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(1)I think that Macbeth avoided using these words because he had a guilty conscience about

what he was doing. I believe that Macbeth knew that what he was doing was wrong. However,
with Lady Macbeth constantly pressuring him to commit the crime, his glimpse of what was right
drifted away. I think he avoids these words because they're extremely distinct and harsh. He
doesn't like referring to them as "murdered" or "killed because deep down he actually feels bad
for this crime. However, due to the fact he is so focused on getting the throne, he is sidetracked
from the sins he has committed in order to get where he is. This tells readers that Macbeth isn't
evil. He has a conscience, but easily forgets what is important. He is so focused on achieving this
goal, killing others doesn't seem to phase him directly.

(2)She tells him not to be a coward, not to say later that he "could have been" when he could
"be" king. She tells him to be a man and go get what he wants. I will make others understand by
saying what I need clearly, and clarifying its pros and cons, and I will not make such absurd and
cruel proposals. This is different from Lady Macbeth. Strategies that Lady Macbeth uses on
Macbeth in order to convince him into killing Duncan include rhetorical questions, manipulation,
and insulting his masculinity. Having the wrong ideas and encouraging others to commit crimes
together will only harm both others and self.

The symbol of Macbeth is the blood. Because he was a soldier, who killed many enemies on the
battlefield, and he killed them in a cruel way. After hearing the witches predict, he killed Duncan,

His hands are full of blood, and he can't get rid of the crime.

The symbol of the Lady Macbeth is a rose. She looks like a beautiful, gentle and polite woman,
ostensibly kind to the others, but secretly controlled her husband's assassination of the king. She
looked like a rose, looking harmless but hiding dangerous spikes.

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