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Crisostomo Ibarra is one of the characters in the most famous and distinguished “Noli Me

Tangere”, a novel by the brilliant author and the National Hero of the Philippines, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. He
was admired a lot because of his outstanding virtue, characteristics in life as well as his principles.

I personally identified him because his love and loyalty to his country is so much equal with
his love and loyalty to the woman whom he wanted to share his life with-Maria Clara.

In Rizal’s novel, Ibarra wanted reform that might bring the Filipinos, who were oppressed
during that time, be in the same level with the Spaniards who can read, count and study. This is a
reason why he wanted to establish and erect institution which will promote literacy to the Filipinos
regardless of age.

In addition, Ibarra’s heart was shaped by the humanitarian acts which will help the Filipinos
who are at the peak of poverty to survive the challenges of life. He wanted to help, he wanted to
extend his hands and allow these people to experience the comfort of life.

Lastly, Ibarra hopes to have a new and productive Philippines which cultivates honesty,
integrity and credibility in the hearts of Filipinos who wanted to enjoy the freedom and rights of
every Filipino and to enjoy the life they chose to have.

Those are the characteristics which I love about this fictional character and I firmly believe
that there is an Ibarra living in every heart of young Filipinos out there who will let the Philippines
shine again!

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