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socrates quotes

alt+0145 (‘) and alt+0146 (’)

i know that i know nothing

‘I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think’

smart people learn from everything and everyone. average people from their experiences.
stupid people already have all the answers.

be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

falling down is not a failure, failure comes when you stay where you have fallen

truE wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life,
ourselves, and the world around us

la programación que tendrá carácter personal y deberá ser elaborada de forma

individual por cada aspirante, tendrá una extensión máxima, sin incluir portada,
índice ni anexos, de 60 folios en formato din-a4, escritos a una sola cara, a
espaciado interlineal sencillo, y con letra tipo «times new roman» de 12 puntos, sin
comprimir. deberá contener un mínimo de 12 unidades didácticas que deberán ir
numeradas en un índice.

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