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Consistency is the mother of mastery.

It's not what you do once every

year that is going to allow you to live a legendary life, it's what you do
every single day!

The accomplishment of our goals does not come about from working exceptionally
well just for a few days, it is about consistency, everything great can only be
accomplished with consistent effort and dedication. No matter what happens you
have to put in the work every single day, small daily steps will take you to wherever
you wish to go. Don’t become downbeat because the journey is tough, be optimistic
that you have an opportunity to live a life of adventure into the unknown. If you want
to get to places you have never been, you must do things you have never done.

Now is the time, today is the day that you resolve to be the best, an individual that
stays consistent on the path to greatness. Remember this day when you made a
promise to yourself to do whatever is necessary every single day no matter what.

The greats are consistent, they are consistently dedicated to their goals and to living
a life of accomplishment. A year from now you will look back and see how far you
have come if you put in the effort every day. Place yourself in the group of those who
strive for greater heights, who believe in themselves and are seeking something
more then this mediocre life that has been given to us.

Take up the challenge of living life on a new level, you can do this, find out what you
want and go after your dreams with determination, because if you don’t you will just
end up living an average life, what is so hard in being like everyone else, wake up
and push yourself towards success. Your daily actions prove what you are serious

Identify your priorities and allocate time for these activities every single day no
matter what, you must stay consistent and put in the work, consistent results only
come from consistent effort, most people give up after a week or two, it takes about
twenty one days to create a new habit that is ingrained into your system so keep
pushing yourself every day and in a month it will become automatic for you. The
beginning is the hardest, but don’t give up. Those who are serious about success
stay consistent, if you don’t then it means you’re just like everyone else, all talk and
no dedication.

Dream big, work hard and stay consistent, the opportunity for a better life is down to

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