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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Semester : III ( Tiga ) III.I, PAI III.2 PAI

Dosen : Dr. H. Nurkhan, M.Ag

Hari/Waktu : Senin, 25 Oktober 2021

Nama : Muhamad Faisal Fajrul Ashfiya

No. UTS : 2122.

Soal :

1. What is your plan after graduate from STAI almasthuriyah , please explain !

2. What do you know about the quality improvement please mention and explain !

3. Please introduction and make journal english about eduacation !

4. Please example planning by using w hat, where, who, when, why and how !

5.What do you know bout islamic education , why education is very

important our life ? Please explain !

Answer :
1. My plan after graduating from STAI AlMasthuriyah is to find a job related to Islamic
education, make my parents happy, get married, start my own business, continue my
master’s degree and have useful activities.
2. improvement is actions taken to increase product value for customers through
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and activities through the
organizational structure.
3. On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction. My name is Muhamad Faisal
Fajrul Ashfiya commonly called Faisal. I am the second of four children. I was born in
Karawang, September 15, 2001 . I live in Citeureup, Puspa Negara village, Rt 02/05. My
parents’ names are U.Kamaludin S.Ag and my mother’s name is Evi Alfiyah. I think
that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for your attention.



Educational institutions are institutions or places where the educational process takes
place with the aim of changing individual behavior for the better through interaction with
the surrounding environment. There are three kinds of Islamic educational institutions,
namely (1) Formal Islamic Education Institutions, (2). Non-Formal Islamic Education
Institutions, and
(3). Informal Islamic Education Institutions. Formal education institutions are structured
and tiered educational pathways consisting of basic education, secondary education, and
higher education. Meanwhile, non-formal education institutions are educational pathways
outside of formal education which are carried out in a structured and tiered manner. This
non-formal education institution is provided for residents who do not have time to attend
or complete education at a certain level in formal education. While informal education
institutions are education whose scope is more focused on families and communities.
Family education is the first and foremost education. The family is the first educational
institution, where students first receive education and guidance from their parents or other
family members. It is the family that lays the foundations for the child’s personality,
because at this time, children are more sensitive to the influence of educators (parents).
The mosque is also one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important
function. It is in this mosque that Muslims are educated to uphold the values of faith, love
of science, have social awareness (ukhuwwah Islamiyyah) and realize obedience to Allah
and His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
4. What: what is needed in teaching and learning activities?
Where : where can we get references from teaching methods?
Who: who plays a role in teaching and learning activities?
When: when are face to face learning activities ready to be implemented?
Why: why do we need cooperation in teaching and learning activities?
How: how was the situation at the beginning of face to face learning?
5. Islamic education is an effort to plan in preparing people to recognize, understand,
appreciate, and believe in the teachings of the Islamic religion accompanied by demands
to respect other religions in inter-religious relations to create national unity and integrity.
Islamic education is very important because it describes Islamic values that want to be
realized in the human person.
the embodiment of Islamic values in the human person of the student that is endeavored
by Muslim educators through a process that leads to the result (product) of an Islamic
personality who is faithful, devoted, and knowledgeable who is able to develop himself
into a devout servant of Allah SWT.

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