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What I have learned to the webinar? I learned that

developing our awareness of our values can help us be
true to our values, reducing conflict, providing agency, and
making our work/study more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Developing an understanding for the values of our
colleagues means we can support each other in our shared
or complimentary values, and it provides the foundations
for a psychologically-safe and high-performing team. I can
still remember what Dr. Victor says during the webinar, he
says " hunger is not only for the heart, but also for
intellegence" as an aspiring lawyer, I am more hunger in
intellegence so that I can achieve my goals. As a student, I
suffers from stress at some point in my life whether it is
short-term or chronic. The way I would describe stress
would be an excess of pressure one feels in everyday life.
This can be caused by deadlines, illness, change, emotional
problems, etc. Each of us has different coping
mechanisms to manage stress, but not all methods of
coping are healthy. and having my core helps me a lot to
cope that stress, and as time goes by, I became more
responsible and hardworking student because I know that
studying hard not only helps us to get good marks in our
studies,but it also improves our personality.Studying hard
teaches us to be more dedicated,determined and
focussed towards our work.It teaches us to be
responsible,stable and disciplined.

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