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- It says here that you can prove what you fully understand by paraphrasing it because
when you paraphrase what you read you have to deliver it by your own word that is
base on how you understand it or how you interpret it.

-here says that when you paraphrase it is like delivering what was written or said by
another person on your own word. Putting it into your own words can clarify the
message base on your own understanding without changing the original idea that was
written by the author.

-here it depends how you want it to be done. You can chose to paraphrase it by
sentence to explain it more detailed or paraphrase it by paragraph to paraphrase it to
your own understanding as a whole it is fine to paraphrase it on which way that you
wanted it to be done as the originals meaning is still intact


- To be able to paraphrase the context you need to read it a lot of time and every
time that you reread it your point of view in the context will change and so does
your understanding will expand and you will be able to deliver the important ideas
by your own word that will help it to be more easy to understand.

-paraphrasing is more effective way to learn than memorizing because when you
paraphrase you need to understand the passage, story or a sentence for you to be
able to paraphrase it. By understanding it you will easily memorize it because you
already know the thought or idea that that it contained. Rather than memorizing it
you will not understand it as a whole and it may had a chance of you forgetting it
because you just memorize it and did not understand it.

-unlike a quotation that produce a statement word-for-word as it appears in its original

source. Paraphrase explains a statement by using your own words and sentence

- You can paraphrase the context shorter but not all the time it depend on your situation
on how you will paraphrase it. If it needs to be paraphrase shorter you may do so but if
not make it the same as the length of the context.

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