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view [s(unset]t{lingering}) mirage a(p)parent evident

bicyclic(k) city necessity: obligatory continuence, with its need
of motions avanti forth:    reel gone cat gone f’ da writ of it da
wavestudy magic’s tragics fallen oft da (rif[f)lick] pitch denote
re-sounding soundings t’ gather fasting actor/actress stresses
slenderizations preoccupy fixatingly    peer into camera’s beer
thus emerging from canvas vast mountains for effect yes razor-
added mists now snow-lines routinely shunned da shun-word d’
eau da owe-system-chuck-three’s da harm strip-tripped t’
striped-down prism-suit: bee-wear beware da where at t’ ease up
da trapeze ’out a net safety on lest accidental dose houndshot
inject injunction hear da hustle def airyfuel ferret fool deaths
were herds of those promised truckroads, sum o’ da moist
SolarRayScent: concern over Optiks Oftic Square each one
Hermedic Divination notification register da butter ’n’ cheese
advent card Everyday RifeStyleGram infinite ignorance could it
be at all good despite ConVent pre-Zoom-ass-humption?
IgnoRants Re b’ earth of syntax rats offer cliffworks perspective
Western East Thetics zone person route’s ledge faction’s novel
unafreudable real ism-schism issue(s) virgin in a wolf day gone
brain-chain characters unable to complete construction allwaves
hum-thing else humping elves of the AutoMobile (ever-self-re-
arranging-self-re-haranguing)    perspectives twisted taper-
torques spin rotate revolve never re/solve laugh touch
untouchable moving words untouchable words moving target
Stone Style individual in divide dual it he faces a wall the while
in search in da lurch of useful work devolution crafts twisted
torpedoes believe his story of spriteduality techno-crazy his
(ra[w(hite] pawnish habitchual be/hindness along with fall the
others wo(e)mendlessinnedgame came t’ lie again later ring a
vice-head wing of ice-bone t’ da bone fear
plansyndromesindentalismically we(e) distribution pear-
reviewed markdown experience gloss-boasted Encyclopedia
Brutanica temporarily clothed swear a café multiply factscene
(pas[s)port] rotten t’ da store o’ gore regal rite t’ lure da decode
stash (mora[l)over] dis-appoint deep recession process of
illumination willful clocks impose what it was or what it did
core response peer amidst desert sands jilted ocean of a pyramid
stain deveilment project mechanical pride inclined mysteriously
rose t’ flower key eel a lure inches t’ glaze aim zero rang a
tangent t’ trigger out a gasp wait

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