveyard - The Undertaker may choose to wake up in the Necromancer's turn on the first night, if this
happens the Undertaker becomes Necromancer Faction and they recognise each other.

Winning Conditions - The Necromancer wins if Necromancer is the only faction remaining.

12.2Undertaker (see Factionless) (Darkest Night)

13 POSSESSED FACTION (Darkest Night)

13.1 Possessed - needs to keep a Possessed player in the game.

Night Actions - During the first night, the Sinner wakes up with the Possessed and they identify each other.
Like all other shadows, the Possessed also learns the identity of the Hag.
The Possessed wakes up with the Sinner at night, If the Possessed is about to die they choose a player to
become the new Possessed. If the the chosen player is protected from Shadows then the Possessed chooses

Possession - When a player becomes Possessed they wake up and see the last Possessed and the Sinner, the
Possessed also loses their previous role, powers, faction and winning conditions.
If the Possessed chooses the Priest, the Possessed loses all powers and loses. Also the Possessed loses if they
are burned by the village.

Undead - If the Vampire or Nosferatu chooses the Possessed to become a Slave, the undead master becomes
the Possessed, the previous Possessed is eliminated and the Servant sees this.

Winning Conditions - The Possessed is the only role remaining in the game. Although the Sinner can win with
the Possessed faction, the Sinner needs to die in order for the Possessed to win.


14.1 Doctor / Scientist (Darkest Night) - creates a Creature which needs to be killed.

The Creature - If the doctor is in play then the first player to be eliminated at night, becomes the Creature.
When the Creature comes into play the doctor is notified and the Creature identifies the doctor. The doctor
can not become the Creature.
The Creature wakes up each night and chooses a player to kill, the Creature is a Shadow that
is, Factionless, Corrupt, protected from Shadows and will kill any Shadow that tries to attack it. The Creature
wins if they are the only role remaining.

Protection - The Doctor is Protected from the Creature.

Winning Conditions - The Doctor wins if the Creature is killed and the Doctor is still alive at the end of the

15.1 Rest in Peace - The Player is eliminated from the game.

Séance - When checked by the Medium, the Medium receives the information about whether or not the player
was corrupt before they died.

Winning Conditions - The player can still win when eliminated, as long as their winning condition is met. The
player's winning conditions stay the same for when they eliminated.

15.2 Ghost - is a deceased player that has become a spirit.

Séance - When checked by the Medium, the Medium receives the information about whether or not the player
was corrupt before they died. Also they find out their current role is the Ghost.
If checked by the Medium a second time, the Ghost is eliminated.

Awake Spirits - The Ghost can keep their eyes open during the night, but must close their eyes during voting.

Voting Powers - The Ghost can Signal a player during Accusations, then that player is on the ballot regardless
of votes.

Winning Conditions - The Ghost wins with any victory by the Village, City, Criminals or Inquisition Factions.
Unless the player was killed by burning or the Assassin, then the Ghost wins with any Shadow victory.

15.3 Presence - is a deceased player that has become a spirit.

Séance - When checked by the Medium, the Medium receives the information about whether or not the player
was corrupt before they died. Also they find out their current role is the Presence.
If checked by the Medium a second time, the Presence is eliminated.

Awake Spirits - The Presence can keep their eyes open during the night, but must close their eyes during

Voting Powers - The Presence can vote for multiple players during Accusations and the Ballot.

Winning Conditions - The Presence wins with any victory by the Village, City, Criminals or Inquisition Factions.
Unless the player was corrupt before dying, then the Presence wins with any Shadow victory.

15.4 Spectre - is a deceased player that has become a spirit.

Séance - When checked by the Medium, the Medium receives the information about whether or not the player
was corrupt before they died. Also they find out their current role is the Spectre.
If checked by the Medium a second time, the Spectre is eliminated.
The Medium is Cursed if the Spectre is in play.

Awake Spirits - The Spectre can keep their eyes open during the night, but must close their eyes during voting.

Voting Powers - While the Medium is in play the Spectre cannot vote or Signal.
The Presence can Signal a player during accusations or the ballot, then that player receives one vote and plus
one vote for each Spirit in play.

Winning Conditions - The Presence wins with any Shadow victory.

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