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Reproductive health
1. What is gender?
2. Adolescent w/c age group? 10-19 yrs
3. MMR of Ethiopia according to DHS 2005 is 673/100,000
4. TFR of Ethiopia according to DHS 2005 is 5.6
5. ASFR is used to calculate - TFR
6. W/c one of the following shows greatest disparities? A MMR B IMR C U5MR D NMR
7. W/c one of the following is killed vaccine ? pertussis
8. Commonest cause of death in children with diarrhea is dehydration
9. W/c one of the following is not element of focused ANC ?
10. On w/c conference the paradigm shift to development of reproductive health? International

conference of population and development [ICPD] in 1994

11. According to DHS 2005 the un mate need of family planning is 34%
12. W/c one of the following is not an emergency contraception? Contraceptive implant
13. W/c one of the following is not true about HIV in USA and Africa?


1. W/c one of the following is true about management and administration?
2. Difference b/n delegation and decentralization
3. Liaison role of manager includes
4. Efficiency deals with
5. Principles and functions of management
6. What are the stages of team development?
7. Acclimation occur in ---------- stage of team development
8. What is division of labor?
9. Importance of setting objectives by managers
10. Difference b/n planning and controlling
11. Ways of controlling

1 Difference b/n health education and health promotion
2 Witch stage reassure behavior change A contemplation B pre- contemplation C maintenance
3 -------------- is antecedent to behavior change A predisposing factor B enabling factor C
reinforcing factor
1. What is secular trends? slow and gradual changes over long period of time
2. Difference b/n experimental and observational studies
3. Study design used to study prevalence of rickets in Zeway case control study
4. False about cohort Study design
5. Relative risk is used to calculate association in ------------- Study design
6. Calculate odds ratio
7. Odds ratio is used to calculate association in ------------- Study design
8. Correlational study is conducted on--------A any population B adult population C young age
9. W/c one dose not show severity/greatest impact of disease in population
A incidence rate B mortality rate C case fatality rate D morbidity rate
Say true or false
1. Vitamin- A deficiency is not common cause of blindness in under 21 yrs false
2. Illness and in adequate intake of food are underlying cause of acute malnutrition
3. Stunting is acute malnutrition false
4. Anthropometry is concerned only with body size and composition true
5. Iodine deficiency is considered to be public health problem if goiter prevalence is >5%
6. Clinical assessment is the best to assess malnutrition false
7. Vitamin D is both hormone and vitamin true
8. Macronutrient deficiency particularly protein deficiency decrease the release of
Vitamin-A from liver and reduce serum Vitamin-A true

9. Observing mucus membrane may be used in diagnosing iron deficiency true

10. The only indices used to assess acute malnutrition in children are wt and length/ht

Environmental health
1. The commonest latrine in AA is _____________
2. Odd about recent global issues
3. In AA now a day big buildings are increasing from time to time , which one of the
following is true regarding environmental health aspects?

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