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Kenny Gie V.

Binghay BSIT -2nd Year

Proposal: Application for a Milk tea Delivery Service

 Application gathers user information such as address, full name, phone

number and age.
 Gather preferred flavors and toppings and mostly ordered drinks from
outside the business
 Offer menu of offered flavors to users and have an array or list of choices for
the user to order
 Gather user input such as preferred flavors, toppings and sweetness level and
make a list for possible multiple orders.
 Use user order data to analyze and compare data within the order data menu
to customize menu based on the user’s preferences.
 Gather order data and connect to real time order list within the business for a
seamless order-deliver interaction
 Update and adapt design based on how users usually use the application and
improve for better user usage as well as adapt to times.
 Provide implementation of online wallet as well as the accessibility of card
payments and e-payments to provide direct orders and suggest payment
modes based on the recent method that the user used.

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