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British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

March 2001, Vol. 108, pp. 233±237


Qualitative research in obstetrics and gynaecology

Introduction aches, for example, ethnography 2, phenomenology 3 and
grounded theory 4,5. These have evolved separately within
Qualitative research is no longer the sole preserve of various social science and humanities disciplines and as a
social scientists. In-depth interviews, focus groups and result tend to have different emphases and favour use of
observation are being used increasingly to answer particular qualitative techniques and methods. Across
research questions about health and health services. The these different approaches, however, a number of
greater acceptance of these methods in health care common characteristics can be discerned.
settings and the wider publication of qualitative health Qualitative research is distinguished by an emphasis
research in medical journals have meant that clinicians on trying to look at things from the point of view of those
and health care practitioners, from a wide range of being studied. The role of the researcher is to try to under-
specialties, are now expected to accept this mode of stand and interpret what is going on: this is a dif®cult task
research. Their involvement may simply be because because researchers are human, not machines, and it is
they or their patients are invited to participate in a quali- not possible for anyone to detach themselves completely
tative study, or perhaps because of a role in ethical or from their own history, beliefs and personality. Qualita-
research funding review processes. In addition, many tive researchers actively acknowledge this and constantly
clinicians and health care practitioners are looking to try to re¯ect on how their own convictions and experi-
qualitative research because they need answers to ences may be in¯uencing the ways in which they observe
research questions which qualitative methods can and interpret phenomena. These re¯ections form part of
provide. the data that qualitative researchers collect in what is
This paper is intended to clarify what qualitative technically referred to as a re¯exive account. Qualitative
research is and, drawing on examples of research about research tends to focus on the process by which things
aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology, to explain the happen. To do this the researcher has to either go to the
main methods used. The ways that qualitative research settings in which the action takes place and observe, or
can inform practice, contribute to evaluations of care and persuade participants to describe in detail what happened
complement quantitative research are illustrated and by interviewing them. Attempts are made to try to get a
discussed. References to helpful textbooks have been holistic view of what is happening and to look at it from
included throughout for those who wish to acquire a different angles, typically by observing or interviewing as
more detailed knowledge of qualitative research meth- many of those involved as possible. Quantitative research
ods. Key criteria for assessing the quality of qualitative is often governed by a formal hypothesis to be tested
research are also considered. according to a ®xed protocol during the course of the
So, what is qualitative research? The answer varies, research. Such a null hypothesis might be for example,
depending on whom you ask (rather like the divergent ªThere is no difference in the quality of maternity care
views of statistics offered by Bayesians 1 and frequen- whether it is provided by midwives working in teams or
tists). For us, qualitative research entails the use of quali- holding their own case loadº. In contrast, the question in
tative methods of data collection and analysis. a qualitative piece of might be more exploratory, for
Qualitative data are almost always text-based and are example, ªWhat constitutes quality of care and how is
analysed using some form of content analysis. Sometimes it understood by those who deliver and receive care?º.
a qualitative method, such as the interview, is used to Because qualitative research is not governed by the same
collect data which are then coded and analysed to kinds of formal rules which frame quantitative research, it
produce counts or numerical frequencies. This is not is sometimes assumed that it lacks scienti®c rigour. This
qualitative research. Equally, survey methods used in is not the case. The choice of method and technique in
social sciences and epidemiology are not qualitative: qualitative work has to be considered carefully, justi®ed
the analysis of a structured questionnaire about women's and applied faithfully. The wrong choice will result in
satisfaction with antenatal care which included some failure just as it would in quantitative work.
open-ended questions, or space for women to write While qualitative research is relatively new in medical
their comments, does not constitute qualitative research. research it is the dominant method in many of the social
Qualitative research, like quantitative research, embo- sciences and humanities. On the face of it, the approach
dies a number of different theoretically-based appro- may seem peripheral to gynaecology and obstetricsÐa

q RCOG 2001 British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

PII: S 0306-545 6(00)00077-2

specialty based in biomedical science, concerned with develop the research. This method is especially valuable
clinical measurement of chemical and physiological for ®nding out about shared experiences and common
changes associated with fertility, reproduction, child- viewpoints, and has been successfully used to examine
birth, and the anatomical understanding of the female the health care experiences of new mothers 11 and women
body. Yet, qualitative research can be, and has been, from ethnic minority groups 12,13. Contrary to expectation,
used to tackle questions of considerable importance to focus groups can also be a good way of exploring sensi-
obstetricians and gynaecologists such as women's experi- tive and dif®cult issues. This method has been used with
ence of pregnancy and childbirth 6 and of maternity women who were sexually abused as children to provide
services 7,8, their experience of urinary incontinence 9, insights about their experiences of obstetric and gynae-
and women's understanding of abnormal cervical smear cological care 14.
test results 10. The numbers of individual interviewees in qualitative
studies is always much smaller than in quantitative
survey research. The minimum is generally regarded as
Methods of data collection and analysis 12 and between 20 to 50 would be the norm 15,16. Focus
groups usually contain six to eight participants and the
Techniques for gathering qualitative data include
total number of groups rarely exceeds ten. These small
semi-structured and non-standardised in-depth interviews
numbers come as a shock to the uninitiated who often
with individuals or groups, direct observation of events
question the ability of such small numbers to represent
and behaviour, and the analysis of documents. These
anything. The essence of qualitative research is, however,
methods are used, separately or in combination, because
to provide explanations and understandings of what is
they allow researchers to tap into the meanings people
happening through in-depth examination of particular
attach to their experiences and to see how they interpret
cases, rather than provide a statistically representative
or make sense of the social world.
picture. Thus, large numbers are not required. For the
same reason, methods of sampling in qualitative research
Interviews tend to be purposive rather than random. There are a
variety of qualitative sampling methods, such as those
Semi-structured interviews are based on a loose outline discussed by Patton 17.
of open-ended questions centred around a single topic.
Such an interview might be structured around different
aspects of a patient's experience of gynaecological Unobtrusive methods
surgery, with questions about her experience of hospita-
lisation, symptoms before and after surgery, satisfaction Qualitative researchers often make use of less obtru-
with care and so on. This format allows the interviewer sive research methods including direct observation of
and interviewee some ¯exibility to diverge from the events or activity and the analysis of documents. The
outline and add to or develop questions. An in-depth systematic observation of everyday behaviour, interac-
interview is even more ¯exible and allows the researcher tions and talk is especially useful in studying health
to focus in considerable detail on one or two issues. An issues because it allows researchers to examine what
in-depth interview exploring the experiences of pregnant people actually do, rather than relying on reported beha-
women might start with a general question, such as ªCan viour. These observational methods have been employed
you tell me about your experiences of this pregnancy?º in a variety of health care settings, such as clinics and
and further questions or topics are then generated by the operating theatres, to look at the work of clinical,
interviewees' responses during the interview. Both types managerial and administrative staff. One such study
of interview require sensitivity and ¯exibility from the used observational methods to examine what really
interviewer, and the careful use of follow up questions or happens on the labour ward 18. Documentary data sources
`probes' to draw out the topic and gather really detailed are perhaps less widely used in health research, but these
information. Another of the strengths of this approach is too can be a valuable source of qualitative information.
its ability to uncover unanticipated ideas or aspects of the The range of documents used by qualitative researchers
research question not previously considered. includes public and organisational records or accounts,
Group interviews or focus groups are similar to face- media reports and, sometimes, private papers such as
to-face interviews inasmuch as they can be guided by diaries or correspondence. Two examples of how this
question outlines or topic lists, but they also use the inter- method can be applied to the study of obstetric and
action of group members to generate information. This is gynaecological care are a study of the way in which
achieved by encouraging group members to talk to one women are presented in gynaecological text books
another, ask questions, clarify ideas and discuss priori- entitled `A funny thing happened on the way to the
ties. The focus group is thus both a source of data and a ori®ce' 19 and secondly an analysis of 30 years of British
way of using group relationships and dynamics to obstetric textbooks 20.
q RCOG 2001 Br J Obstet Gynaecol 108, pp. 233±237

Qualitative analysis explaining or validating quantitative research. As a follow

up to fertility surveys in Nepal a group of anthropologists
All these methods of data collection generate textual used in-depth interviews to uncover the considerable
data, in the form of transcripts of interviews, ®eld notes under-reporting of contraceptive knowledge and use of
of observations, or primary documentary sources. The abortion 23. Qualitative research has also been valuable in
analysis of such data uses strategies for dealing with helping to explain the ®ndings of quantitative analyses:
texts to generate analytic categories, taxonomies and observational research exploring clinical decision making
build theoretical explanations. In all cases the analysis has helped to identify the reasons for widespread variation
rests on some form of content analysis, and while there in common surgical procedures 24. This research showed
are computer software packages that can assist with this how individualised work practices and informal surgical
process it remains a time-consuming and labour intensive rules shaped decisions about surgical management, produ-
aspect of qualitative research. The analytic process cing the characteristic variation in surgical rates. Although
involves searching the text for themes which are marked this particular analysis focused on ear, nose and throat
up (referred to as indexing or coding), examined and surgeons, these ®ndings suggest that similar modus oper-
collected together to form categories. In much qualitative andi lie behind the variation in hysterectomy, caesarean
research the analysis is inductive, that is, it derives or section and other common surgical interventions.
builds up gradually from the data, but it can be deductive More recently qualitative methods have been used to
and hypothesis driven. Grounded theory 4,5 is perhaps the augment clinical trials. Qualitative research within and
best known, but oft misrepresented, methodological around randomised controlled trials can be used to
approach for developing theory from qualitative data. improve the quality of trials. For example, qualitative
One aspect of this approach is the use of the constant methods are being used within an ongoing randomised
comparative method of data analysis in which the data trial of smoking cessation strategies to assess the accept-
are coded, and categories are compared across and within ability of the intervention by pregnant women and also to
each text. The emerging categories are re-analysed and see how the intervention is delivered in practice. Initial
re®ned in a series of iterative cycles to test and build theo- qualitative research looking at this second issue has
retical propositions. A similar process of identifying suggested that in everyday practice adherence to the trial
themes and categories is also used in more deductive protocol is variable and the impact of this will need to be
approaches to analysis, such as the framework approach, assessed. As well as providing these kinds of quality
but the analysis here is driven by research questions and checks within trials, qualitative research can have a role
objectives de®ned at the outset of the research. These a in preliminary stages of trial design in formative evalua-
priori questions provide a theoretical framework within tion and developing relevant outcome measures. Beyond
which themes can be grouped and synthesised to create this, qualitative research is increasingly being used to ®nd
typologies and provide explanations. Whichever analyti- out about participant and non-participant's views of clin-
cal approach is adopted this lengthy process of interrogat- ical trials 25 and this information will hopefully feed into
ing the data, revisiting the themes and re®ning the future trial design and planning.
emerging categories is essential: it is a task that requires
considerable patience and skill on the part of the
researcher 21. Understanding obstetric practice

For us, a strength of qualitative research lies in its

Qualitative research as a complement to quantitative potential to inform doctors and nurses. The best qualita-
research tive work ± research that is systematic and rigorous ±
moves beyond common sense, is more than `just anec-
Qualitative research can both inform and complement dote' and has the power to transform clinical practices in
quantitative research. For example, interviews are positive ways. One example of this type of work is
frequently used in questionnaire development to check Oakley's pioneering study 6 analysing ®rst time mothers'
the meaning of words or terms to be used or to validate experiences of childbirth. Twenty years later, the descrip-
individual questions. This preliminary work is often a vital tion of antenatal care and obstetric practice and the wider
stage in survey research, as the research team investigating meaning of motherhood in industrialised societies is still
British sexual attitudes and lifestyles discovered when relevant. In this research women were interviewed over
interviews with the public revealed considerable confu- the course of their ®rst pregnancy and delivery. The
sion about such terms as `vaginal sex' and `penetrative subsequent analysis revealed a sometimes depressing
sex' 22. One bene®t of this type of preliminary work is picture, highlighting women's lack of knowledge of the
that it is also useful in making clinicians aware of terms process, their un-preparedness for the birth and, at that
likely to be misinterpreted or misunderstood by their time, the failure of much obstetric practice to meet these
patients. Qualitative research can also be helpful in needs or move beyond a very narrow, medicalised view
q RCOG 2001 Br J Obstet Gynaecol 108, pp. 233±237

of childbirth. Further research, both qualitative and quan- more dissatis®ed because they felt the improvement in
titative, has supported many of the issues raised in this the status of the midwives was detrimental to their posi-
study, reminding obstetricians of the need the take tion. What emerged unexpectedly from the data,
women's views into account. however, was the different ethos operating in each unit,
On a smaller scale, an interview-based study under- which could only have been discovered by qualitative
taken to review the care given to pregnant women in a research. This proved important in interpreting the results
health centre serving nearly 16,000 people resulted in a of a survey of women giving birth at each of these units,
number of changes being made to the care provided 26. which showed that women were more satis®ed with their
For example, most parents valued antenatal classes but care if they had given birth in a unit with a more women-
some found the number and content of the classes de®- centred ethos. Although these were also the units without
cient. Young women in particular were less enthusiastic a registrar, the researchers concluded that the ethos was
and could not see the point of these sessions. The independent of the medical staf®ng structure.
response of the general practitioners and practice nurses
to these ®ndings was to integrate parenting classes into
antenatal care by shifting the emphasis from routine clin- Judging quality
ical measurement to parenting. Antenatal visits were
reorganised into group visits of women at the same Qualitative research will only be accepted and under-
stage of pregnancy thus enabling greater social contact stood by obstetricians and gynaecologists if it is of good
and permitting time for education. quality. The quality of qualitative research has not been
Qualitative research can also be used to investigate the consistent. One response to the need to improve quality
organisation of care. One disturbing example of this is has been the development of guidelines for qualitative
Bowler's analysis 27 of maternity care in 1993, based on research 33±35 which have been useful to journal editors
an ethnography of a British hospital. Bowler discovered and have encouraged more thoughtful reporting of quali-
that midwives made assumptions about women on the tative research. We hope that these criteria will improve
basis of their physical appearance which led to differences the planning and conduct of qualitative research, in much
in the care provided. Midwives typi®ed women on racial the same way as we hope that the CONSORT guide-
lines so that, for example, they felt ªif an Asian woman lines 36 has in¯uenced the planning and conduct of rando-
makes a noise in labour this is not because she is in pain but mised trials.
because Asian women in general have low pain thresholds There is, however, a growing awareness that the qual-
and make a fuss about nothingº. One of the common criti- ity issue is more complex than simple checklists. The
cisms of this type of research is that the focus on small de®nition of quality and its measurement are not clear
groups or single sites makes the ®ndings irrelevant outside cut. Our position is allied to that of Hammersley 37 and
the single setting studied. While these ®ndings are not Murphy et al. 38, that two issues are central to any assess-
generalisable or predictive in the statistical sense, the ment of applied qualitative research. These are validity
rigour of this piece of research and the evidence presented (the accuracy of the representation) and relevance (the
indicate that it is unlikely that these ®ndings are unique to capacity to solve important problems or answer important
this group of midwives. This conclusion is supported by questions). There are strategies for ensuring that these
previous qualitative research that has identi®ed other criteria are met in a qualitative study 39,40: these include
assumptions, such as `good' and `rubbish' patients, that the combination of methods; the incorporation of valida-
in¯uence clinical practice 28,29. tion by the respondent; and the use of multiple raters in
the indexing and analysis of data. In reporting qualitative
work it is often helpful to consider how negative cases are
Evaluating change in the organisation of care dealt with, and how divergent views are incorporated as
well as the overall honesty of the account.
Qualitative research methods can also be used to eval- None of these are easy ways of ensuring quality, and
uate changes in the organisation of care. Observational all require skill and judgment. So much of the quality of
methods have been used to evaluate a new system of qualitative research depends on the researcher, on integ-
antenatal care 30. Green et al. 31,32 used an ethnographic rity, re¯exivity and insight. Qualitative research, if
approach to assess the impact of removing the registrar performed well, can stimulate debate, inspire further
grade from the medical staf®ng structure of a number of research, and transform practice. Therein lies its worth
hospital obstetric units. The presence of a registrar did for obstetricians and gynaecologists, general practi-
affect the content of the work of other staff and the rela- tioners, nurses and midwives who care for women and
tionships between staff. Relationships between midwives their children.
and consultants tended to be closer and more respectful in
units without a registrar where both had to take on addi- Catherine Pope & Rona Campbell
tional clinical work. Senior house of®cers were, however, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, UK

q RCOG 2001 Br J Obstet Gynaecol 108, pp. 233±237


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q RCOG 2001 Br J Obstet Gynaecol 108, pp. 233±237

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