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8/31/22, 1:09 PM Patterns in Nature

Patterns in Nature
10 Questions DATE  : 

1. A series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns or windings in the channel of a river,
stream or other watercourse.

2. A disturbance that transfer energy through matter or space, with little or no associated
mass transport.

3. A substance formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid

4. The tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes with no overlaps or gaps.

5. A curve which emanates from a point, moving farther away as it revolves around the point.

6. An agreement in dimensions , due to proportion, an arrangement

7. the separation of an object or material into 2 or more pieces under the action of stress.

8. A linear mapping method that preserves points, straight lines and planes.

9. A series of bands or strips, often of the same width and color along the length.

10. It is a never ending pattern, an infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across
different scales. 1/2
8/31/22, 1:09 PM Patterns in Nature

Answer Key

1.Meanders 2.wave 3.foam 4.tessellation

5.spiral 6.symmetry 7.fracture 8.affine


9.stripes 10.fractals 2/2

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