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Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers act like people.

The first step in making AI is to understand what it is.

Artificial intelligence can be defined as an artifact: a thing that performs a task

that would normally require human intelligence. The most common examples are
computer programs and robots. However, artificial intelligence does not only apply
to computers and machines; it also applies to humans, animals, and even plants!

The main difference between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence is

that natural intelligence has been around for millions of years while artificial
intelligence is relatively new. Human beings have had a lot of time to develop
their own forms of intelligence, but we have only been able to create artificial
ones for less than a century.

The most common uses for artificial intelligence include machine learning (which
uses algorithms to learn from data) and virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa
(which help us do things like order food or find information).

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