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Chapter 1: The Causes of World War II

I. Treaty of Versailles
A. Background on the Treaty
B. Consequences of the Treaty
C. Impact on Germany

II. The Rise of Fascism

A. Definition of Fascism
B. Rise of Benito Mussolini in Italy
C. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany

III. The Failure of Appeasement

A. The Munich Agreement of 1938
B. Britain and France's Response to Hitler's Expansionist Policies
C. The Invasion of Poland

IV. The Allies and the Axis Powers

A. Definition of the Allies and the Axis Powers
B. Major Allies: Great Britain, Soviet Union, and United States
C. Major Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan

V. The Start of the War

A. Germany's Invasion of Poland
B. Britain and France Declare War on Germany
C. The Phony War

VI. Major Battles and Turning Points of the War

A. The Battle of Britain
B. The Invasion of the Soviet Union
C. The United States Enter the War
D. The Battle of Stalingrad
E. The Allies' Invasion of Italy
F. D-Day and the Liberation of France

VII. The End of the War

A. The Defeat of Germany
B. The Surrender of Japan
C. The Formation of the United Nations

VIII. The Aftermath of World War II

A. The Nuremberg Trials
B. The Cold War
C. The Rebuilding of Europe

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