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In the chemical industry, written documents are available that describe the hazards that exist and

the standard operating procedures. If you work in any chemical industry then you must take these
safety precautions:

1. Use General SOP

The SOP mentions the correct use of PPR, safe use and handling of chemicals in the industry. Signs
and flip charts are used in industry so that workers keep paying attention to certain chemicals and
their dangers.

2. Airflow

Maintaining air flow in the laboratory is important to minimize acid exposure and allow fresh air to
enter. You can install a local exhaust in your industry or take the help of chimneys.

3. Clean Environment

Keeping the industry clean and dry, this helps in eliminating accidents and slipping. You should also
place absorbent mats and store swabs in the factory so that it is easy to swipe water from the

4. Remove Clutter

Clean up clutter from the workplace that reduces chemical reactions between chemicals and other
substances. Store chemicals in a protected manner and avoid keeping them open.

5. Disposable Waste

We must follow the disposable waste procedure to reduce waste products from industry frequently.
Trainers must train employees in handling chemicals and different methods for disposing of them.

6. Tools

Make sure your tools don't crack; it can cause chemical spills. One must use a contaminated tray to
avoid unnecessary clutter.

7. Training

Company managers must train employees before handling hazardous chemicals. The trainer must
train employees about the complications that can occur in the industry. He must train employees on
how to handle situations and prevent them from serious accidents.
Another thing that must be considered by someone to enter the chemical industry area is the
standard operating procedures.

Standard Operating Procedures Work safely and comfortably in chemical industry companies, which
are as follows:

1. You must know the safe location (gathering place) before doing work in the chemical industry so
that you can react quickly and responsively if an emergency occurs.

2. You have to know the composition of the chemical that will be processed if it is produced. Pay
attention to MSDS (material safety data sheets) raw materials or processed materials in chemical

3. You must learn how to run the machine correctly and in accordance with the manual so that there
is no potential danger caused by human error.

4. Use apd appropriately and correctly using rubber gloves, masks, hair protectors, wearpacks, safety
shoes so that safety shoes avoid chemical exposure from industry. Make sure the apd you use is in
good condition.

5. Be careful working avoid direct contact with chemicals / chemicals that have a high threshold
value so that skin irritation or eye irritation does not occur.

Prohibition of doing work in chemical industry companies

1. It is forbidden to drink / eat raw or processed chemicals because they can cause poisoning in
accordance with the MSDS of each of these chemicals.

2. It is forbidden to dispose of used chemical / B3 waste at the same place. Dispose of in the place
provided according to the type.

3. It is forbidden to operate machines or tools without having operators in place.

4. Do not enter the production area if PPE is not used correctly and appropriately.

By following safe work procedures, the precautions above can help a lot in eliminating accidents in
the chemical industry that might occur.

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