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Veronica Jr. A.




Watch the video (link below).

2. Define NGT Feeding.
 Nasogastric tube feeding is the process of feeding liquid, food, and medication
through the tube when you are unable to consume food through your mouth.
3. What are the purposes of NGT Feeding?
 To feed with fluids when oral intake is not possible.
 To relieve vomiting and distention.
 To prevent stress on operated site by decompressing.
4. Write down the step by step procedures of NGT Feeding
 Step 1 - Wash your hands with soap and water.
 Step 2 - Prop the patient up to at least 30 degrees.
 Step 3 - Ask the patient to open his mouth and check the back of the throat.
- This is to make sure that the tube is not coiled.
- Ensure the recommended external length of the feeding tube is measured and
consistent during each feed.
- The feeding tube should be secured firmly to the nose and cheek with a tape.
- To check if the feeding tube is in the stomach, withdraw some gastric content with
the syringe.
- If you're unable to obtain gastric content, and make another attempt to withdraw
gastric content.
- If you're still unable to obtain gastric content, please wait for 15 to 30 minutes and
try again.
 Step 4 - Feeding of Oral Nutrition Supplement.
- Check the feeding schedule.
- Prepare the correct amount and Oral Nutrition Supplement prescribed.
- Prevent air entry into the stomach by kinking the feeding tube before connecting
the syringe.
- Flush the tube with 20 mL of water or as per prescribed.
- Feed according to the feeding schedule.
- Position syringe slightly above the head.
- Ensure the syringe is not empty during feeding. This is to minimize stomach
discomfort due to excessive air entry.
- Complete the feeding by flushing 20 mL of water, or as per prescribed and close
the feeding port with a stopper.
 Step 5 - Feeding medication.
- Ensure right medication is being prepared.
- Crush the medication finely or dissolve the pills in lukewarm water.
- Connect the syringe without the plunger to the kinked feeding tube.
- Before feeding the medication, flush the feeding tube with 20 mL of water, or as
per prescribed.
- Pour medication into the syringe.
- After administering the medication, remember to flush the feeding tube with 20
mL of water or as per prescribed.
- The patient should remain seated for at least 1 hour to prevent gastric reflux.
- Do not mix medication with Oral Nutrition Supplement.

All About Nasogastric Tube Feeding (English Subtitles)

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