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Describe a time when you were excited

- Talk about a time that got me excited for my whole life.
- It’s the first time I taking part in an extreme sport
- Summer holiday, after intense and extremely nervous final test
- Which were without a doubt really important , they were main factors to
decide how I would go on in the next future, for me it was a matter of life
and death
- In order not to let my parents down, who had put so much faith into me
and also to get myself a brighter path.
- Worked exceptionally hard. Every hours of my revising week was full of
numbers, formulas and phrases
- In the end, my efforts didn’t let me down at all. My scores were
sastifyng, but still cannot help me feel less exhausted
- Really wanted to escape from the tiredness, so when invited to go
holiday, accepted right away
- At the place, I experienced the sport called bungee jumping for the first
time. To put it simple, it was the activity of jumping off any high
structures such as cliffs or bridges
- scared of heights. Didn’t want to jump all. A guy kicked me when im
about to leave
- Gotta thank that guy for doing so, best feelings. The mixed feelings that
made your heart jump out of your chest and the feeling that made you
wanna scream out loud because of the fresh
- I was thrilled as it freed from my fatigue, giving me feelings I had never
got before
2. Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement.
- Love to talk about a time when I party my victory.
- As I have got great interest in English since I was a child and was quite
good at it,
- Got selected to be one of the contestant of the provincial english contest.
- Didn’t expect much as the quality of those from privileged cities would
certainly surpass a guy from a small town.
- Couldn’t believe myself when got result, I placed the third and went
beyond my expectation, it was a triumph
- If there were victory, there would be celebrations.
- So I together with other students who did well in their tests had a big
party held a restaurant
- Handful of parents, teachers and friends invited,
- Everything seemed to be perfect the foods the drinks were over the top
- But not able to enjoy them all as I spent most time chattering.
- It was time for showing gratitude to the teachers and parents for the
- Not until when the adults had leave us on our own did the fun really start.
- Did kind of things you expected a bunch of drunken teenagers would do
- Singing with ears-breaking volumes, get high with the dances, go look
for abandoned house to play some spiritual games
- Sure did have a blast, got home late but my parents let it go, saying that
we deserve it
- One of the best time of my entire life
3. Describe a time when you first met someone
- This world can be so big but also small at the same time
- That I met people unexpectedly
- Last month hanging out with my friends when suddenly heard a familiar
voice passing by
- Immediately recognized the person, Kyle my gaming friend
- He also surprised to meet me at such place
- Although did share some informations with each others, had never got to
know his face
- To my surprise, Kyle looked almost like me. He also got the tall and buff
body style, just like me.
- He had an oval face with big round eyes and high noise which I also
share some similarities, even his glasses was the same kind and brand
with me.
- Only differences were his light blue eyes and blond curl hair
- Anyway, both of us were overjoyed to met in real life, it was like meeting
your brother after a long time. We had a tight hug and decided to have
some good time together.
- Quite weird to get a sudden hug, I guess American do love giving hugs.
- Over the next hours, we chatted about our life, shared some stories, both
saying how much each person should meet each other’s friends.
- We had a delightful lunch at my most-like restaurant and I’m pleased that
it also fitted Kyle’s tastes. He kindly offered to pay, like he always did to
me in ingame purchase, but of course I would not agree. After a little bit
of fun quarreling we both agreed to let me do the honor.
- In the end, before saying goodbye, took photos to keep the memories of
the special day and promised to spend more time with one another if

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