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Problem 1:

You are given the task to create a flowchart that will accept the salary of the employees and the number
of hours worked. If the hours worked is 45 or more then the employee get a bonus of 500 dollars. If the
hours worked is less than 45 but more than or equal to 30 then the employee gets a bonus of 300
dollars. If the hours worked is more than or equal to 15 but less than 30 then the employee gets 100
bonus. Calculate the New Salary which is the salary plus the bonus and output the new salary.

Problem 2:

Construct a flowchart that will accept the salary and number of years worked. The employee is given a
10% bonus if he worked 10 years or more, 5 % if he worked less than 10 years but 5 years or more and
3% bonus if less than 5 years. Calculate and output the bonus and the new salary after the bonus is

Problem 3:

Construct a flowchart that will accept two numbers and output which number is bigger and which
number is smaller.

Problem 4:

Construct a flowchart that will accept the total of items bought. If the total is 100 or more then 10%
discount is given on the total. If the total is less than 100 but greater than or equal to 50, 5% discount is
given otherwise no discount. Calculate and output the discount amount and the new total.

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