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1. Two years ago, I traveled to San Salvador for tourism with my family. It's a nice country.

2. I won a basketball tournament in my place; our team received a trophy and 5,000 lempiras.
3. I have not cried when watching a film but one called "The hunt" by Madds Mikkelsen made
me very emotional. At the end of the film all the people who found the protagonist guilty
sought to reconcile with him.
4. The last time I spoke in public was at an event about which country was the best in Central
America, I spoke about Costa Rica, it was a nice event.
5. Once I found a wallet with a lot of money in a grocery store when it was the fair in my town,
I tried to return it to its owner who gave me 500 lempiras just for returning it. With that I
invited my dad and my mom to eat.
6. I have tried to learn German, for me English is a language with which I have grown up
studying it, learning a new language is complicated but not impossible. Currently my level of
German is somewhat regular but little by little I am improving it.
7. I recently got a low grade in my previous English class so I felt disappointed that I didn't
study enough to get a better grade so I'll try to study more.
8. I have met several soccer players from the Olimpia soccer club such as: Jorge Benguché,
Rommel Quioto and Jerry Bengtson. I saw them at the club's stadium since I often go to see
their games and I have photos with them.

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