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Brief history overview of social media influencing

In this section I shall be discussing when and where social media influencing as we know it
started. I shall talk about influencers such as Zoella, Joe Suggs and Alfie Deyes who began
blogging in 2009, mainly on You Tube. I shall discuss the technology which they used which
has since improved due to development of different social media platforms and the
methods used to influence an audience

Techniques of social media influencing in the 2020s

In this section I shall look at how a social media influencer can use the improved technology
and software. This will include the different social media platforms and apps such as Tik Tok
and Instagram, while looking at how You Tube has also developed since the early social
media influencers. I shall focus on the equipment also needed by the social media influencer
to make each post and blog look professional. This will include the highest spec camera
phone possible, ring light, tripod, a location suitable for the audience engage with, and
some software editing experience. I will also talk about how the facilities of the app or
platform can help make a good experience.

I will be looking at the darker side of social media use and how some influencers and
personalities have been affected, sometimes tragically.

I will look at Molly-Mae Hague as my main example who is one of today’s most popular
social media influencers


In this section I shall be asking Michael Bush, my theory lecturer, about the importance of
social media influencing. The questions I will ask are:

What influences you to buy a product?

What platforms do you use to buy from?
How much influence do social media influencers have?
Can social media influencing replace traditional advertising?
Can anyone be a professional social media influencer?

My attempt

I will attempt to do a professional social media influencer post in the style of Molly-Mae
Hague as this is what I am aiming to be in the future.

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