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1. Connection of Technology and 4th Industrial Revolution in Today’s World
The convergence of the physical, digital and biological worlds has been called the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. It combines technological advances in 3D printing, genetic engineering,
quantum computing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). It powers
many goods and services that are rapidly becoming a necessity of modern life. Voice-activated
virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, GPS systems that give you the fastest route to a specific
location, personalized Netflix suggestions, Facebook's ability to identify faces and tag friends'
photos, and more. please think about it.The 4th Industrial Revolution is paving the way for
major changes in our lives, and as a result of this perfect technological storm, nearly every
industry is being impacted.

2. Positive and Negative Impacts of 4th Industrial Revolution

1.Higher productivity
2. Improved quality of life
3. New markets
4. Lower barrier to entrepreneurship

2. Cybersecurity risk
3. Core industries disruptions
4. Ethical issues

1. What is Digital Divide and how does it separate nations, industries, and people?

The digital divide has created a new basis for social differentiation and has a profound impact
on the daily lives and livelihoods of people around the world. Unrestricted internet access is
causing the inequalities and segregation we see in some professions today. Given the
importance of the internet in our daily lives, her analysis of ICT usage between countries shows
clear differences, and this could possibly apply to other areas of life as well. Income and
education disparities are the biggest drivers of the digital divide, but these only partially explain
differences in racial and ethnic access to technology at home and in the workplace. Education,
career prospects, communications, politics, consumer satisfaction, health information,
community engagement, government and other sectors are heavily impacted by the digital
divide. Industrialization in developing countries is severely hampered by the widening digital
divide, leading to dependence and inadequacy. Given the importance of technology to the
country's growth, it is especially important for emerging markets to look for solutions to bridge
the digital divide. While some efforts to close this gap, such as providing incentives and
awareness campaigns, have met with desirable success, others, such as supporting technical
expertise of citizens, have proved ineffective and sometimes harmful. has been proven. The
direction and speed of bridging the digital divide is determined by directly investigating the
effects of the digital divide.

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