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Multiple Choice Type Questions
1. The factors affecting Roominess are b) position of doors and window
a) Size of the room d) None of these
c) both a and b
Answer: (c)
2. Requirement of space for g ood ventilation for an ~dl;llt is 3
c) 6.5 m
d) 8.5 m
a) 2.5 m3 b) 3.5 m
Answer: (d)
3. Aspect of bed room of a residential building is
a) NW-W-SE b) SE-S-SW c) NW-N-NE d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Write briefly on necessity of proper ventilation and lavatory block in public

place. [WBUT 2014)
rt Part:
Ventilation is the change of air in a room. For living healthy in a room, more sunlight,
less overcrowding and fresh -air-are necessary. Hence good ventilation is an important
factor for comfort in a building.
Requirement of space and air required
SPACE m3 Air mJ
Adult 8.50 20-30
Child 5.67 20-30

The main functions of ventilation are

(i) To maintain the quality of air inside the building at certain level.
(ii) To provide the thermal en~lronment which will aspect in maintaining the heat
balance of the body. /
(iii) To maintain cool environment when the inside room temperature is above outside
temperature. I
(iv) To remove toxic' gases, body odour, bacteria smoke from the room.
Two types of ventilation
(i) Natural ventilation - through doors and windows
(ii) Mechanical ventilation- Air condition, Fans


2 nd Part:
Lavatory block in public places should be ventilated to
i) remove toxic gases body odour, bacteria from the lavatory.
11 y
prov1'd e healthy environment in and around the lavatory.
iii) prevent spreading of various ~iseases around the areas.
It should be provided with a window or ventilator opening to shaft or open space of area,_
not less than 0.3 m with side not less than 0.3 m.
- - -
2. What are the aspects of different rooms of a residential building?
Aspects of different rooms of Residential Building are shown below·-
, Influence factor
Room Recommended aspect
Bed NW-W-SE. To induce plentiful of breeze in summer
Kitchen E and rarely NE To receive morning sun
Dinning SE-S-SW Proximity of kitchen and it should be cool
Drawing SE-S-SW-W Adequate natural lighting during winter and obviate the
sun during summer
Reading N-NW Lights from north being diffused and evenly distributed
and cool
Store NW-N-NE Dark and cool

3. What are the factors effecting Roominess in context with planning?

Roominess refers to the effect produced by deriving maximum benefit from the minimum
dimension of a room. Giving due importance to the furniture placement in the rooms.
Factors affecting roominess are
(i) Size of room
(ii) Shape
(iii) Furniture used
(iv) Position of doors and windows.
Every unit in a building is matter of cost, so we must take maximum advantage of its
every part and corner.

4. Why good lighting is required in a building? [MODEL QUESTION]

For all types of building good lights are required because
(i) It helps in promoting different activities in the building safely, creating pleasing
atmosphere in different parts in building.
(ii) When lighting is sufficient, there_ is less tension in brain, heart rate is normal, visual
sense is great.
(iii) If lighting is not sufficient, there is strain in eyes and it effects eye sight and causes



. Type Questions
[ Multiple Choice
. . b ilding facing a NH is from the centre line of
The distance of building line for a u [WBUT 2008]
· the highway c) 45 m d) GO IJ1
a)15m b)30m
Answer:(c) .
2. If the covered area of all floors of
1000 sq.m having a plot area O
building fronting a street of width of 10 mis
sq m and ground coverage of 400 sq.m,
· [WBUT 2008]
~ Rjs c) 2 d) none of these
3 b) 2.5
Answer: (c)
may have a minimum floor area ........... square
3. An independent bathroom . [WBUT 2012]
a) 2.0 b) 1.9 c) 1.45 d) 1.5
Answer: (c)
4. .For a building with a maximum height of 8.0 m, the minimum rear space is
a) 2.5 m b) 3.0 m c) 2.0 m d) 1.2 m [WBUT 2012]
Answer: (b)
5. If the width of means of access of a plot is above 7.0m to 10.0m, the maximum
permissible height of building is [WBUT 2012]
a) 12.0 m b) 1,1.0 m c) 14.5 m d) 18.0 m
Answer: (d)
6. Front open space for residential building up to 15.5 m height as per municipal
. building rule, is [WBUT 2013]
a) 1.5 m b) 1.2 m c) 2.0 m d) 1.8 m
Answer: (c)
7. For any residential building if floor area ratio is 2, and plot size is up to 50·0 sq.
mt. Maximum permissible ground coverage [WBUT 2013]
a) 60% b) 50% c) 65% d) 55%
Answer: (b)
8. Minimum width of stair in your college should be [WBUT 2013]
a) 1 m b) 1.2 m c) 1.5 m d) 2 m
Answer: (c)

9. For a residential house minimum room height should be [WBUT 2013)

a) 2.75 m b) 2.4 m c) 3 m d) none of these
Answer: (a)


[WBUT 2016]
10. The minimum floor area of a habitable room is
a) 9.3 sq.m b) 9.5 sq.m c) 10.0 sq.m d) 10.5 sq.m
Answer: (a)

11. The minimum rear open space of a building of height above 50m is
· [WBUT 2016)
a) 7.0 m b) 10.0 m c) 12.0 m d) none of these
Answer: (c)

12. If the width of means of access of a plot is above 7.0 m to 10.0 m, the maximum
permissible height of building is [WBUT 2017]
a) 12.0 m _ b) 11.0 m c) 14.5 m d) 18.0 m
Answer: (d)

13. An independent bathroom may have a minimum floor area of ....................... .

square-meters. • [WBUT 2017]
a) 2.0 b) 1.9 c) 1.45 d) 1.5
Answer: (c)

Short Answer Type Questions

1. a) What are building bye-laws? [WBUT 2008]
b) What are the various aspects governed by building bye-laws?
a) Building bye-laws: The construction of any building, certain restrictions are laid down
by Municipal bodies, urban development authorities and other govt. departments as towri
planning trusts to clear open spaces to be left round the·buitding.
I P•- • - .. - -. - ... ca, Q; c=- c::- c:-- c::. -- G'. ~

b) Aspects governed by building bye-laws:

i) Allows disciplined and systematic growth/J of buildings and towns and prevent
haphazard development
ii) Protect safety of public against/ire, noise, health hazards and structural failures.
iii) Provide proper utilization of space. Hence, maximum efficiency in planning can be
derived from these bye-laws. 1
iv) They give guideHnes to the architect or an engineer in effective planning and useful
in preplanning the building activates. /'
v) They provide health, safety and comfort to the people who live in buildings.
vi) Due to these by-:laws, each building will have proper approaches, ligf1f, air and
ventilation which are essential for health, safety and comfort. 1

2. Give the rules regarding provision of side and rear open spaces around building
as p_er the National Building Code of India or any other metropolitan authority
governing building rules. [WBUT 2008]
Kolkata Building Rule provisions for side and rear open spaces for dwelling units.
[WBUT 2015]


Answer: . d. s· .
Open space around the bm 1 !ng · t d on any open space prescn bed under these
i) No building shall at any time_ be er~ ef the site thereof, nor shal I such open space
rules for a building a~d formt~g ya th~ area of any open space required under these
between into account m determining
rules for any other bu_ilding. back of a building shall be deemed to be that face of
ii) For the purpose of !his rule, the n means of access to the site.
th st
the buildi~g _which ts fur e froi:11 a yen spaces comprisi ng front open space, rear
iii) Every building shall have exterior o~ntioned in rule 62 to rule 69. The minimum
o~en space ~nd side ~pen space a:c; rear open space and side open spaces shall be
widt?dp~es~~~b;1h~o;n~~:~:~n r~~r a~d side faces of the building respectiv ely.
prov1 e a . d to be provided under these rules shall be kept open to sky
iv) ;;;~0°~;~tp;~:t~:':.U~~:d or cornice more than 0.6m in width shall over hang or
project over the said open space.

Minimum open spaces for R est"d en fta I bUl"Id"mg

Hei2:ht of buildine Open space on side-1 Open space on side-2 Rear open space
Upto 7.0m 1.2 m 1.2m 2.0 m
Above 7.0 m upto 1.2m 1.2m 3 .0 m
10.0 m
Above 60.0m upto 15% of the height of 15% of the height of 12.0 m
80.0m building building
Above 80.0m 15% of the height of the 15% of the height of 14.0 m
building building

3. What are the requirem ents for lavatory block for dwelling units?
[WBUT 2008]
Requirements of lavatory for dwelling units:
i) Height: The height of a bathroom or water closed measured from the surface of the
floor to the bottom of the ceiling slab shall not be less than 2.0 m.
ii) Size: The size of a bath room shall not be less than l.S x l.2 m or 1.8 m 2 • The floor
area of water-closet shall be 1.l0m 2 with a minimum width of 0.9 m. If bath and
water closet are combined, its floor area shall not be less than 2.8 m2 with a minimum
width of 1.2m.
iii) Every bath room or water closet shall:
a) be so situated that at least one of its wall shall open to external air
b) not be directly over or under any room other than another water closet, washing
places, bath or terrace, unless it has water tight floor
c) be provided with an impervious floor covering sloping towards the drain with a
suitable g!ade and not t~wards verandah or any other room.
d) have a wmdow 2 or ventllator opening to a shaft or open space of area not less
than 0.3 m wrth side not less than 0.3m. '
iv) No room containin g water-closets shall be used for any purpose except as a lavatory
and no sue~ room shall open directly into any kitchen or cooking space by a door,


· ·
or othe·1 opening. ,
Every ·
room containing water closet shaII have a door
completely closing the entrance to it.
4 · Give th e requirements of fitments for office building. [WBUT 2008)
l. :'-ccommodate both interaction and individual concentrated work
~!Need of privacy
n) Dealing with noise and distraction
2- High levels of collaborative work
~~ More meeting spaces
11) ~ore varied settings for meetings.
3. Provide more opportunity for team work/ collegiality
4. Improve flexibility in space use ·
5. Allocate office space in a rationalized, simplified and streamlined way
6. Use of day light and views.
5. Determine the following:
[WBUT 2013, 2016]
a) Carpet area
[WBUT 2013, 2015, 2016]
b) Floor area ratio
[WBUT 2013, 2016]
c) Means of access
[WBUT 2013, 2016]
d) Ground coverage
a) Carpet Area: Carpet area is the floor area less area of the following portions:
(i) Verandah
(ii) corridor and passage
(iii) entrance hall and porch
(iv) staircase and stair-cover (mumty)
(v) bathroom and lavatory, and unusable areas for living
(vi) kitchen and pantry
(vii) store
(viii) canteen
(x) shaft and machine room for lift
(xi) air-conditioning duct and plant room and
(xii) shaft for sanitary piping.

b) Floor Area Ratio:

Floor Area Ratio or the letters "F.A.R." mean the quotient obtained by dividing the total
floor area on all floors of a building by the area of the plot including the area of water
bodies, if any within the plot
Total floor area on all floors
F.A.R = Area of the potI
The maximum floor area ratio for building in Government approved s~hemes shall be-
1. 75 and for small scale industries in industrial estates approved by Guvernment shall be


c) Means of access: d . lied Means of Access. Land may have

. I d be accesse is ca.· ers canals railway. . Th'
The way by which a an can b stations etc. 1s
. ·gable har ours, 11v , ' . h .
access by other means, 1.e. navi ould normally tend to increase t e umt
factor also affects land values. An easy access w
I t if the width of the means .of access
value of land. d to the
(I) No building shall be constructe on a po
site is less than 1. 2n~ . . t 11 11 be allowed on a plot if the width of the
(2) No building exceedmg 8.0 _m 111 11etg11 s a
means of access to the size is less than 3.5m.

d) Ground Coverage:. th d area covered by the building immediately above the

Ground coverage area 1s e groun ·· · I d d fi
plinth level. The area covered by the following in the open spaces is exc u e rom
covered area: • b·
(i) Watch men's booth, pump house, garbage shaft, ele_~tnc ca m
(ii) Unco\'ered staircase, ramps, ~rea c?vered _by chaJJa and the like, compound wall,
gate, un-storied porch and portico, slide, swmg. . .
(iii) Garden, rocking, well and well structures, plant ~ursery, water poo!, sw1mmmg pool
(if uncovered), platform round a tree, tank, fountain, bench and the hke.
{iv) Drainage culvert, conduit, catch-pit, guilt pit, chambe~, ~tter and the l~ke. 1?-ny such
. other utility structures meant for the services of the bmldmg under cons1derat10n.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. a) Discuss the requirements of staircase for different types of buildings.
b) Give the general rules for bathroom and water closet. [WBUT ~008]
a) Requirements regarding staircases:
All buildings shall be provided with such number of staircase as the Municipal
Commissioner may require. Under no circumstances, the number of staircases shall be
less than two in the case of a puilding of more than 20 m in height and one of them being
on the external face of the building and shall be enclosed type as per requirement of West
Bengal Fire Services Act, 1950. In case the staircase or staircases are not facing external
surface of the building or not having ventilation shaft, mechanical ventilation shall be
provided, if re uired.
Category of building Height of the building Width of the stairway
(m) m)
Residential Above 7.00 l.00
40.00 and above 1.50
However,_for resi~ential building not having more than three tenements or 500 Sq. 111 . per
flo_or. (wh1c_hever 1s less) one staircase of 1.50 m of width may be permitted up to a
bm)dmg height of 20 m. If in any case, the floor area or the number of tenements exceed
the above value the number of staircases should be increased as per above table.


Category of building Area per floor Width of the stairway

Educational Upto 500 Sq. 111 1.35
Above 500 Sq. 111 2.00
Assembly Upto 500 Sq. 111 1.50
Above 500 Sq. 111 2.00
Institutional Upto 500 Sq. 111 1.50
Above 500 Sq. 111 2.00
Business Upto 500 Sq. m 1.50
Above 500 Sq. m 1.50
Mercantile (Retail) Upto 500 Sq. m 1.80
Above 500 Sq. m 2.00
However, b~Ildmgs for marriage halls, banquet halls, multipurpose hall etc. shall have at
least two staircases for any height and floor area.

b) General rules for bathroom and water closet

i) No bat_hroom shall have a floor area of.less than 1.8 sq.• m., a width less than 1.2m
and height less than 2. 1m measured from the surface of a floor to the lowest point of
the ceiling or the underside of any slab.
Provided that it is a combined bathroom and a water closet such floor area shall not
be less than 2.6 sq. m. '
ii) No water closet shall have a floor area of less than 1.2 sq. m. and a width less than
iii) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub rule (i) or sub-rule (ii), in the case of any
building referred to in rule 4.
(a) an independent bathroom shall have a floor area of 1.45 sq m.
(b) a combined bathroom and water closet shall have a floor area of2.4 sq. m. with a
minimum width of 1.1 m
iv) Every bathroom or water closet shall:
(a) be so situated that at least one of its walls shall face an interior open space or
exterior open space or shaft and shall have an opening in the form of a window or
ventilator or louver not less than 0.40 sq. m. in area. ·
(b) not be directly over any room other than a latrine or water closet or washing
place or a bathroom or a terrace unless it has a water tight floor.
(c) have the platform of seat made of water tight non-absorbent materials.
(d) Be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall or partition
shall be finished with a smooth impervious material to a height of not less than
Im. above the floor of such a room
(e) Be provided with a door completely closing the entrance to it
(t) Be provided with an impervious floor sloping towards any drain with a suitable
v) No room containing any water closet shall be used for any purpose· except as a
lavatory and no such room shall open ?irectly into any kitchen or cooking space or
pantry by a door, window or other openmg.


2. a) Wha t do you understand by covered area

of a build ing? How does FAR
control the built-up area and height of a building?
[WB UT 2008 , 2012, 2017]
b) A building is to be constructed on a plot area
of 1~50 sq.m . The site abuts two
streets one of 20 m width and the othe r of 10 m,
FAR 1s 2.0.
If each' storey contains 3 flats, determine the built
-up area of the build ing and its
height. Ground coverage is maximum 50%.
. [WB UT 2008]
a) f'' Part:
Covered area of a building:
Co\'e red area is the ground area cove red by the build
ing imm edia tely abov e the plinth
level. The area co\'e red by the follo wing in the open
spac es is excl uded from cove red
(i) \Vatch men 's boot h, pum p hous e, garb age shaft , elect
ric cabi n
(ii) Unco vere d stair case, ramp s, area cove red by chaj
ja and the like, com poun d wall,
gate, un-st oried porc h and porti co, slide , swin g.
(iii) Gard en, rock ing, well and well struc tures , plan t
nurs ery, wate r pool , swim ming
pool (if unco vered ), platf onn roun d a tree, tank, foun tain,
benc h and the like
(iv) Drai nage culve rt, cond uit, catch -pit, gully pit, cham
ber, gutte r and the like. Any
such othe r utility struc tures mean t for the servi
ces of the bui \ding unde r
cons idera tion.

2°11 Part:
FAR: Floo r Area Ratio is the ratio of the total build ing
floor area to the area of plot.
Thus , if the FAR chan ges, the total built up area chan
If plot size is l 0,00 0 sq ft., FAR perm issib le is 2.0, Grou
nd cove rage is 50%
The max imum of l000 0x2. 0 = 2000 0 Sq. ft in total
will be perm itted to be cons truct in
all floors of build ing putti ng toget her.

Then grou nd cove rage perm issib le =~ x 10 000 = 5000 sq. ft .

100 '
No. of floor whic h can be cons truct ed with 5000 sq. ft.
area is 2 0000 = 4 Nos.
Assu ming the floor heig ht 10 ft then the total heig ht of 5000
build ing= 4 x 10 = 40 ft.
Thus FAR contr ol heig ht of building.

b) Give n, FAR = 2.0

Max imum grou nd cove rage 50%
Plot size = 1050 Sq. m
Max imum of ~ O~O x 2.0_ = 2100 sq. m. in total will
be perm itted to be cons truct ed in all
floor of the ~tld mg putti ng toge ther grou nd cove rage
perm issib le= 50%
= - x 1050 = 525 sq. m

No. of floor whic h can be cons truct ed with 525 sq. m.

each = 21 00 = nos.

Assuming height of each floor 3m

Then total height of building = 3 x 4 _ 12 m
3. Find out the maximum ground coverage area of the
plot as given below for a building of (G + 3)°.
. [WBUT 201 0]
Residential building as per municipal law.
Answer: 20m

Area of plot= (17 x 20)+(~ x Sx 17 = 382.S m 2

Ground coverage for residential building

Maximum Percentage of Ground Coverage
Occupancy Lot size upto 200 Sq. m. Plot size uip to 500 Sq. m. or more
Residential 60% 50%
For any other size of the plot in between plot size of 200 Sq. m and 500 Sq. m the
percentage coverage shall be calculated by direct interpolation.
For area 382.5 m , the required maximum% of ground coverage is -
= 60 - 50 X (382.5 - 200) = 6.083%
Hence ground coverage is = (60-6.083)% = 53.9%::::; 54%

4. a) What do you understand by Covered area of a building? How does FAR

control the built-up area and height of building?
b) A residential building is to be constructed on a plot area shown in figure.
F.A.R. in 2
Maximum Ground Coverage is 50%
Determine the built-up area of the building. [WBUT 2012, 2017]
A residential building is to be constructed on a plot area
shown in figure F.A.R. in 2. Maximum Ground Coverage is 20 Ill
50%. Determine the built-up area of the building in a municipal
area for planning a construction of a ( G + 2) residential 25 m

building as per Municipality regulations and bye laws.

[WBUT 2016]

a) Refer to Question No. 2(a) of Long Answer Type Questions.


. mg
b) A residential build . . to be constt.uc'te don 'a plot area shown in Fig.
)7 Ill

20 Ill

FAR= 2.0
Max.imum Ground Coverage = 50%
Area of plot = (20 x 17) +- x (25 - 20) x 17 = 382.50 sq.m
Total Built up area
FAR = - - - - - - -
Area of plot
Total Built of area permissible= 382.50 x 2.0 = 765 sq. m.
Max. Ground coverage= 50% = -- - x 382.50 = 19 l.25 sq. m
No of floor to be constructed with 191.25 sq. m each = - -- = 4
. 191.25

5. a) What do you understand by built up area of building? How does F .A.R. control
the built up area and height of a building? [WBUT 2014]
Refer to Questions No. 2(a) of Long Answer Type Questions.

b) The plot area of a building is 1200 sqm. The front width of the road is 10 m.
F.A.R=2. Ground coverage of the building is 50%. Determine the built up area and
height of the building. [WBUT 2014]
Given F.A.R. = 2.0
Ground coverage of the building= 50%
Plot Area of building= 1200 sqm.
Maximum of 1200 x 2.0 = 2400 sq.m. in total will be permitted to be constructed in all
floor of the building putting together ground coverage permissible = 50%
= - x 1200 =600sq.m.
No. of floor which can be constructed with 600 sq.m. each.


-600 · 4no~.
Assuming height of ca~h floor 1m.
Then total height of building- 3 x 4 12 m.

6. F!n~ out the maximum ground coverage and floor area ratio of a pfot in a
Municipal area as shown in figure below for planning construction of a (G+2)
residential building using front, side and rear margins as per Municipality
regulations and byelaws. [WBUT 2015]
Plot boundary
I 15111 I/

22111 8rn wide road

Area of plot =- - - x 20 =370 Sq.m

Ground covera e for residential buildin

Maximum percentage of ground coverage
Occupancy Plot size upto 200 S .m. Plot size u to 500 s .m. or more
Residential 60% 50%

For any other size of plot between plot size of 200 Sq m. and 500 Sq. m the percentage
coverage shall be calculated by direct interpolation.
For area 370 Sq.m, the required maximum % of ground coverage is -
60 50
= - X (370-200) = 5.67%
Hence ground coverage is = (60-5.67)% = 54.33% ~ 54%
Total floor area on all floors
F.A.R.=--- --------
Area of plot
= [ ·: (G + 2) building, so there is 3 floors]
= 3x370x0.54 =l. 62
The maximum permissible floor area ratio for building is 2. Hence it is within the limit.


I Multiple Choice Type Questions
. ormally ____________ percent in air. [MODEL QUESTION]
1. The content of oxygen Is n d) 41
a) 17 b) 21 c) 35
Answer: (b)

2. The type of fire extinguisher used in class A fire is [MODEL QUESTION]

a) Dry che~ical powder :)) ~~~o~ical foam
c) Soda acid type
Answer: (c)

3 A fire fighting system in which water is allowed to flow on a fire as a shower and
· called ---------
. ·Is put out Is
a) Automatic sprinkler system b) carbon d1ox1de system
c) Dry chemical system d) None of these
Answer: (a)

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Write a brief detail on fire precautions at - [WBUT 2014]

a) High rise building
b) In industries
a) High rise building
i) All materials of constructions in load bearing elements, stairway~ and corridors
and facades shall be non-combustible.
ii) The interiqr finish materials shall not have a flame spreadability rating exceeding
iii) The internal walls or staircase shall be of brick or reinforced concrete with a
minimum of 2h fire rating.
iv) The staircase shall be ventilated to the atmosphere at each landing and a vent at
the top Glazing or glass bricks shall not be used in the staircase.

b) In industries
i) All Industrial buildings shall satisfy certain requirements, which contribute
individually and collectively, to the safety of life from fire, smoke, fumes and
panic arising from similar causes.
ii) E~ery Indu~trial buildin~ meant for human occupancy shall be provided with
exits sufficient to permit safe escape of occupants, in case of fire or other

iii) M'mim
um wid th of Indu stria l stai rcas e is 1.5 m.
At least two stai rcas es sho uld be
pro vide d on two side of Indu stria l buil ding
iv) Roo ms con tain ing high -pre ssur e boil
ers, refr iger atin g mac hine s tran sfor mer s,
0 !he r serv
ice equ ipm ents sub ject ed to pos sibl e exp or
losi on shal l not be loca ted
dire ct!) und er or adja cen t to exit s. All
suc h room s shal l be effe ctiv ely cut off
from oth er part s of buil ding s.

2. Fire protection pro visi ons in tall bui

Answer: [WB UT 2015]
i) Eve ry bui ldin g for resi den tial uses of fifte
en and half met res and abo ve in heig ht.
and buil ding s with bas eme nt shal l be pro
vide d with ade qua te mea ns of exit and
arra nge men t for pro tect ion in case of fire. all
ii) Exi t ma) be both hor izon tal and vert ical
and sha ll be free from any obs truc tion .
iii) All exis ts sha ll be pro perl y illu min
iv) Fire figh ting equ ipm ents sha ll, whe re prov
ided alon g exis ts.
v) Ala rm dev ices sha ll be inst alle d to ens ure
pro mpt eva cua tion
vi) Lift s and esc alat ors sha ll not be con side
red as exis ts.
vii) All bas eme nts sha ll hav e a min imu
m of two exis ts.
viii) Flo ors hav e spri nkle rs and fire hyd
rant s at suit able plac e.
ix) Und er no circ ums tanc es, the num ber of
stai rcas es shal l be less than two in cas e
buil ding of mor e than 20m in heig ht and of
one of them bein g on the exte rnal face
the buil ding and shal l be enc lose d by type of
as per requ irem ent of We st Ben gal Fire
Ser vice s Act , 195 0.
x) For resi den tial bul din g not hav ing mor
e than thre e tene men ts or 500 sq.m .
floo r(w hich eve r is less ) one stai rcas e per
of I .Sm of wid th may be perm itte d up
buil ding heig ht of 20m . to a

3. Define the foll owi ng term in con

text to fire protection (i) Tra vel dis
(ii) Venting Fire. tance
(i) Travel distance: The dist anc e to be
trav elle d from a poin t in a buil ding to a
esca pe rout e, exte rnal pro tect ed
esc ape rou te or fina l exit is call ed trav el
dist anc e.
(ii) Venting Fire: The pro cess of indu cing
hea t and smo ke to leav e a buil ding as quic
as pos sibl e by suc h a path that late ral spre ad kly
of fire and hea t is che cke d, fire figh ting
ope rati ons are faci lita ted and min imu m
fire dam age is cau sed .

4. What are the fac tors on whi ch the

numbers and des ign atio n of fire zon
depends? es
Answer: [MO DEL QU EST ION ]
The num ber of fire zon es in a city or area und
er the juri sdic tion of the auth orit y dep end
upon s
(i) the exis ting layo ut
(ii) type s of bui ldin g con stru ctio n


(iii) classification of. ex.1.stmg

. bui•id·mg b as ed on occupancy
( iv) the ex ected future development of the or area._ . .
In large cities, por area three tiire ,ones
. . ai.c, nc"Ccssary
• while 111 smaller ones one or two may

be adequate. ·

5. What are the characteristics of fire resisting materials? [MODEL QUESTION]

Answer: _ . • l .·,ts·
FollO\\ ing are the characteristics of tire rcs1st111g ma c11a ~ . . .
. ~ · · - ti . . ,,at
(1) fhe compos1t1on o 1 1c 1 ~ c 11 .. , : at should be such
• that 1t does not become d1s111tegrated
under the effect of heat. . . ..
·· · ft\
(n) The expans1011 o 1e m c 1 at ,r ' a\ dtte to heat should not be such that 1t leads to 111stabd1ty
of the structure of which it forms the part. . . .
(iii) The contraction of the material due to su_dden cool mg with water after 1t has been
heated to high temperature should not be high

Long Answer Type Questions

1 What are the general requirements for fire protection of a mercantile building?
. [WBUT 2010, 2016]
Write short note on Fire Protection as per National Building Code.
[WBUT 2012, 2017]
Every building for residential uses of 15.5 m and above in height, and buildings of other
uses and buildings with basement shall be provided with adequate means of exit and all
arrangement for protection in case of fire.
Fire protection in a building is a system that includes:
i) Active fire protection, which can include manual or automatic fire derection and fire
ii) Passive fire protection, which includes compartmentalization of the overall building
through the use of fire-resistance rated walls and floors. Organization into · smaller
fire compartments, consisting of one or more rooms or floors, prevents or slows the
spread of fire from the room of fire origin to other building spaces, limiting building
damage and providing more time to the building occupants for emergency evacuation
or to reach on area of refuge.
iii) Fire prevention includes minimizing ignition sources, as well as educating the
occ_upants and operators of the facility or structure concerning operation and
~amt~nance ~!
fi~e related systems for correct function, and emergency procedures
mcludmg not1flcat1on for fire, service response and emergency evacuation.
iv) An~ fire hazard at an~ built up space can either be fought by fire tenders or tire
engines from the outside, or by a fire fighting system that is built in \,\ithin the
building or both.

2 · Classify build
ing based on fire protection.
[WBUT 201 5]
C!assify ~uild~ngs based on fire fighting.
Discuss m brief on general requirements for fire [WBUT 2017]
protection of buildings upto 14.5
m height.
[WBUT 2015]
rt part:
Classification of Buil ding based on fire protection
The build ing whet her exist ing or hereafter erected shall
be classified acco rding to the use
or the char acter of occu panc y in one of the following grou

2 nd part:
General requ irem ents for: fire protection of buildings
upto 14.5 m ·height:
a) All build ing shall satis fy certa in requirements
which cont ribut e indiv idua lly and
colle ctive ly to the safet y oflif e form fire, smoke, fume
s etc. ·
b) A high rise build ing may be occu pied during cons
truction, repai rs only if all the
mean s of exist and fire -protection measures, whic h
shall be main taine d in good
work ing cond ition .
c) Ever y build ing shall be restricted in its heigh t abov
e the grou nd level and num ber of
store ys depe ndin g upon the widt h of stree t fronting
of the build ing or floor area
d) Each porti on of a building, which is sepa rated
by one or more cont inuo us fire
resis ting walls havi ng a fire -resistance of not less
than 2h, exte ndin g from the
foun datio n to 1m abov e the roof at all points.
e) Open ings in wall s or floors whic h are nece ssary
be prov ided to allow pass ages of all
build ing servi ces like cable s, electrical wirings, etc. shall
be prote cted by encl osur e in
the form of duct s/sha fts havi ng a fire resis tance not less
than 2h.
f) Eve~y verti cal open ing betw een the floors of a build
ing shall be suita bly encl osed or
prote cted as nece ssary .


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