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F: This week I Jose Fernando Bendezu Quispe and my partner Joel Maycol Berrocal Garamendi

will do the work assigned for this occasion

F: Good evening to all our listeners, tonight we have the director Maycol Berrocal as a guest, we
will talk about his movie "Amor y Sangre".

J: A pleasure to be on this radio channel tonight, I hope our talk will be liked by all listeners

F: And tell me, why did you decide that your love movie should have a horror ending and not a
happy one as usual?

J: I wanted to give it a more original touch, make a story where the most real side of the human
is shown and that is why I was encouraged by this radical change.

F: I agree with you, humans can be much scarier than fictional monsters. And how did you give
the opportunity to be protagonists to the actors you chose?

J: I already knew them from art school, I saw their talent and wanted to bet on them since I saw
potential in their stage representation at the time I met them

F: I see, and how did you manage to put such realistic special effects in the film?

J: Being a love movie with horror overtones, the excess of special effects was not necessary,
unlike a horror movie and that helped a lot.
F: You have a very good point, changing the subject; How did you come to choose music so

J: It is preparation that has taken me years, choosing music that transmits what I want to
generate according to the performance is what gives the film that magical touch

F: You are right, there are films that would not be the same without the musical themes chosen
for certain scenes that have become icons in the history of cinema. Finally, what was your
favorite part of the movie?

J: Without a doubt it was the closure of it, that tragic outcome that occurred at the end was
hard but realistic. I wanted to show the horrors that people are capable of committing in the
name of love.

F: Well, I think that in this brief interview we have been able to remove several doubts from our
radio listeners, I hope that this conversation has been to everyone's liking and I hope to have
you again soon as a guest in a future cinematographic success

J: It was also a pleasure for me to have been able to be present with you on the radio today and
I hope more personal successes come for my career as a director, until next time

F: Until next time everyone, good night.

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