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List of interview questions I have prepared based on my knowledge in ADF, ADLS, Azure Data Bricks,

SQL Server, SSAS(Tabular), Power BI :



1. What is an Integration Runtime

2. Types of Integration Run times and usage of each runtime? Process to install and configure
Integration Run time?

3. What is the difference between Stored Procedure task and Look Up task in ADF?

4. How do you process the set of or list of entities parallelly in ADF? -- > Metadata approach with
foreach loop

5. How can you connect/call to logic apps/ web apps from ADF?

6. What are performance methods you can follow in configuring ADF to run faster?

7. Dynamic variables and different scopes of them. --> Pipleine level, activity level, etc.,

8. Different types of triggers. Explain Tumbling window, Event based, Scheduled based

9. Differences between ADF v1 and ADF v2

10. How to capture output of any activity in ADF?

11. What is the use and purpose of web activity and how to write code and implement web activity in

12. What is Rest API and what is its main purpose and how to use it?

13. What are the types of azure functions and what all are used in your project and explain?

14. What are the Iterative activities in adf(for each and until) and difference between them and when
to use which activity?

15. What is the reason why nested for each loop is not supported in ADF?

16. What is the purpose of metadata activity and how to use it in our ADF and when to use it?

17. What is the purpose of wait activity and how to use it in our ADF and when to use it?

18. How to configure Self Hosted Integration Run Time in ADF?

19. Copy Activity : Polybase, Copy command, Bulk Insert?

20. ADF Excel source

21. Managed Service Identity AND SAS Token


Azure Data bricks :


1. What is a cluster and what is the need of it.

2. Why spark environment and what the different API's supported by databricks

3. What is Vaccum cleaning and explain cache management in datbricks

4. What is Delta lake tables in data bricks and explain how they are different from normal tables.

5. What are secret scopes in data bricks and types of them.

6. In Spark, What is an Action and what is transformation .. Examples of them

7. Difference between Dataset and dataframe and RDD in spark

8. What are managed and unmanaged tables.

9. what is spark context and spark config.

10. How can we achieve performance improvement in Databricks.

11. What is a mount point and what is mounting and unmounting in general

12. How can you access the databricks workspace from external tools like CICD release def or ADF? -->
Access token or AAD authentication

13.What is deduplication and how can you acheive in spark.

14. Difference between reduceBy and GroupBy in spark.




1. What is difference between ADLS Gen2 and Gen 1

2. What are different access methods (Access key, AAD, etc.,)

3. Supported file formats in ADLS gen 1 and Gen2

4. Read speed and write speed differences between azure storage and adls? Which performs better
under which scenario?

5. tabular or parquet or other file formats? Which is faster and quicker and reason?




1. What are the synchronous and Asynchronous transformations?

2. Explain Look up and modes of look up transformation?

3. Difference between union and Merge in SSIS

4. Difference between Merge and Merge Join

5. What is delay validation property and how it helps

6. How can you achieve the performance of the SSIS package which is running for long time.

7. How to design parallel run in SSIS?

8. How can you connect to ADLS or any other Azure resources from SSIS? (--> we need Azure SSIS
feature to install in our machine)

9. What are different types of variable scopes in SSIS?

10. What are different deployment models? Difference between them?

11. Examples of blocking, semi blocking, non blocking transformations in SSIS, explain each from one

12. What is a script task and how you used that task in your project.

13. What is full load and Delta load and how can you achieve delta operation.

14. What are event handlers in SSIS and how it helps explain with a case scenario.

15. Reusable components in SSIS

16. What are types of configurations available in SSIS?

17. Difference between script component and script task?

18. How to run python or power shell executable using SSIS package?

19. How to acheive error handling in ssis?

20. What are the types of cache's available in Lookup Transformation?

21. What is buffer in SSIS?

22. How to dynamically change schema of destination table in ssis package according to the
environment in which package is running?


SSAS- Tabular Model:


1. What are roles and how they are helpful. Explain

2. What are perspectives in SSAs and explain the difference between roles and Perspectives.

3. What is a formula engine and Storage/ Memory engine in SSAS tabular. What is the role of them in
executing a DAX query/ measure
4. Difference between (Sum, SUMX) , (COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTX) , etc.,

5. How to auto generate calendar dates with DAX function.

6. Different date intellectual functions like PreviousMonth, PreviousQuarter, EMonth, DAY,


7. What is ALL and ALLEXCEPT functions and give the examples for the usage of them.

8. Deploying methods of tabular model.(from local visual studio, from CICD process using powershell,

9. Does SSAS tabular supports direct Query mode?

10. Does SSAS supports parquet file format and ADLS sources?

11. What is transactional deployment in SSAS?

12. What are the different processing options in tabular model? (default, dont process, full)

13. What is partitioning in SSAS and explain how it helps in processing model faster.

14. Difference between measure and a calculated column.

15. Is many to many is supported in SSAS and if no , how can we achieve Many to many relationship in
SSAS tabular.

16. filter context and row context

17. calculate function

18. summarize and summarizecolumns functions

19. sum and sumx functions difference and when to use when?

20. What is Bi-directional filtering and what is its use and when to apply?

21. Relate and time intelligence functions?




1. Difference between UNION and UNION ALL

2. What is index and what are the different types of indexes. Explain?

3. Unique key , primary key properties and differences

4. In detail, explain Delta load approach in SQL.

5. What is SCD and types of SCD’s in SQL.

6. Which is faster? Join or Sub Query

7. Performance optimizations in Stored Procedure'

8. Difference between store proc and functions

9. What is a view and how it is useful apart from a physcial table.

10. table A has a column with (1,1,2,2,3) and table B has a column with (1,2,3,3) what are the outputs
when you do left join, right join, inner join.

11. What is Cross join and what is cross apply , difference between them.

12. Employee Hierarchy table. How can you achieve. --> (recursive CTE)

13. Query to identify and remove the duplicates from a table.

14. Questions on COMMIT , ROLLBACK, NOLOCK, etc.,

15. Difference between temp table, CTE, @tablevariable.

16. LAG and LEAD function in SQL and its usage with an example.

17. Find the nth highest salary from the employees in SQL

18. What is Surrogate key and Natural key and difference between them. Explain.

19. Difference between full join and union all?

20. Difference between CTE, table variable, temporary table?

21. What is temporal table and what is its use and when it had been introduced in sql server?

22. What is TLS in SQL server?

23. What are the different ways to connect to sql server?

24. How to call Stored procedure inside view in sql server?

25. What is cursor and when it will be used and how to use it?

26. What is magic table in sql server and explain the purpose of it?

27. What are acids property in DBMS?

28. What is indexed view or materialized view? How to create it and how to make use of it?

29. What is outer apply? what is its purpose?

30. How to schedule match between teams present in my sql table?

31. List out all the different ways to give top n salary with in an employee table?

32. How to find out whether a column value is integer or non integer?

33. Index rebuild and reorganize

34. How to implement Partitions in sql and for what kind of table its better to implement?
35. clustered index

36. non clustered index

37. column store index and its advantages?

38. Parameter Sniffing

39. Fragmentation

40. Output clause

41. Dynamic SQL

42. Service Broker

43. SQL injection

44. Rollup, cube and grouping sets

45. What is window function in SQL server and give its importance and use?


Power BI :


1. Difference between max and maxa?

2. Why is M language and DAX used for?

3. Difference between sum and sumx?

4. Connection Types in POWER BI and difference between them

5. Row Level Security

6. Drill through with in the report

7. Cross Report Drill through

8. Self-Servicing Capability in Power BI

9. Apps in Power BI

10. Dynamically change the data in power bi dashboard for every dashboard

11. How can we built a slicer panel? Like we need to click an image and it should list of slicers and
again clicking back on the image should collapse the slicer panel?

12. Whatif parameters usage in power bi?

13. Create a responsive slicer you can resize

14. Paginated Reports

15. Display images in a table, matrix, or slicer in a report

16. Expression-based titles in Power BI Desktop

17. Grouping and binning in Power BI Desktop

18. Tool tips based on report pages

19. Performance Analyzer to examine report element performance

20. Automatic page refresh in Power BI Desktop (preview)

21. How Dynamic filtering in Power BI is performed?

22. Use of Power BI Icon

23. How to connect to ADLS from power bi?

24. What is data management or power bi gateway and in which all scenarios it will be used?

25. Scenario based question on bookmarks?

26. How to implement our own visual using python or R script or D3 visual inside power bi?

27. What is use of interactivity in Power BI?

28. Dynamic RLS(like how to apply 3 dep heads and some of the users can access 2 deps)

29. How can metric values in dashboard change dynamically according to quarter or month we are
present in instead of repinning the tiles?

30. Difference between power bi app and content pack?

31. Types of users in Power BI service?

32. Give a scenario and what is the best suitable graph to present in power bi?

33. How to built dynamic chart title or how to display the list of filter values selected by me in the
report so that end user will have clear presentation for what he is seeing the data?

34. With in this free license, pro license and premium license...let's say if shared a dashboard with the
end user(having free license) using Power bi app and he is not able to view the report...all cube level
access...every thing is provided...but still user is not able to view...why?

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