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 Day of Month: A specific day of the month when an installment is due for

payment. For example, enter 15 to schedule payment on the fifteenth day of the
month. Enter 31 to schedule payment for the last day of the month, including
months with less than 31 days.
 Cutoff Day: The day of the month after which the installment due and discount
dates advance to a future month. If you don't specify a cutoff day, the current
accounting month is used to determine due and discount dates.
 Months Ahead: The number that's used to determine the month the installment
is due. If you enter 0 and the terms date is the same as, or later than, the cutoff
day, the installment is due the following month.
For example, a payment term has a Cutoff Day of 11, the Day of Month is 15,
and Months Ahead is 0. If you enter an invoice with a terms date of January 12,
the installment is due February 15. If you enter an invoice with a terms date of
January 10, the installment is due January 15. If the terms date is January 12
and Months Ahead is set to 1, the installment is due March 15.

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