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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name Carlie Mays

Date(s) taught 2/16

Subject Weight Training

Grade level Grades 9-12

Materials  Cell phones

 Iron Path App
 Internet
 Weight room
 Squat rack
 Weighted plates
 Barbell
 Bench

Standards SC1.2.1: Recognize unsafe situations related to participation in strength and

(State and conditioning.
SC1.2.2: Identify skills and components an individual needs to participate
Standards for
successfully in strength and conditioning.
ISTE 1.1.c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
ISTE 1.6.b: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
digital resources into new creations.

Objectives State Objectives:

 Student will be able to demonstrate proper biomechanics for use of free
weights and squat racks.
 Student will be able to demonstrate proper spotting technique with group
members for lifts and exercises.
 Student will be able to identify movements and forms of various exercises.
ISTE Objectives:
 Student will be able to use cell phone to operate Iron Path app.
 Student will be able to apply barbell tracking application to recorded videos
for feedback on form and movement patterns.

Differentiatio  Students without compatible cell phones may share technology with their
n Strategies

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group members.
 Students may lighten the weight on given exercises.
 Students may use light barbell as needed for given exercises.
 Students who may struggle to stay on task will be monitored by teacher and
given reminders of task at hand.

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement  The teacher will discuss with students the various exercises we’ve learned
thus far in our curriculum.
 The Teacher will introduce students to the Iron Path smartphone app and its
 The teacher will allow students to download the app to their personal
 The teacher will provide students with a YouTube example of the app
function during a squat exercise.

Engagement  The teacher will ensure that students have the Iron Path app downloaded
Assessment and opened on personal smartphones.

Exploration  Students will use the Iron Path app to film each group member performing
one set of 5 squats.
 Students will align barbell tracker within the uploaded video.
 Students will replay video and make notes about the barbell path shown in

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E Description

Exploration  Students will be observed by teacher as they collaborate and film their
Assessment practice videos.

Explanation  The teacher will play YouTube video about squat form and reasoning behind
uneven barbell path (
 The teacher will share link for students to review information about proper
barbell path (
 Guided Questions:
1. Why is this type of technology useful?
2. What are some reasons the barbell may not move in a straight line?
3. What are some ways we can fix our barbell path during squats?

Explanation  Students will discuss guided questions with group members and then share
Assessment answers with teacher during full class discussion.

Elaboration  The students will create their own video analysis within the Iron Path app.
 The students will take turns filming another member of their group and
applying the barbell path analysis.
 Once video has been created and reviewed, students will submit their videos
via email to the teacher.

Evaluation Category 1 2 3
Participation Little to no Inconsistent Full participation
participation with participation with and engagement
group members or group members. with group
individually. Does May perform members.
not perform exercise but does Performs exercise,
exercise or apply not apply barbell uploads video, and
barbell path path analysis. applies barbell path
analysis to video. analysis.
Time Use Class time was not Class time was Class time was
used to work on partially used for used to work on
the project. project, but the project.
Conversations conversations were Conversations
were disruptive to distracting or were not disruptive.
the group and disruptive.
other students.
App Learning The student does The student knows The student knows
not understand the how to use some of how to use the app
process for using the features within and can accurately
the application. the app and can describe the
partially describe process.
the process.
Squat Athletic Stance Athletic stance Athletic stance
Technique Bar on upper back Bar on upper back Bar on upper back
Chest out Eyes looking up Eyes looking up
Heels stay on the Heels stay on the

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E Description

ground ground
Chest out Hips come below
Chest out
Elbows stay tucked
TOTAL: /12

Bybee, R. W. (2013). Guest Editorial: The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Personal Reflections
and Contemporary Implications. Science and Children, 051(08).
Senturk, H. E., & Camliyer, H. (2016). A New Learning Model on Physical Education: 5E
Learning Cycle. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(1), 26–29.
Tanner, K. D. (2010). Order matters: Using the 5E model to align teaching with how people
learn. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 9(3), 159–164.

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